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Akka EventBus using SubchannelClassification
package event
import akka.event.ActorEventBus
import akka.event.SubchannelClassification
* classifiers for the sim event dispatch
class SimEventKind()
* events for the sim event dispatch
* @param kind
case class SimEvent(val kind: Class[_ <: SimEventKind])
* this is the event dispatch module. it will route all events published to it to all subscribers
* it uses subchannel classification to implement sub-channel subscription (i.e sub-tree subscription)
class EventDispatch extends ActorEventBus with SubchannelClassification {
import akka.util.Subclassification
import framework.{SimEventKind, SimEvent}
type Event = SimEvent
type Classifier = Class[_ <: SimEventKind]//classifier is any subclass of SimEventKind
protected implicit val subclassification = new Subclassification[Classifier] {
def isEqual(x: Classifier, y: Classifier) = x == y
def isSubclass(x: Classifier, y: Classifier) = y isAssignableFrom x
def publish(event: Event, subscriber: Subscriber){
subscriber ! event
def classify(event: Event):Classifier = {
package tests
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FunSpec}
import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers
* tests
class EventBusTest extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers with BeforeAndAfter{
describe("basic event"){
import event.EventDispatch
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
class LifeCycleEvent() extends SimEventKind
class Created() extends LifeCycleEvent
class Destroyed() extends LifeCycleEvent
implicit val system = ActorSystem("test")
val eventDispatch = new EventDispatch
it("should be received by the subscribers"){
import framework.SimEvent
val subscriber1 = inbox()
val subscriber2 = inbox()
val subscriber3 = inbox()
eventDispatch.subscribe(subscriber1.receiver, classOf[Created])// should only get Created
eventDispatch.subscribe(subscriber2.receiver, classOf[SimEventKind])//should get all subclasses of SimEventKind
eventDispatch.subscribe(subscriber3.receiver, classOf[Destroyed])//should only get Destroyed
eventDispatch.publish(new SimEvent(classOf[Created]))
//make sure subscriber1 gets the created
try { {
case s: SimEvent => { assert(s.kind === classOf[Created]) }
case _ => println("unknown message"); assert(false)
} catch { case e: TimeoutException => assert(false) }
//make sure subscriber2 gets the created
try { {
case s: SimEvent => { assert(s.kind === classOf[Created]) }
case _ => println("unknown message"); assert(false)
} catch { case e: TimeoutException => assert(false) }
//make sure subscriber3 does not get the created
try { { case _ => assert(false) }
} catch { case e: TimeoutException => assert(true) }
//publish a Destroyed
eventDispatch.publish(new SimEvent(classOf[Destroyed]))
//make sure subscriber2 does not get the Destroyed
try { { case _ => assert(false) }
} catch { case e: TimeoutException => assert(true) }
//make sure subscriber2 gets the Destroyed
try { {
case s: SimEvent => { assert(s.kind === classOf[Destroyed]) }
case _ => println("unknown message"); assert(false)
} catch { case e: TimeoutException => assert(false) }
//make sure subscriber3 gets the Destroyed
try { {
case s: SimEvent => { assert(s.kind === classOf[Destroyed]) }
case _ => println("unknown message"); assert(false)
} catch { case e: TimeoutException => assert(false) }
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kcwill2 commented Mar 15, 2013

I took me a while to sort out how to use SubchannelClassification. This worked, all of these tests pass. I'm sure I made some mistakes. Feel free to point them out...

I hope this helps someone else.

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