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Created May 1, 2020 14:45
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Semi-annual report for AMP-AD
title: "AMP-AD Semi-Annual Report"
author: "Kenneth Daily"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE,
message = FALSE,
warning = FALSE)
keep_cols <- c('id','DATE','TIMESTAMP',
# First, download from S3 or other location the files needed to this directory
data_dir <- "/tmp/usagestats"
download_file <- glue::glue("{data_dir}/another-syn2580853-20190601-20191201-download.csv")
filedownloadrecord_file <- glue::glue("{data_dir}/another-syn2580853-20190601-20191201-filedownloadrecord.csv")
# download_file <- glue::glue("{data_dir}/syn2580853_20181201-20190601-download.csv")
# filedownloadrecord_file <- glue::glue("{data_dir}/syn2580853_20181201-20190601-filedownloadrecord.csv")
```{r readdata}
download_data <- read_csv(download_file) %>%
fdr_data <- read_csv(filedownloadrecord_file) %>%
select(one_of(keep_cols)) %>%
mutate(recordType = 'download')
# Combine download and fdr data
query_data <- rbind(download_data, fdr_data) %>%
distinct() %>%
mutate(id = paste0("syn", id),
userId = as.character(userId),
quarter = lubridate::quarter(DATE),
year = lubridate::year(DATE),
quarteryear = glue::glue("{year} Q{quarter}"))
team_order <- c(3320424, 273957)
user_list <- processTeamMemberList(team_order)
all_users <- getQueryUserProfiles(query_data,
useTeamGrouping = TRUE,
userList = user_list)
query_data <- query_data %>%
left_join(., all_users)
query_data_single <- query_data # %>%
# group_by(id, userId) %>%
# slice(1) %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# All data files in this file view are the ones we're interested in
file_view_id <- "syn11346063"
file_view_res <- synTableQuery(glue::glue("SELECT id,study from {file_view_id}"))
file_view_df <- file_view_res$asDataFrame() %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
select(id, study)
query_data_annotated <- dplyr::left_join(query_data_single,
file_view_df, by = "id")
# Test here for number of entities without a study annotated
# query_data_annotated %>% filter( %>% summarize(n=n_distinct(id))
query_data_annotated_filtered <- query_data_annotated %>%
res <- query_data_annotated %>%
count(teamName) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "teamName", values_from = "n")
prop_ampad <- res$`AMP-AD Consortium` / (res$`AMP-AD Consortium` + res$`Registered Synapse User`)
## Summary
query_data_annotated %>%
summarize(nrecords = n(), nusers = n_distinct(userId), nfiles = n_distinct(id),
min_date = min(DATE), max_date = max(DATE))
query_data_annotated_filtered %>%
summarize(nrecords = n(), nusers = n_distinct(userId), nfiles = n_distinct(id),
min_date = min(DATE), max_date = max(DATE))
Between `r min(query_data_annotated$dateGrouping)` and `r max(query_data_annotated$dateGrouping)` there are:
- `r nrow(query_data_annotated)` downloads.
- `r round(prop_ampad, digits = 2) * 100`% are from the AMP-AD Consortium.
## Downloads by study
bystudy <- query_data_annotated %>%
group_by(study) %>%
summarize(`Users` = n_distinct(userId),
Downloads = n(),
Files = n_distinct(id)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(`Downloads Per File`=Downloads / Files) %>%
select(Study = study, Files, Users, Downloads, `Downloads Per File`) %>%
DT::datatable(options = list(pageLength = 75,
lengthChange = FALSE))
query_data_annotated %>%
group_by(dateGrouping) %>%
summarize(Downloads = n(), Users=n_distinct(userId))
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