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Created April 30, 2018 20:41
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% CIC frequency domain example
%% Setup parameters
Fs_in = 3e6; % Input sample rate
Fs_out = 16e3; % Output sample rate
K = 3; % Number of stages
Fs = Fs_in; % Sample rate (Hz)
ntaps_comp = 16; % Number of taps for the compensation filter
bits = 12; % Number of bits for filter coefficients
%% CIC filter design
M = Fs_in / Fs_out; % Decimation ratio
fprintf('Designing a CIC filter for a decimation ratio of %f\n', M);
freq = (-1:1e-4:1) / M;
f_Hz = freq * Fs / 2;
w = 2 * pi * freq;
z = e.^(1j * w);
% CIC filter frequency response
H = (1 / M * (1 - z .^ (-M)) ./ (1 - z .^ (-1))) .^ K;
% Plot CIC filter frequency response and phase response
Hdb = 20 * log10(abs(H));
H_phase = atan2(imag(H),real(H));
plot(f_Hz, Hdb)
title('CIC magnitude response')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
axis([min(f_Hz) max(f_Hz) -350 0])
grid on
plot(f_Hz, H_phase)
title('CIC phase response')
ylabel('angle (rad)')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
axis([min(f_Hz) max(f_Hz) -pi pi])
grid on
% Create correction FIR filter (decimate by 2)
%%%%%% CIC filter parameters %%%%%%
R = M; %% Decimation factor
M = 1; %% Differential delay
N = K; %% Number of stages
B = bits; %% Coeff. Bit-width
%%%%%%% fir2.m parameters %%%%%%
L = ntaps_comp; %% Filter order; must be even
Fo = 0.5; %% Normalized Cutoff freq; 0<Fo<=0.5/M;
%%%%%%% CIC Compensator Design using fir2.m %%%%%%
p = 2e3; %% Granularity
s = 0.25/p; %% Step size
fs_0 = [0:s:0.1];
fp = [0.1+s:s:Fo]; %% Pass band frequency samples
fs = (Fo+s):s:1; %% Stop band frequency samples
f = [fs_0 fp fs]; %% Normalized frequency samples; 0<=f<=1
Ms_0 = zeros(1,length(fs_0));
Mp = ones(1,length(fp)); %% Pass band response; Mp(1)=1
Mp(2:end) = abs( M*R*sin(pi*fp(2:end)/R)./sin(pi*M*fp(2:end))).^N;
Mf = [Ms_0 Mp zeros(1,length(fs))];
f(end) = 1;
h = fir2(L,f,Mf); %% Filter length L+1
h = h/max(h); %% Floating point coefficients
hz = round(h*power(2,B-1)-1); %% Fixed point coefficients
[H_fir, w_fir] = freqz(h, 1, -pi:2*pi/(numel(w)-1):pi, "whole");
plot(f_Hz, 20 * log10(abs(H_fir)))
title('Compensation FIR frequency response')
grid on
plot(f_Hz / M, atan(imag(H_fir)./real(H_fir)))
title('Compensation FIR phase response')
grid on
% Compensated response
H_comp = H .* H_fir;
plot(f_Hz, 20 * log10(abs(H_comp)))
axis([min(f_Hz) max(f_Hz) -250 0])
grid on
title('Compensated frequency response')
plot(f_Hz, atan(imag(H_comp)./real(H_comp)))
axis([min(f_Hz) max(f_Hz) -pi pi])
grid on
title('Compensated phase response')
% Write fixed point coefficients to a Verilog file
fid = fopen('coeff.v','w');
fprintf(fid,'`timescale 1ns/1ns\n\n');
fprintf(fid,'// File containing filter coefficients (does not compile: include in filter module)\n');
fprintf(fid,'\n\nwire signed [%d:0] mem[0:%d];\n\n',bits-1,numel(hz)-1);
for i = 1:numel(hz)
for i = 1:numel(h)
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