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type safe printf using Text.Printf as a backend (type-level magic)
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Text.Printf.Safe where
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime, utctDay)
import Data.Time.Calendar ()
import qualified Text.Printf as Pf
data Format
= Lit Symbol
| forall (k :: *). TypeSpecifier k
| CustomSpecifier FormatSpec
data InternalFormat
= ILit Symbol
| ISpecifier Symbol
------ formatting options -----
data FormatSpec
= Hex
| Binary
| Oct
| Sci
-- fixed-kinded proxy for storing a list of Formats for printf
data Template' (f :: [Format]) = Template
-- NB: type families only seem to be polykinded when their return type
-- is also explicitly parametric?
-- We can have (Template ('Hex % Int)) or even (Template 'Hex).
type family Template (a :: k) :: k' where
Template (a :: [Format]) = Template' a
Template (a :: Format) = Template' '[a]
Template (a :: FormatSpec) = Template' '[ToFormat a]
Template (a :: *) = Template' '[ToFormat a]
Template (a :: Symbol) = Template' '[ToFormat a]
------ template composition -----
-- type-level list append
type family xs :++ ys where
'[] :++ ys = ys
(x ': xs) :++ ys = x ': (xs :++ ys)
-- composes two templates
(%) :: Template' a -> Template' b -> Template (a :++ b)
(%) _ _ = Template
-- composes two templates, and inserts a space
(<%>) :: Template' a -> Template' b -> Template (a :++ ('Lit " " ': b))
(<%>) _ _ = Template
-- Symbols (type-level strings) are the literals
-- Any * kind (hask type) can be used as a specifier
type family ToFormat (s :: k) :: Format where
ToFormat (s :: Symbol) = 'Lit s
ToFormat (c :: *) = 'TypeSpecifier c
ToFormat (c :: FormatSpec) = 'CustomSpecifier c
type family FormatType a where
FormatType 'Hex = Int
FormatType 'Binary = Int
FormatType 'Oct = Int
FormatType 'Sci = Double
------ format list -----
infixr 5 %
type family (e :: k) % (ls :: k') :: [Format] where
e % (ls :: [Format])
= (ToFormat e) ': ls
e % ls
= (ToFormat e) ': '[ToFormat ls]
type family PrintfType e where
PrintfType '[] = String
PrintfType (('Lit s) ': fs) = PrintfType fs
PrintfType (('TypeSpecifier s) ': fs) = s -> PrintfType fs
PrintfType (('CustomSpecifier s) ': fs) = FormatType s -> PrintfType fs
-- TODO: this is incomplete
-- 'Lit "asd" ==> "asd"
type family PrintfFormat e where
PrintfFormat ('Lit s)
= 'ILit s
PrintfFormat ('TypeSpecifier String)
= 'ISpecifier "%s"
PrintfFormat ('TypeSpecifier Int)
= 'ISpecifier "%d"
PrintfFormat ('TypeSpecifier Double)
= 'ISpecifier "%f"
PrintfFormat ('TypeSpecifier Char)
= 'ISpecifier "%c"
PrintfFormat ('CustomSpecifier 'Hex)
= 'ISpecifier "%x"
PrintfFormat ('CustomSpecifier 'Oct)
= 'ISpecifier "%o"
PrintfFormat ('CustomSpecifier 'Binary)
= 'ISpecifier "%b"
PrintfFormat ('CustomSpecifier 'Sci)
= 'ISpecifier "%e"
-- '["a", "b", "c"] ==> (term) "abc"
class FoldToString a where
foldToString :: proxy a -> String
instance FoldToString '[] where
foldToString _ = ""
instance (KnownSymbol x, FoldToString xs) => FoldToString ('ILit x ': xs) where
foldToString _
= curr ++ foldToString (Proxy :: Proxy xs)
where curr = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy x) >>= \case '%' -> "%%"
c -> return c
instance (KnownSymbol x, FoldToString xs) => FoldToString ('ISpecifier x ': xs) where
foldToString _
= symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy x) ++ foldToString (Proxy :: Proxy xs)
-- '[ 'Lit "asd", 'TypeSpecifier String] ==> '[ "asd", "%s"]
type family FormatList s where
FormatList '[] = '[]
FormatList (f ': fs) = PrintfFormat f ': FormatList fs
formatString :: forall x list proxy. (FormatList x ~ list, FoldToString list) =>
proxy x -> String
formatString _ = foldToString (Proxy :: Proxy list)
------ printf -----------------
printf :: forall (a :: [Format]) proxy.
(FoldToString (FormatList a), Pf.PrintfType (PrintfType a)) =>
proxy a -> PrintfType a
printf f = Pf.printf (formatString f)
------ EXAMPLES ---------------
greeter :: Show a => Template ("Hello, " % String % "! Today is " % a)
greeter = Template
four :: Show a => Template (a % ", " % a % ", " % a % ", " % a)
four = Template
one :: Show a => Template a
one = Template
-- pass arbitrary format specifier
base :: template a -> Template ("Your number: " % Int % ", formatted : " % a)
base _ = Template
-- basic combinators ----------
hex :: Template 'Hex
hex = Template
binary :: Template 'Binary
binary = Template
string :: Template String
string = Template
main :: IO ()
main = do
t <- fmap utctDay getCurrentTime
putStrLn $ printf greeter "world" (show t)
putStrLn $ printf (base hex) 512 512
putStrLn $ printf (base binary) 242 242
let val = 25234234
putStrLn $ printf (string <%> hex <%> string <%> binary) "hex:" val "binary:" val
-- same as above, but this one uses literals for strings instead of generating "%s" specifiers
putStrLn $ printf (Template :: Template ("hex: " % 'Hex % " binary: " % 'Binary)) val val
putStrLn $ printf (string <%> string) "Two" "strings"
putStrLn $ printf string "Single string"
putStrLn $ printf (Template :: Template Int) 42
putStrLn $ printf four (1 :: Double) 2 3 4
putStrLn $ printf four (1 :: Int) 2 3 4
putStrLn $ printf four "polymorphic" "typesafe" "printf" "at the type-level"
let five = one <%> one <%> one <%> one <%> one
putStrLn $ printf five "polymorphic" "composable" "typesafe" "printf" "at the type-level"
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