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Created March 5, 2013 15:54
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An AVL Tree implementation
* Project/Lab 6
* AVL Trees
* Kevin Cuzner
* CS235
* Section 4
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class AVLTree
top = NULL;
size = 0;
//traverse the tree and delete the nodes
if (this->top != NULL)
delete top;
class Node
Node(T item)
this->item = item;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
//since this node has no children by default, both heights are 0
leftHeight = 0;
rightHeight = 0;
changedFlag = true;
//avoid orphans by deleting the children of this node as well
if (this->left != NULL)
delete this->left;
if (this->right != NULL)
delete this->right;
T item;
Node* left;
Node* right;
bool changedFlag;
T getItem() { return item; }
int leftHeight;
int rightHeight;
Node* getRight() { return this->right; }
Node* getLeft() { return this->left; }
void setLeft(Node* l)
this->left = l;
if (this->left == NULL)
this->leftHeight = 0;
this->leftHeight = this->left->Height();
this->changedFlag = true; //our heights have been changed
void setRight(Node* r)
this->right = r;
if (this->right == NULL)
this->rightHeight = 0;
this->rightHeight = this->right->Height();
this->changedFlag = true; //our heights have been changed
//replaces a child in this node
void ReplaceChild(Node* oldChild, Node* newChild)
if (this->right == oldChild)
else if (this->left == oldChild)
//there was a problem...
//cout << "Problem replacing child on " << this->item << endl;
//returns the height of this node
int Height()
//check to make sure heights are updated
if (this->right != NULL)
if (this->right->changedFlag)
//update our right height
this->rightHeight = this->right->Height();
this->right->changedFlag = false; //reset the changed flag
this->rightHeight = 0;
if (this->left != NULL)
if (this->left->changedFlag)
//update our left height
this->leftHeight = this->left->Height();
this->left->changedFlag = false; //reset the changed flag
this->leftHeight = 0;
//get our height
if (leftHeight > rightHeight)
return leftHeight + 1;
return rightHeight + 1;
//returns the balance state of this node
int Balance()
if (this->left != NULL)
leftHeight = this->left->Height();
leftHeight = 0;
if (this->right != NULL)
rightHeight = this->right->Height();
rightHeight = 0;
//return balance
return this->leftHeight - this->rightHeight;
//node in a linked list queue used for printing
struct PrintNode
PrintNode(PrintNode* prev, PrintNode* nxt, Node* n, int l) :
//previous node in the list
PrintNode* previous;
//next node in the list
PrintNode* next;
//the node this points to
Node* node;
//the level on the tree this is
int level;
bool Insert(T toInsert, Node* current = NULL, Node* parent = NULL, bool left = false)
if (parent == NULL)
//this is the first iteration and so we should set this to the top
current = this->top;
if (current == NULL)
//the node gets inserted here
current = new Node(toInsert);
if (parent == NULL)
this->top = current;
if (left)
return true; //this iteration is done since our height is just fine
//continue down the tree
if (toInsert > current->getItem())
//it goes to the right
if (!Insert(toInsert, current->getRight(), current, false))
//roll the false back up the tree
return false;
//update the current item's height on the right
current->rightHeight = current->getRight()->Height();
else if (toInsert < current->getItem())
//it goes to the left
if (!Insert(toInsert, current->getLeft(), current, true))
//roll the false back up the tree
return false;
//update the current item's height on the left
current->leftHeight = current->getLeft()->Height();
//it is already in the tree
return false; //we are done with this iteration
Balance(current, parent);
return true;
bool Remove(T toRemove, Node* current = NULL, Node* parent = NULL, bool left = false)
if (parent == NULL)
current = this->top;
if (current == NULL)
//not found
return false;
//decide where to go
if (toRemove < current->getItem())
//go down the left
if (!Remove(toRemove, current->getLeft(), current, true))
return false; //roll the false back up the tree
//balance the tree
Balance(current, parent, true);
return true;
else if (toRemove > current->getItem())
//go down the right
if (!Remove(toRemove, current->getRight(), current, false))
return false;
//balance the tree
Balance(current, parent, true);
return true;
//this is the item and we need to remove it
//what is our child status?
if (current->Height() == 1)
//we are a leaf
//replace us with null in our parent
if (parent == NULL)
//we were the top...and since we were a leaf now there is no tree
top = NULL;
parent->ReplaceChild(current, NULL);
delete current;
else if (current->getLeft() == NULL)
//replace us with our right child
if (parent == NULL)
//we were the our right child will be the top
top = current->getRight();
parent->ReplaceChild(current, current->getRight());
current->setRight(NULL); //detach the child from us
delete current;
else if (current->getRight() == NULL)
//repalce us with our left child
if (parent == NULL)
//we were the our left child will be the top
top = current->getLeft();
parent->ReplaceChild(current, current->getLeft());
current->setLeft(NULL); //detach the child from us
delete current;
//both nodes are full so we will choose the smallest item in the right subtree
Node* smallest = DetachSmallest(current->getRight(), current);
//smallest will now inherit our children
//and our parent will own it
if ( parent == NULL )
//it replaces us as the top
top = smallest;
//balance the new node
Balance(smallest, NULL, true);
//it replaces us in our parentage
parent->ReplaceChild(current, smallest);
//balance the new node
Balance(smallest, parent, true);
delete current;
return true;
return true;
Node* Find(T item, Node* current = NULL, bool first = true)
if (first)
current = top;
if (current == NULL)
//it wasn't found
return NULL;
else if (item < current->getItem())
//go down the left
return Find(item, current->getLeft(), false);
else if (item > current->getItem())
//go down the right
return Find(item, current->getRight(), false);
//we found it!
