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Created November 14, 2012 06:35
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1. Introduction :
This project implements a comic viewer which adjusts the layout of the original page in order to fit the screen size.
The information of screen size will be sent by the front-end through AJAX to backend. The backend php calculates the best
layout for the current screen information by applying a dynamic programming algorithm. In addition, while adjsuting the size
of the browser, a layout re-calculation will be performed. This comic viewer supports keyboard browsing by pressing left/right
key and also has a images list in the bottom for fast switching between pages.
2. Project Structures:
|-- mviewer.html
|-- php/
| |-- allpages.php
|-- css/
| |-- main.css
|-- js/
| |-- lib/
| |-- mviewer.js
|-- img/
|-- four/
|-- layout/
* mviewer.html : comic viewer's main html file
* php/ : this DIR contains all the php suorce files
* allpages.php : comic viewer's main php file, mainly run a algorithm to determine the best layout of current screen resolution
* global.php : header file for php files, includes global variables and array initialization
* css/ : css source files, all css files are about the whole website's UI layout such as logo, font type,font size, banner color...etc.
* main.css : comic viewer's main css file, only this file need to be adjusted if you want to modify the UI of this website.
* js/ : javascript source files, the front-end features
* mviewer.js : comic viewer's main javascript file, mainly are canvas-drawing functions.
* global.js : header file for javascript files, includes global variables/website initialzation
* fullScreen.js : this file implements the full screen mode.
* imgList.js : this file implemnts a images list for fast switching between pages.
* keyBinding.js : this file implements keyboard events such as right/left arrow-keys.
* loading.js : this file implements a progress bar at the initialization and also an animated icon for image loading
* preload.js : this file implements the preload function for the comic viewer.
* reSize.js : this file implemnts the resize event for comic viewer.
* js/lib/ : all used javascript libraries such as bootsrap, jQuery...etc.
* img/ : some icons used in the website
* four/ : original comics pages (.JPG/.CSV)
* layout/ : layout files for 2,3,4,5 frames
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