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Created August 15, 2015 13:04
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# given a sequence find kmers of a given length that occur equal to t or more
# times in a given length of window in the sequence
from collections import deque
def kmer_frequency(text, k, window, thresh=3):
counts = dict()
kmers = deque()
for w in range(len(text)-window+1):
win = text[w:w+window]
freqs = set()
if w == 0:
for i in range(len(win)-k+1):
word = win[i:i+k]
counts[word] = counts.get(word, 0) + 1
if counts[word] >= thresh:
word = win[-k:]
counts[word] = counts.get(word, 0) + 1
word_to_rm = kmers.popleft()
counts[word_to_rm] -= 1
if counts[word_to_rm] == 0:
counts.pop(word_to_rm, None)
if counts[word] >= thresh:
yield freqs
with open("E-coli.txt", "r") as myfile:
text ='\n', '')
# text = raw_input('Paste sequence: ')
k = raw_input('Paste kmer size: ')
L = raw_input('Paste length of window: ')
t = raw_input('Paste the min num times a kmer should be seen: ')
lenk = int(k)
window = int(L)
times = int(t)
uniq = set()
for freqs in kmer_frequency(text, lenk, window, times):
print len(uniq)
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