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Created October 2, 2015 13:25
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Kyle Cooper WDI Week 01 Assessment
Congratulations on your first week of WDI!
At the end of certain weeks we'll assess your progress through the week's material with a series of short questions. This gives us a data set to talk about with you during one on one meetings and code reviews.
You'll be entering these questions in by hand.
Bash _ / 4
Git _ / 3
Variables _ / 5
Arrays _ / 4
Objects _ / 3
Functions _ / 2
Write your answers in the prompts in the boxes below
Imagine the following directory structure exists at ~/titanic
├── first_class
│ └──
├── second_class
└── third_class
# Imagine your present working directory is
# $ ~/titanic
# Create a file called `sos.txt` inside `titanic`.
$ touch sos.txt
# Move `` from `third_class` to `first_class`.
$ cd third_class
$ mv cd ../first_class
# Imageine your `pwd` displayed `~/titanic/third_class`. Enter the commands to
# move up to `~/titanic` and into `second_class`.
$ cd ..
$ cd second_class
# Remove `titanic/` and everything in it.
$ rm -r titanic
# Write the commands to initialize a new git repo
$ git init
# Create a new file called ``
$ touch
# Add and commit the file with the message "Initial commit"
$ git add
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
// Assign the string "Ahab" to a variable called `captain`
// var captain = "Ahab";
// Use string concatenation to form the phrase "Oh Ahab, my Ahab!"
"Oh " + captain + ", my " + captain + "!";
var a = "a";
var b = a;
a = "c"
var c = b.toUpperCase();
// What are the current values of `a`, `b`, and `c`?
// currentValueOfA == "c"
// currentValueOfB == "a"
// currentValueOfC == "A"
var souls = 3;
var lifeRafts = 2;
// Write a conditional statement that console.logs "SOS!" if there are
// more souls than life rafts.
// if (souls > lifeRafts) {
// console.log("SOS!");
// }
Data structures
// Create an array called `weekend` with just 'Friday' in it.
var weekend = ["Friday"];
// Add 'Saturday', and 'Sunday' to the array
// How would you access 'Saturday'?
// Remove 'Friday from the array'
JavaScript Objects
// Create an object literal called `brain` with a property of `energyLevel`
// that points to the number value 10
var brain = {
energyLevel : 10
// Access the value 10 within the `brain` object
// brain.energylevel;
// Add a `dream` property to the `brain` that points to the String value
// "electric sheep"
// brain.dream = "electric sheep";
// Write a function to calculate the area of a rectangle
// (the product of its length and its width).
// var area = function(length, width){
// return length * width;
// }
// Invoke the function with 3 and 4 as arguments and
// save it to a variable
// var newarea = area(3, 4);
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