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Created October 26, 2021 17:44
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This file is responsible for taking a font file (E.g ttf) and creating a texture bitmap containing all the requested glyphs at the desired size. This texture is then sampled by the vulkan engine to render text to screen
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
// Copyright (c) 2021 Keith Chambers
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
// of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
// NOTE: This snippet is taken from
// This file is responsible for taking a font file (E.g ttf) and creating a texture bitmap containing all the
// requested glyphs at the desired size. This texture is then sampled by the vulkan engine to render text to screen
#include "text.h"
static bool mapCharTextureToMesh(FontBitmap& font_bitmap, const char c, glm::vec2* start_texture_map, uint16_t texture_map_stride);
static void printGlyphInformation(FT_GlyphSlot glyph);
static void createRectMesh(uint16_t * indices, glm::vec2 * vertices, uint16_t vertices_stride_bytes, uint16_t start_vertex_index, float x, float y, float height, float width);
inline double signedNormalizePixelPosition(const uint32_t position_pixels, const uint32_t length_pixels)
assert(position_pixels <= length_pixels);
assert(length_pixels != 0);
double result = static_cast<double>(position_pixels) / length_pixels;
result *= 2;
result -= 1.0;
return result;
inline double unsignedNormalizePixelPosition(const uint32_t position_pixels, const uint32_t length_pixels)
assert(position_pixels <= length_pixels);
assert(length_pixels != 0);
return static_cast<double>(position_pixels) / length_pixels;
static bool mapCharTextureToMesh(FontBitmap& font_bitmap, const char c, glm::vec2* start_texture_map, uint16_t texture_map_stride)
float x_pos_norm = std::get<1>(font_bitmap.char_data[c]).x;
float y_pos_norm = std::get<1>(font_bitmap.char_data[c]).y;
float width_norm = static_cast<float>(unsignedNormalizePixelPosition(std::get<0>(font_bitmap.char_data[c]).width, font_bitmap.texture_width));
float height_norm = static_cast<float>(unsignedNormalizePixelPosition(std::get<0>(font_bitmap.char_data[c]).height, font_bitmap.texture_height));
uint8_t * byte_pos = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(start_texture_map);
*reinterpret_cast<glm::vec2 *>(byte_pos) = {x_pos_norm, y_pos_norm + height_norm}; // Top, left
*reinterpret_cast<glm::vec2 *>(byte_pos + (texture_map_stride * 1)) = {x_pos_norm + width_norm, y_pos_norm + height_norm}; // Top, right
*reinterpret_cast<glm::vec2 *>(byte_pos + (texture_map_stride * 2)) = {x_pos_norm + width_norm, y_pos_norm}; // Bottom, right
*reinterpret_cast<glm::vec2 *>(byte_pos + (texture_map_stride * 3)) = {x_pos_norm, y_pos_norm}; // Bottom, left
return true;
bool instanciateFontBitmap(FontBitmap& outFontBitmap, FT_Face& face, const char * uniqueCharsString, uint16_t textureWidthCells, uint16_t cellSize )
if(! setupBitmapForCharacterSet(outFontBitmap, textureWidthCells, cellSize, strlen(uniqueCharsString)) ) {
return false;
while(*uniqueCharsString != '\0')
if(! FontBitmap::instanciate_char_bitmap(outFontBitmap, face, *(uniqueCharsString)) ) {
return false;
return true;
bool FontBitmap::instanciate_char_bitmap(FontBitmap& font_bitmap, FT_Face& face, const char c)
if(font_bitmap.char_data.count(c) != 0) {
puts("Charactor already found in bitmap");
return false;
if(FT_Load_Char(face, c, FT_LOAD_RENDER)) {
puts("Failed to load charactor");
return false;
uint16_t bitmap_width = face->glyph->bitmap.width;
