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Created June 5, 2018 19:26
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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module GenericN where
import Data.Kind
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Coerce
mmap :: forall a. Maybe a -> Either String a
mmap Nothing = Left "sad"
mmap (Just x) = Right x
test1 = map_k' @'[Maybe ~> Either String, Int -> String] @Either' (NatTrans mmap :> show :> HNil) (Right' 20)
--Right' "20"
test2 = map_k' @'[Maybe ~> Either String, Int -> String] @Either' (NatTrans mmap :> show :> HNil) (Left' (Just 20))
--Left' (Right "20")
type Test2 = (Doms_k '[Type -> Type, Type] '[Maybe ~> Maybe, Int -> String] :: HList '[Type -> Type, Type])
-- = Maybe ':> (Int ':> 'HNil)
data IntList1 = Empty1 | Cons1 Int IntList1
data IntPair = IntPair Int Int
data IntList2 a = Empty2 | Cons2 Int a (IntList2 a)
data T a = T a Int
deriving Generic
newtype Param1 (n :: Nat) a = Param1 a
type family Indexed1 (t :: k) (i :: Nat) :: k where
Indexed1 (t a) i = Indexed1 t (i + 1) (Param1 i a)
Indexed1 t _ = t
data Foo f = Foo (f Int)
deriving Generic
type family Param :: Nat -> k where
type family Extract (p :: k) :: Nat where
Extract (_ n) = n
type family Indexed (t :: k) (i :: Nat) :: k where
Indexed (t a) i = Indexed t (i + 1) (Param i)
Indexed t _ = t
newtype Rec (p :: Type) a x = Rec (K1 R a x)
deriving Show
type family Zip (a :: Type -> Type) (b :: Type -> Type) :: Type -> Type where
Zip (M1 mt m s) (M1 mt m t)
= M1 mt m (Zip s t)
Zip (l :+: r) (l' :+: r')
= Zip l l' :+: Zip r r'
Zip (l :*: r) (l' :*: r')
= Zip l l' :*: Zip r r'
Zip (Rec0 p) (Rec0 a)
= Rec p a
( Coercible (Rep a) (RepN a)
, Generic a
) => GenericN (a :: Type) where
type family RepN (a :: Type) :: Type -> Type
type instance RepN a = Zip (Rep (Indexed a 0)) (Rep a)
toN :: RepN a x -> a
fromN :: a -> RepN a x
( Coercible (Rep a) (RepN a)
, Generic a
) => GenericN a where
toN :: forall x. RepN a x -> a
toN = coerce (to :: Rep a x -> a)
fromN :: forall x. a -> RepN a x
fromN = coerce (from :: a -> Rep a x)
class Map (funs :: [Type]) f where
map' :: HList funs -> App f (Doms funs) -> App f (Cods funs)
data HList :: [Type] -> Type where
HNil :: HList '[]
(:>) :: a -> HList as -> HList (a ': as)
infixr 5 :>
class Lookup (i :: Nat) (p :: [Type]) (a :: Type) | p i -> a where
hlookup :: HList p -> a
instance Lookup 0 (t ': ts) t where
hlookup (c :> _) = c
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
Lookup (n - 1) ts a => Lookup n (t ': ts) a where
hlookup (_ :> cs) = hlookup @(n - 1) cs
type family Doms (t :: [Type]) :: [Type] where
Doms '[d -> _] = '[d]
Doms ((d -> _) ': xs) = d ': Doms xs
type family Cods (t :: [Type]) :: [Type] where
Cods '[_ -> c] = '[c]
Cods ((_ -> c) ': xs) = c ': Cods xs
type family App (t :: k) (ts :: [Type]) :: Type where
App t '[x] = t x
App t (x ': xs) = App (t x) xs
class Reverse xs ys | xs -> ys where