return current;
//clears the tree of everything
void Clear()
//quickly clean the tree
if (this->top != NULL)
delete top;
top = NULL;
//well that was easy
//prints out the tree into a string
std::string Print()
if (this->top == NULL)
return ""; //nothing to print
stringstream sb;
//create a queue-like structure
PrintNode* front = new PrintNode(NULL, NULL, top, 0);
PrintNode* back = front;
//iterate through
int numOnLevel = 0;
int level = 0;
sb << "Level 0:";
while(front != NULL)
Node* current = front->node;
if (front->level != level)
//we are in a new level
sb << endl << "Level " << front->level << ":";
level = front->level;
numOnLevel = 0;
if (numOnLevel == 8)
//there are already 8 items on the level. Re-output the level thing and reset the counter
sb << endl << "Level " << front->level << ":";
numOnLevel = 0;
//de-queue the front
PrintNode* newFront = front->next;
if (newFront != NULL)
//this no longer has a previous node
newFront->previous = NULL;
delete front;
front = newFront; //the front is now this node
//print out this node?
sb << " " << current->getItem() << " (" << current->Height() << ")";
//enqueue its children to the back if needed
if (current->getLeft() != NULL)
if (front == NULL)
//the front is the back right now
front = back = new PrintNode(NULL, NULL, current->getLeft(), level + 1);
//the back will move along as normal
back->next = new PrintNode(back, NULL, current->getLeft(), level + 1);
back = back->next;
if (current->getRight() != NULL)
if (front == NULL)
//the front is the back right now
front = back = new PrintNode(NULL, NULL, current->getRight(), level + 1);
//the back will move along as normal
back->next = new PrintNode(back, NULL, current->getRight(), level + 1);
back = back->next;
sb << endl;
return sb.str();
Node* top;
int size;
void Balance(Node* current, Node* parent, bool removal = false)
//cout << "Balancing " << current->getItem() << " " << current->Balance() << endl;
//check for a rotational need
int balance = current->Balance();
if (balance < -1)
//it is heavy on the right side
//cout << current->getItem() << " is heavy on the right" << endl;
balance = current->getRight()->Balance();
//cout << balance << endl;
if (balance < 0)
//single left rotation is needed with the current node as the root
Node* n = RotateLeft(current);
if (parent != NULL)
//re-attach this node to what used to be the parent of the current node
parent->ReplaceChild(current, n);
//this node is the new top
this->top = n;
else if (balance > 0)
//rotate right with current->right as the root and then rotate left with current as the root
Node* n = RotateRight(current->getRight());
current->ReplaceChild(current->getRight(), n);
n = RotateLeft(current);
if (parent != NULL)
//re-attach this node to what used to be the parent of current
parent->ReplaceChild(current, n);
//this node is the new top
this->top = n;
else if (removal)
//we are removing something that has equal height grandchildren.
//current must become the left child of current->right and current->right's left child must become the right child of current
//cout << "Equal height grandchildren" << endl;
if (parent != NULL)
parent->ReplaceChild(current, current->getRight());
//replacing the top
top = current->getRight();
Node* temp = current->getRight();
else if (balance > 1)
//cout << current->getItem() << " is heavy on the left" << endl;
//it is heavy on the left side
balance = current->getLeft()->Balance();
//cout << balance << endl;
if (balance > 0)
//single right rotation is needed with the current node as the root
Node* n = RotateRight(current);
if (parent != NULL)
//re-attach this node to what used to be the parent of the current node
parent->ReplaceChild(current, n);
//this node is the new top
this->top = n;
else if (balance < 0)
//rotate left with current->right as the root and then rotate right with current as the root
Node* n = RotateLeft(current->getLeft());
current->ReplaceChild(current->getLeft(), n);
n = RotateRight(current);
if (parent != NULL)
//re-attach this node to what used to be the parent of current
parent->ReplaceChild(current, n);
//this node is the new top
this->top = n;
else if (removal)
//we are removing something that has equal height grandchildren.
//cout << "Equal height grandchildren" << endl;
if (parent != NULL)
parent->ReplaceChild(current, current->getLeft());
//replacing the top
top = current->getLeft();
Node* temp = current->getLeft();
Node* RotateLeft(Node* n)
Node* k = n->getRight();
return k;
Node* RotateRight(Node* n)
Node* k = n->getLeft();
return k;
//this will detach the smallest node in a tree and return it
Node* DetachSmallest(Node* current, Node* parent)
if (parent == NULL)
//this shouldn't ever happen...there was an error
return NULL;
//cout << "Looking at " << parent->getItem() << "'s child" << endl;
if (current == NULL)
return NULL;
//attempt to traverse our left subtree
Node* detached = DetachSmallest(current->getLeft(), current);
if (detached == NULL)
//we are the node to be detached! Our right child will replace us
parent->ReplaceChild(current, current->getRight());
if (current->getRight() != NULL)
Balance(current->getRight(), parent, true);
current->setRight(NULL); //we no longer have a right child
return current;
//someone somewhere was detached, so let's roll them up the line
//balance the tree here?
//cout << current->getItem() << "'s left is " << current->leftHeight << " and their right is " << current->rightHeight << endl;
Balance(current, parent, true);
return detached;
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