uint16_t bitmap_height = face->glyph->bitmap.rows;
assert(font_bitmap.cell_size != 0);
uint16_t width_cells = font_bitmap.texture_width / font_bitmap.cell_size;
if(font_bitmap.current_x_cell >= width_cells) {
font_bitmap.current_x_cell = 0;
uint16_t x_pixel_pos = font_bitmap.current_x_cell * font_bitmap.cell_size;
uint16_t y_pixel_pos = font_bitmap.current_y_cell * font_bitmap.cell_size;
RGBA_8UNORM * current_pixel = font_bitmap.bitmap_data + (font_bitmap.texture_width * y_pixel_pos) + x_pixel_pos;
assert(font_bitmap.texture_width > bitmap_width);
uint16_t texture_width = font_bitmap.texture_width;
uint16_t src_y_index;
for(uint16_t y = 0; y < bitmap_height; y++)
src_y_index = bitmap_height - y - 1; // y is flipped for loaded bitmap
for(uint16_t x = 0; x < bitmap_width; x++)
(current_pixel + (y * texture_width) + x)->r = 255 - *(face->glyph->bitmap.buffer + (src_y_index * bitmap_width) + x);
(current_pixel + (y * texture_width) + x)->g = 255 - *(face->glyph->bitmap.buffer + (src_y_index * bitmap_width) + x);
(current_pixel + (y * texture_width) + x)->b = 255 - *(face->glyph->bitmap.buffer + (src_y_index * bitmap_width) + x);
(current_pixel + (y * texture_width) + x)->a = *(face->glyph->bitmap.buffer + (src_y_index * bitmap_width) + x);
assert(font_bitmap.texture_width != 0);
assert(font_bitmap.texture_height != 0);
// Calculate normalized coordinates
float norm_x = static_cast<float>(unsignedNormalizePixelPosition(font_bitmap.current_x_cell * font_bitmap.cell_size, font_bitmap.texture_width));
float norm_y = static_cast<float>(unsignedNormalizePixelPosition(font_bitmap.current_y_cell * font_bitmap.cell_size, font_bitmap.texture_height));
FT_Long face_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, c); // face->face_index;
int16_t relative_baseline = ((face->glyph->metrics.height >> 6) - face->glyph->bitmap_top) * 0.85;
int16_t horizontal_advance = face->glyph->advance.x;
font_bitmap.char_data.insert({ c, { { bitmap_width, bitmap_height, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(current_pixel), relative_baseline, horizontal_advance, face_index }, // CharBitmap
{ norm_x, norm_y } }}); // NormalizedPosition
return true;
bool setupBitmapForCharacterSet( FontBitmap& font_bitmap,
uint16_t texture_width_cells,
uint16_t cell_size,
uint16_t num_charactors)
font_bitmap.current_x_cell = 0;
font_bitmap.current_y_cell = 0;
font_bitmap.texture_width = texture_width_cells * cell_size;
font_bitmap.texture_height = ((num_charactors / texture_width_cells) + 1) * cell_size;
font_bitmap.cell_size = cell_size;
font_bitmap.bitmap_data = nullptr;
uint32_t allocation_amount = font_bitmap.texture_width * font_bitmap.texture_height * 4;
font_bitmap.bitmap_data = (RGBA_8UNORM *) malloc( allocation_amount );
memset(font_bitmap.bitmap_data, 0, allocation_amount);
return true;
inline void createRectMesh(uint16_t * indices, glm::vec2 * vertices, uint16_t vertices_stride_bytes, uint16_t start_vertex_index, float x, float y, float height, float width)
uint8_t * data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(vertices);
*reinterpret_cast<glm::vec2 *>( (data + (0 * vertices_stride_bytes)) ) = {x, y}; // Top left
*reinterpret_cast<glm::vec2 *>( (data + (1 * vertices_stride_bytes)) ) = {x + width, y}; // Top right
*reinterpret_cast<glm::vec2 *>( (data + (2 * vertices_stride_bytes)) ) = {x + width, y + height}; // Bottom right
*reinterpret_cast<glm::vec2 *>( (data + (3 * vertices_stride_bytes)) ) = {x, y + height}; // Bottom left
*(indices + 0) = start_vertex_index;
*(indices + 1) = start_vertex_index + 1;
*(indices + 2) = start_vertex_index + 2;
