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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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'''USAGE: "command -l parameter" [options]
This script submits your one line command as a job to the pbs job scheduler.
import subprocess as s
import sys
import argparse
def submitjob(job_name, command, subtype = "qsub", walltime = "10:00:00", cput = "10:00:00", pm = "nodes=1:ppn=1:mem=2gb", mailto = "", afterok = "", verbose = False):
'''USAGE: submitjob('my_job', 'echo "hello world!"')
This function submits a job to the pbs job scheduler. You may need to alter the job_string as your pbs implementation requires.
job_string = """#!/bin/bash
#PBS -N {0}
#PBS -l walltime={1}
#PBS -l {2}
#PBS -l cput={4}
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -o ./{0}.$PBS_JOBID.pbsout
#PBS -q first
#PBS -m abe {5}
echo "ncpus-2.pbs"
qstat -f $PBS_JOBID
NCPUS=`wc -l $PBS_NODEFILE | awk '{{print $1}}'`
echo "qsub working directory absolute is"
exit""".format(job_name, walltime, pm, command, cput, mailto, aok="#PBS -W depend=afterok:%s" %(afterok) if afterok != "" else "")
# Send job_string to qsub
p = s.Popen(subtype, stdin=s.PIPE, stdout=s.PIPE, stderr=s.STDOUT)
out, err = p.communicate(job_string)
# Print your job and the response to the screen
if verbose:
print job_string
print out
#returns job ID
return out.split(".")[0]
#class MyParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
# def error(self, message):
# sys.stderr.write('error: %s\n' % message)
# self.print_help()
# sys.exit(2)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Quickly submit jobs to pbs. Submit multiple, dependent jobs at once using ;; as the separator.')
#parser = MyParser()
parser.add_argument('cmd', nargs='+')
parser.add_argument('--walltime', default="1:00:00", help='how long the job should run in wall time')
parser.add_argument('--cput', default="1:00:00", help='how long the job should run in cpu time')
parser.add_argument('--pm', default="nodes=1:ppn=1,mem=2gb", help='processors and memory limits in the form of nodes=1:ppn=1,mem=2gb')
parser.add_argument('--mailto', default="", help='email address to which job status should be sent')
parser.add_argument('--afterok', default="", help='run this job after JOBID has completed successfully')
parser.add_argument('--jobname', default="", help='name of your job')
if len(sys.argv)==1:
args = parser.parse_args()
joblist = []
#print args
cmd = " ".join(args.cmd)
cmdlist = []
cmdlist = cmd.split(";;")
afterok = args.afterok
for com in cmdlist:
print "submitting command: ", com
joblist.append(submitjob(job_name = args.jobname if args.jobname !="" else cmd.split()[0], command = com, walltime = args.walltime, cput = args.cput, pm =, mailto = args.mailto, afterok = afterok))
print "Job id(s) ", joblist
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