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Created November 11, 2022 18:29
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Install Nerd Fonts with Homebrew
# Nerd Fonts for your IDE
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-3270-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-fira-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-inconsolata-go-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-inconsolata-lgc-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-inconsolata-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-monofur-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-overpass-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-ubuntu-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-agave-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-arimo-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-anonymice-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-aurulent-sans-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-bigblue-terminal-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-bitstream-vera-sans-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-blex-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-caskaydia-cove-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-code-new-roman-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-cousine-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-daddy-time-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-dejavu-sans-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-droid-sans-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-fantasque-sans-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-fira-code-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-go-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-gohufont-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-hack-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-hasklug-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-heavy-data-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-hurmit-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-im-writing-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-iosevka-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-jetbrains-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-lekton-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-liberation-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-meslo-lg-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-monoid-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-mononoki-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-mplus-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-noto-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-open-dyslexic-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-profont-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-proggy-clean-tt-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-roboto-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-sauce-code-pro-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-shure-tech-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-space-mono-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-terminess-ttf-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-tinos-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-ubuntu-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-victor-mono-nerd-font
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