*(indices + 3) = start_vertex_index;
*(indices + 4) = start_vertex_index + 2;
*(indices + 5) = start_vertex_index + 3;
void printGlyphInformation(FT_GlyphSlot glyph)
printf("Width: %d\n", glyph->bitmap.width);
printf("Rows: %d\n", glyph->bitmap.rows);
printf("Left: %d\n", glyph->bitmap_left);
printf("Top: %d\n", glyph->bitmap_top);
printf("X: %ld\n", glyph->advance.x);
printf("Y: %ld\n", glyph->advance.y);
void updateAddVertexPositions( glm::vec2 * vertices,
uint32_t numberVertices,
uint32_t verticesStrideBytes,
float addToX,
float addToY )
while(numberVertices-- != 0)
vertices->y += addToY;
vertices->x += addToX;
// Move forward by stride
vertices = reinterpret_cast<glm::vec2 *>( reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(vertices) + verticesStrideBytes );
void updateMultVertexPositions( glm::vec2 * vertices,
uint32_t numberVertices,
uint32_t verticesStrideBytes,
float multByX,
float multByY )
while(numberVertices-- != 0)
vertices->x /= multByX;
vertices->y /= multByY;
// Move forward by stride
vertices = reinterpret_cast<glm::vec2 *>( reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(vertices) + verticesStrideBytes );
void generateTextMeshes( uint16_t * indices,
glm::vec2 * vertices,
uint16_t vertices_stride_bytes,
uint16_t start_vertex_index,
FontBitmap& font_bitmap,
glm::vec2 * texture_map_start,
uint16_t texture_map_stride,
std::string& text,
uint16_t start_x,
uint16_t start_y)
float x_pos = static_cast<float>(signedNormalizePixelPosition(start_x, vconfig::INITIAL_WINDOW_WIDTH));
float y_pos = static_cast<float>(signedNormalizePixelPosition(start_y, vconfig::INITIAL_WINDOW_HEIGHT));
float norm_line_spacing = static_cast<float>(unsignedNormalizePixelPosition(TEXT_LINE_SPACING, vconfig::INITIAL_WINDOW_HEIGHT));
double max_width_point = static_cast<double>(x_pos) + unsignedNormalizePixelPosition(MAX_LINE_WIDTH, vconfig::INITIAL_WINDOW_WIDTH);
float face_width;
float face_height;
uint16_t current_text_index = 0;
for(char c : text)
CharBitmap char_data = std::get<0>(font_bitmap.char_data[c]);
face_width = static_cast<float>(unsignedNormalizePixelPosition(char_data.width, vconfig::INITIAL_WINDOW_WIDTH));
face_height = static_cast<float>(unsignedNormalizePixelPosition(char_data.height, vconfig::INITIAL_WINDOW_HEIGHT));
float norm_relative_baseline = unsignedNormalizePixelPosition(std::get<0>(font_bitmap.char_data[c]).relative_baseline, vconfig::INITIAL_WINDOW_WIDTH);
int16_t relative_kearning_offset = char_data.horizontal_advance / 70;
createRectMesh(indices, vertices, vertices_stride_bytes, start_vertex_index, x_pos, y_pos + (norm_relative_baseline * 1.8) - face_height, face_height, face_width);
start_vertex_index += 4;
indices += 6;
vertices = reinterpret_cast<glm::vec2 *>( reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(vertices) + (4 * vertices_stride_bytes) );
mapCharTextureToMesh(font_bitmap, c, texture_map_start, texture_map_stride);
uint8_t * byte_pos = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(texture_map_start);
// Move texture mapping array pointer forward
byte_pos += texture_map_stride * 4;
texture_map_start = reinterpret_cast<glm::vec2 *>(byte_pos);
// TODO: You're gonna need the advance, kearning, etc. Monospace atm
x_pos += static_cast<float>(unsignedNormalizePixelPosition(TEXT_SPACING + relative_kearning_offset, vconfig::INITIAL_WINDOW_WIDTH));
if(x_pos > max_width_point)
x_pos = max_width_point - static_cast<float>(unsignedNormalizePixelPosition(MAX_LINE_WIDTH, vconfig::INITIAL_WINDOW_WIDTH));
y_pos += norm_line_spacing;
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