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Created August 27, 2012 14:07
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Calculate space wasted because of duplicate files

Calculate the space wasted by duplicate files on your Hard Drive

Sometimes (rather always), duplicate files eat up space on hardrive. If you want to compute the total space wasted by such duplicate files this utility script may come handy. fdupes is a nice utility that finds the duplicate files in the given directories. This script consumes the fdupes output and calculates the space wasted.

These steps assume *nix flavor OS (OS X/Linux) but this might work on Windows+Cygwin as well

  1. Install fdupes on your machine (verify by doing fdupes --version on Terminal)
  2. Install groovy (verify by doing groovy --version on Terminal)
  3. cd into dir where you want to install dupe_size:
    • either git clone git://
    • or download and extract zip from here
    • (optional) rename the cloned/extracted dir to a more friendly name
  4. cd into the directory that you just cloned/extracted/renamed
  5. run ./ "dir1" "dir2" ... "dirN" (script may take some time depending on the size of input directories, have some patience)

Warning: don't try to run the command from any directory than the one in which you installed it. It assumes groovy script in the directory from where the command is issued.

groovy parse_fdupes_out.groovy $FDUPES_OUTPUT_FILE
def test_mode = false // switch test mode on/off here
def size_required = 0, size_overhead = 0, total_files = 0, repeated_files=0
def each_file_size = 0, files_count = 0, duplicates_count=0
def process = { fdupes_output ->
fdupes_output.eachLine { line ->
def matcher = (line=~/(^\d+)/) // line starts with a number
if (matcher.find()){ // if line starts with number
each_file_size = // thats the size
} else if (line) { // if line has some text
} else if (files_count>0) { // only compute if files are accumulated
size_required += each_file_size
total_files += files_count
duplicates_count = (files_count)?(files_count - 1):0
repeated_files += duplicates_count
size_overhead += each_file_size * (duplicates_count)
files_count = each_file_size = 0
if (test_mode) {
println "running in test mode"
} else if(args){
process(new File (args[0]).text)
} else {
println "please pass fdupes output file name"
def df = new java.text.DecimalFormat()
println """
what's stored is : ${df.format(size_overhead + size_required)} bytes in ${total_files} files
could've beend stored in just : ${df.format(size_required)} bytes in ${total_files - repeated_files} files
how much is repeated : ${df.format(size_overhead)} bytes in ${repeated_files} files
/// testing the logic
def testText(){
1000 some text
filename 1
filename 2
filename 3
if (test_mode) {
assert repeated_files == 3
assert size_overhead == 4000
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kdabir commented May 20, 2013

With dupes_size I found out:

kunal@kaydee $ ./ ~/Music

what's stored is               : 2,135,181,036 bytes in 402 files
could've beend stored in just  : 1,035,225,080 bytes in 194 files
how much is repeated           : 1,099,955,956 bytes in 208 files

I can see I am wasting 1 GB of space in just 6,000 songs.

All I needed to do was fudpes -r -d . in my ~/Music to clean it up

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