hreverse :: HList xs -> HList ys
instance Reverse '[] '[] where
hreverse = id
( Reverse xs ys
, ys' ~ (ys ++ '[x])
, Append x ys
) => Reverse (x ': xs) ys' where
hreverse (x :> xs) = happend x (hreverse @xs @ys xs)
class Append x xs where
happend :: x -> HList xs -> HList (xs ++ '[x])
instance Append x '[] where
happend x _ = x :> HNil
instance Append x xs => Append x (y ': xs) where
happend x (y :> xs) = y :> (happend x xs)
type family xs ++ ys where
'[] ++ ys = ys
(x ': xs) ++ ys = x ': (xs ++ ys)
class GMap (s :: Type -> Type) (t :: Type -> Type) (ts :: [Type]) where
gmap :: HList ts -> s x -> t x
instance GMap s t ts
=> GMap (M1 mt m s) (M1 mt m t) ts where
gmap fs (M1 m) = M1 (gmap fs m)
( GMap l l' ts
, GMap r r' ts
) => GMap (l :+: r) (l' :+: r') ts where
gmap fs (L1 l) = L1 (gmap fs l)
gmap fs (R1 r) = R1 (gmap fs r)
( GMap l l' ts
, GMap r r' ts
) => GMap (l :*: r) (l' :*: r') ts where
gmap fs (l :*: r) = gmap fs l :*: gmap fs r
instance Lookup n ts (a -> b)
=> GMap (Rec (p (n :: Nat)) a) (Rec (p n) b) ts where
gmap fs (Rec (K1 x)) = Rec (K1 (hlookup @n fs x))
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
( GenericN b
, GenericN a
, is ~ Collect s
, Adapt is ts ts'
, GMap (RepN a) (RepN b) ts'
) => GMap (Rec s a) (Rec t b) ts where
gmap fs (Rec (K1 x))
= Rec (K1 (toN $ gmap (adapt @is fs) (fromN x)))
type family Collect (a :: k) :: [Nat] where
Collect (c (p n)) = n ': Collect c
Collect (c a) = Collect c
Collect c = '[]
class Adapt (is :: [Nat]) xs ys | is xs -> ys where
adapt :: HList xs -> HList ys
instance Adapt '[] xs '[] where
adapt _ = HNil
( Lookup n xs y
, Adapt ns xs ys
) => Adapt (n ': ns) xs (y ': ys) where
adapt xs = hlookup @n xs :> adapt @ns xs
( s ~ App f (Doms funs)
, t ~ App f (Cods funs)
, GenericN s
, GenericN t
, Reverse funs funs'
, GMap (RepN s) (RepN t) funs'
) => Map funs f where
map' funs s = toN (gmap (hreverse funs) (fromN s))
class Bifunctor p where
bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
default bimap ::
Map '[a -> b, c -> d] p
=> (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
bimap f g = map' @_ @p (f :> g :> HNil)
deriving instance Bifunctor Either
data WTree a b
= Leaf a
| Leafo (a, a)
| Fork (WTree a b) (WTree a b)
| WithWeight (WTree a b) b
deriving (Generic, Bifunctor)
data Weird a b
= W1 a
| W2 a b
| W3 (Weird a b) (Weird b a)
| W4 (Weird a a) (Weird b b)
deriving (Generic, Bifunctor)
-- W4 (Weird (Weird a b) (Weird a b)) <- this diverges now
data GTree f a = GTree a (f (GTree f a))
deriving (Generic)
deriving instance (Show a, Show (f (GTree f a))) => Show (GTree f a)
gtreemap :: Functor f => (forall a. f a -> g a) -> GTree f a -> GTree g a
gtreemap f (GTree a ts) = GTree a (f (fmap (gtreemap f) ts))
type family Params' (a :: k) :: HList x where
Params' (c a) = a ':> Params' c
Params' _ = 'HNil
type family ParamKinds (a :: k) :: [Type] where
ParamKinds (f (_ :: k)) = k ': ParamKinds f
