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Created September 29, 2022 13:45
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  • Save kdembler/6169ef6bc0a64913ed1bae63089bbd0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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appName: 'Atlas' # Application name - used in the copy throughout the app, in index.html, open graph meta tags, etc
appTwitterId: '@JoystreamDAO' # Twitter handle for the app - used in open graph meta tags in HTML
appUrl: '' # URL at which the app is hosted - used in open graph meta tags in HTML
pioneerMemberUrlPrefix: '' # URL prefix for Pioneer member profile page - used to link to member details
joystreamLandingPageUrl: '' # URL for Joystream landing page - used in the footer and in "Learn more" links
joystreamDiscordUrl: '' # URL for Joystream Discord - used for support when errors occur
atlasGithubUrl: '' # URL for Atlas GitHub repository - used in the footer
assetResponseTimeout: 20000 # Timeout for asset response in ms - after this timeout, different distributor will be tried
assetUploadStatusPollingInterval: 2000 # Interval for polling asset upload status in ms - polling begins once asset is uploaded and is finished once QN reports the asset as accepted
uploadProcessingTimeout: 60000 # Timeout for processing uploaded asset in ms - after this timeout, upload will be considered failed
minimumDistributorRefetchTime: 1000 # Minimum time before refetching distributors list in ms - refetching is done if certain bag is not found on any distributor
channelBagPrefix: 'dynamic:channel:' # Prefix for channel bag ID - used to create a unique bag ID for each channel
uploadPath: 'api/v1/files' # Path to Storage Node upload endpoint
assetPath: 'api/v1/assets' # Path to Distributor Node asset endpoint
currencyTicker: 'tJOY' # Ticker for the currency used in the app - used in the copy throughout the app
'Jsgenesis (Europe/UK)': 'wss://'
'Jsgenesis (US/East)': 'wss://'
'Local': 'ws://localhost:9944'
auctionMinimumBidStepMultiplier: 0.02 # Multiplier for the auction's starting price used to determine auction's minimum bid step. See more:
openAuctionBidLockDuration: 300 # Number of blocks for which bids on open auctions are locked from withdrawal. See more:
englishAuctionExtensionPeriod: 5 # Number of blocks from the auction's end during which auction will be extended if a bid is placed. See more:
statusPollingInterval: 20000 # Interval for polling NFT status on VideoView in ms
pollingInterval: 30000 # Interval for polling notifications in ms
playbackRates: [2, 1.5, 1.25, 1, 0.5, 0.25] # Playback rates available in the player
comments: # List of available reactions to comments
reactions: # Map of reaction ID to reaction name and an emoji
emoji: '👍'
name: 'like'
emoji: '❤️'
name: 'love'
emoji: '😂'
name: 'laugh'
emoji: '🤯'
name: 'shock'
emoji: '😠'
name: 'anger'
blockedDataObjectIds: [] # Array of data object IDs that should be blocked from being displayed in the app
blockedVideoIds: [] # Array of video IDs that should be blocked from being displayed in the app
blockedChannelIds: [] # Array of channel IDs that should be blocked from being displayed in the app
categories: # List of display categories to be used in the app. Those are local to the application and are related to metaprotocol categories via 'videoCategories' array.
- id: '1' # Local category ID
name: 'Music' # Display name of the category
color: '#D92E61' # Color used in the UI for this category
iconUrl: '...' # URL for category icon SVG
coverImgUrl: '...' # URL for category cover image
videoCategories: ['1', '2'] # List of metaprotocol category IDs that should be included in this display category
languages: # List of languages to be used in the app. Those will be used when setting video's language, for adding subtitles, etc.
- isoCode: ar
name: Arabic
- isoCode: zh
name: Chinese
- isoCode: en
name: English
- isoCode: fr
name: French
- isoCode: de
name: German
- isoCode: ja
name: Japanese
- isoCode: ms
name: Malay
- isoCode: pt
name: Portuguese
- isoCode: ru
name: Russian
- isoCode: st
name: Spanish
- isoCode: am
name: Amharic
- isoCode: bn
name: Bengali
- isoCode: bg
name: Bulgarian
- isoCode: hr
name: Croatian
- isoCode: cs
name: Czech
- isoCode: da
name: Danish
- isoCode: dv
name: Dutch
- isoCode: et
name: Estonian
- isoCode: fj
name: Filipino
- isoCode: fi
name: Finnish
- isoCode: de
name: Greek
- isoCode: ha
name: Hausa
- isoCode: he
name: Hebrew
- isoCode: hu
name: Hungarian
- isoCode: ga
name: Irish
- isoCode: it
name: Italian
- isoCode: ko
name: Korean
- isoCode: lo
name: Lao
- isoCode: lv
name: Latvian
- isoCode: lt
name: Lithuanian
- isoCode: mt
name: Maltese
- isoCode: pl
name: Polish
- isoCode: pt
name: Punjabi
- isoCode: qu
name: Romanian
- isoCode: sk
name: Slovak
- isoCode: sl
name: Slovenian
- isoCode: sw
name: Swahili
- isoCode: sv
name: Swedish
- isoCode: ta
name: Tamil
- isoCode: th
name: Thai
- isoCode: tr
name: Turkish
- isoCode: ur
name: Urdu
- isoCode: vi
name: Vietnamese
- isoCode: yo
name: Yoruba
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mochet commented Sep 29, 2022

appUrl should really be multiplied to have appUrl1, 1appUrl2, appUrl3.
3 feels sensible, 5 would be optimal (for the largest apps)

This would allow apps to very easily add links to marketplaces like Google etc:

As well as any other unknown appstore/future use links.

This is good to have as it prevents the problem of Twitter account having only one link and many people ending up utilizing services such as Link Tree:

When it comes to TV, smartphone, PC, embedded computer, NUC and other users, this really would allow us to turbocharge the UX and a user could easily "show all links for x platform" and understand compatibility very easily.

The field should also have a description field, such as "Our app on Google App Store" or similar to aid with discoverability.

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kdembler commented Oct 1, 2022

May I suggest to add blockedCategories has well? 🤔

So the idea is that this will be already handled via content.categories - we are currently making those changes but the goal is for the app to show content only from those define categories, so effectively work as a whitelist

appUrl should really be multiplied to have appUrl1, 1appUrl2, appUrl3.

That would be a separate feature. Not saying it's not needed as an enhancement, but the current purpose of that field is a bit different. We use it to generate dynamic <meta> tags for specific views that support rich linking. So for example, you go to a certain video, and this URL will be used to construct meta tags like embedded URL, etc. We probably could get rid of it and just use the current domain instead.

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