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Last active July 8, 2018 21:15
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{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType, GADTs, TypeOperators #-}
module Lib where
import Data.Kind (Type)
data Cat (a :: ()) (b :: ()) where
MkCat :: Cat '() '()
class Category (k :: t -> t -> Type) where
identity :: k a a
The following instance doesn't compile:
instance Category Cat where
identity = MkCat
In order for this to typecheck, we want to ensure that
forall a. Cat a a ~ Cat '() '()
If our type language was total, we could say that
forall (a :: ()). a ~ '()
since '() is the only constructor we have of kind ().
Why does this go wrong?
type family Any :: k
'Any' is a family that takes 0 arguments, and its return kind is 'k', for all
'k'. Let's write some examples:
type Unit1 = (Any :: ())
type Unit2 = (Any Bool Char :: ())
type Unit3 = (Any Bool Any :: ())
All 3 examples have kind (), but none of them is the '() constructor, so we
can't conclude that
forall (a :: ()). a ~ '()
The 'Constrainted Type Families' paper offers the first step towards a solution
to this problem, but it requires a termination checker.
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