ParamKinds _ = '[]
type Params a = (Params' a :: HList (ParamKinds a))
class GMap_k (s :: Type -> Type) (t :: Type -> Type) (ts :: [Type]) where
gmap_k :: HList ts -> s x -> t x
instance GMap_k s t ts
=> GMap_k (M1 mt m s) (M1 mt m t) ts where
gmap_k fs (M1 m) = M1 (gmap_k fs m)
( GMap_k l l' ts
, GMap_k r r' ts
) => GMap_k (l :+: r) (l' :+: r') ts where
gmap_k fs (L1 l) = L1 (gmap_k fs l)
gmap_k fs (R1 r) = R1 (gmap_k fs r)
( GMap_k l l' ts
, GMap_k r r' ts
) => GMap_k (l :*: r) (l' :*: r') ts where
gmap_k fs (l :*: r) = gmap_k fs l :*: gmap_k fs r
instance Lookup n ts (f ~> g)
=> GMap_k (Rec (p n a) (f a)) (Rec (p n a) (g a)) ts where
gmap_k fs (Rec (K1 x)) = Rec (K1 (unFun (hlookup @n fs) x))
instance Lookup n ts (a -> b)
=> GMap_k (Rec (p n) a) (Rec (p n) b) ts where
gmap_k fs (Rec (K1 x)) = Rec (K1 (hlookup @n fs x))
unFun :: (f ~> g) -> f a -> g a
unFun (NatTrans t) = t
newtype f ~> g
= NatTrans (forall a. FunAt (f a) (g a))
type family FunAt (a :: k) (b :: k) :: Type where
FunAt a b = a -> b
FunAt (a :: Type -> k) b = a ~> b
data MyEither a b = MyLeft a | MyRight b
emap :: forall a b. Either a b -> MyEither a b
emap (Left a) = MyLeft a
emap (Right a) = MyRight a
-- etrans :: Either ~> MyEither -- inferred
etrans = NatTrans @Either (NatTrans emap)
data T1 a b c = T1 a b c
data T2 a b c = T2 a b c
tmap :: forall a b c. T1 a b c -> T2 a b c
tmap (T1 a b c) = T2 a b c
-- ttrans :: T1 ~> T2 -- inferred
ttrans = NatTrans @T1 (NatTrans (NatTrans tmap))
class Map_k (funs :: [Type]) f where
:: HList funs
-> App_k f (Doms_k (ParamList (KindOf f)) funs)
-> App_k f (Cods_k (ParamList (KindOf f)) funs)
( s ~ App_k f (Doms_k (ParamList (KindOf f)) funs)
, t ~ App_k f (Cods_k (ParamList (KindOf f)) funs)
, GenericN s
, GenericN t
, Reverse funs funs'
, GMap_k (RepN s) (RepN t) funs'
) => Map_k funs f where
map_k' funs s = toN (gmap_k (hreverse funs) (fromN s))
type family ParamList (k :: Type) :: [Type] where
ParamList (k -> Type) = '[k]
ParamList (k -> j) = k ': ParamList j
type family KindOf (a :: k) :: Type where
KindOf (a :: k) = k
data Either' f a = Left' (f Int) | Right' a
deriving Generic
deriving instance (Show a, Show (f Int)) => Show (Either' f a)
type family Doms_k (k :: [Type]) (fs :: [Type]) :: HList k where
Doms_k '[Type] '[d -> _] = d ':> 'HNil
Doms_k '[Type -> k] '[d ~> _] = d ':> 'HNil
Doms_k (Type ': ks) ((d -> _) ': xs) = d ':> Doms_k ks xs
Doms_k ((Type -> k) ': ks) ((d ~> _) ': xs) = d ':> Doms_k ks xs
type family Cods_k (k :: [Type]) (fs :: [Type]) :: HList k where
Cods_k '[Type] '[_ -> c] = c ':> 'HNil
Cods_k '[Type -> k] '[_ ~> c] = c ':> 'HNil
Cods_k (Type ': ks) ((_ -> c) ': xs) = c ':> Cods_k ks xs
Cods_k ((Type -> k) ': ks) ((_ ~> c) ': xs) = c ':> Cods_k ks xs
type family App_k (t :: k) (ts :: HList ks) :: Type where
App_k t (x ':> 'HNil) = t x
App_k t (x ':> xs) = App_k (t x) xs
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