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Created February 24, 2014 06:56
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Creating objects with methods in PowerShell - Part 2
# Code from my blog entry at
$myObj1 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{Prop1 = "1"; Prop2 = 2}
$myObj2 = [pscustomobject]@{Prop1 = "1"; Prop2 = 2}
$myObj2 | Get-Member
$myObj2.Prop1 = 42
$myObj2 | Get-Member
$myObj3 = New-Module -ScriptBlock {
[string]$Prop1 = "1"
[int]$Prop2 = 2
Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Variable *
} -AsCustomObject
$myObj3 | Get-Member
$myObj3.Prop2 = "Does this work?"
$myBook = New-Module -ScriptBlock {
[string]$Title = ""
[string]$Author = ""
[int]$NumberSold = 0
[System.Nullable``1[[System.DateTime]]]$DatePublished = $null
Function WriteSummary() {
"$($this.Title) by $($this.Author), published on $(($this.DatePublished).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) has sold $($this.NumberSold) copies."
Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Variable *
} -AsCustomObject
$myBook.Author = "Robert Heinlein"
$myBook.Title = "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"
$myBook.DatePublished = "1966-03-17"
$myBook.NumberSold = 1000000
Function New-Book {
param([string]$Title = "", [string]$Author = "", [int]$NumberSold = 0, [System.Nullable``1[[System.DateTime]]]$DatePublished = $null)
$newBook = New-Module -ScriptBlock {
[string]$Title = ""
[string]$Author = ""
[int]$NumberSold = 0
[System.Nullable``1[[System.DateTime]]]$DatePublished = $null
Function WriteSummary() {
"$($this.Title) by $($this.Author), published on $(($this.DatePublished).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) has sold $($this.NumberSold) copies."
Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Variable *
} -AsCustomObject
$newBook.Author = $Author
$newBook.Title = $Title
$newBook.DatePublished = $DatePublished
$newBook.NumberSold = $NumberSold
$jb = New-Book -Title "Jitterbug Perfume" -Author "Tom Robbins" -DatePublished "1984-09-07" -NumberSold 400000
$hhgtg = New-Book -Title "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" -Author "Douglas Adams" -DatePublished "1979-10-12" -NumberSold 42
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