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Created June 23, 2020 10:00
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Example of custom TSOA template to create separate express servers
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
{{#if canImportByAlias}}
import { Controller, ValidationService, FieldErrors, ValidateError, TsoaRoute, HttpStatusCodeLiteral, TsoaResponse } from 'tsoa';
import { Controller, ValidationService, FieldErrors, ValidateError, TsoaRoute, HttpStatusCodeLiteral, TsoaResponse } from '../../../src';
{{#each controllers}}
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
import { {{name}} } from '{{modulePath}}';
{{#if authenticationModule}}
import { expressAuthentication } from '{{authenticationModule}}';
{{#if iocModule}}
import { iocContainer } from '{{iocModule}}';
import * as express from 'express';
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
const models: TsoaRoute.Models = {
{{#each models}}
"{{@key}}": {
{{#if enums}}
"dataType": "refEnum",
"enums": {{{json enums}}},
{{#if properties}}
"dataType": "refObject",
"properties": {
{{#each properties}}
"{{@key}}": {{{json this}}},
"additionalProperties": {{{json additionalProperties}}},
{{#if type}}
"dataType": "refAlias",
"type": {{{json type}}},
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
const validationService = new ValidationService(models);
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
{{#each controllers}}
export function Register{{name}}Routes(app: express.Express) {
// ###########################################################################################################
// NOTE: If you do not see routes for all of your controllers in this file, then you might not have informed tsoa of where to look
// Please look into the "controllerPathGlobs" config option described in the readme:
// ###########################################################################################################
{{#each actions}}
{{#if security.length}}
authenticateMiddleware({{json security}}),
function (request: any, response: any, next: any) {
const args = {
{{#each parameters}}
{{@key}}: {{{json this}}},
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
let validatedArgs: any[] = [];
try {
validatedArgs = getValidatedArgs(args, request, response);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
{{#if ../../iocModule}}
const controller: any = iocContainer.get<{{../name}}>({{../name}});
if (typeof controller['setStatus'] === 'function') {
const controller = new {{../name}}();
const promise = controller.{{name}}.apply(controller, validatedArgs as any);
promiseHandler(controller, promise, response, next);
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
function getValidatedArgs(args: any, request: any, response: any): any[] {
const fieldErrors: FieldErrors = {};
const values = Object.keys(args).map((key) => {
const name = args[key].name;
switch (args[key].in) {
case 'request':
return request;
case 'query':
return validationService.ValidateParam(args[key], request.query[name], name, fieldErrors, undefined, {{{json minimalSwaggerConfig}}});
case 'path':
return validationService.ValidateParam(args[key], request.params[name], name, fieldErrors, undefined, {{{json minimalSwaggerConfig}}});
case 'header':
return validationService.ValidateParam(args[key], request.header(name), name, fieldErrors, undefined, {{{json minimalSwaggerConfig}}});
case 'body':
return validationService.ValidateParam(args[key], request.body, name, fieldErrors, undefined, {{{json minimalSwaggerConfig}}});
case 'body-prop':
return validationService.ValidateParam(args[key], request.body[name], name, fieldErrors, 'body.', {{{json minimalSwaggerConfig}}});
case 'res':
return responder(response);
if (Object.keys(fieldErrors).length > 0) {
throw new ValidateError(fieldErrors, '');
return values;
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
function returnHandler(response: any, statusCode?: number, data?: any, headers: any = {}) {
Object.keys(headers).forEach((name: string) => {
response.set(name, headers[name]);
if (data && typeof data.pipe === 'function' && data.readable && typeof data._read === 'function') {
} else if (data || data === false) { // === false allows boolean result
response.status(statusCode || 200).json(data);
} else {
response.status(statusCode || 204).end();
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
function responder(response: any): TsoaResponse<HttpStatusCodeLiteral, unknown> {
return function(status, data, headers) {
returnHandler(response, status, data, headers);
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
function isController(object: any): object is Controller {
return 'getHeaders' in object && 'getStatus' in object && 'setStatus' in object;
function promiseHandler(controllerObj: any, promise: any, response: any, next: any) {
return Promise.resolve(promise)
.then((data: any) => {
let statusCode;
let headers;
if (isController(controllerObj)) {
headers = controllerObj.getHeaders();
statusCode = controllerObj.getStatus();
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
returnHandler(response, statusCode, data, headers)
.catch((error: any) => next(error));
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
{{#if useSecurity}}
function authenticateMiddleware(security: TsoaRoute.Security[] = []) {
return (request: any, _response: any, next: any) => {
let responded = 0;
let success = false;
const succeed = function(user: any) {
if (!success) {
success = true;
request['user'] = user;
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
const fail = function(error: any) {
if (responded == security.length && !success) {
error.status = error.status || 401;
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
for (const secMethod of security) {
if (Object.keys(secMethod).length > 1) {
let promises: Promise<any>[] = [];
for (const name in secMethod) {
promises.push(expressAuthentication(request, name, secMethod[name]));
.then((users) => { succeed(users[0]); })
} else {
for (const name in secMethod) {
expressAuthentication(request, name, secMethod[name])
// WARNING: This file was auto-generated with tsoa. Please do not modify it. Re-run tsoa to re-generate this file:
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