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Created June 16, 2024 21:07
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unsigned int sinetbl[255] = {
130 ,133 ,136 ,139 ,143 ,146 ,149 ,152 ,155 ,158 ,161 ,164 ,167 ,170 ,173 ,176 ,
179 ,182 ,184 ,187 ,190 ,193 ,195 ,198 ,200 ,203 ,205 ,208 ,210 ,213 ,215 ,217 ,
219 ,221 ,224 ,226 ,228 ,229 ,231 ,233 ,235 ,236 ,238 ,239 ,241 ,242 ,244 ,245 ,
246 ,247 ,248 ,249 ,250 ,251 ,251 ,252 ,253 ,253 ,254 ,254 ,254 ,
254 ,254 ,255 ,254 ,254 ,254 ,254 ,254 ,253 ,253 ,252 ,251 ,251 ,250 ,249 ,248 ,
247 ,246 ,245 ,244 ,242 ,241 ,239 ,238 ,236 ,235 ,233 ,231 ,229 ,228 ,226 ,224 ,
221 ,219 ,217 ,215 ,213 ,210 ,208 ,205 ,203 ,200 ,198 ,195 ,193 ,190 ,187 ,184 ,
182 ,179 ,176 ,173 ,170 ,167 ,164 ,161 ,158 ,155 ,152 ,149 ,146 ,143 ,139 ,136 ,
133 ,130 ,127 ,124 ,121 ,118 ,115 ,111 ,108 ,105 ,102 ,99 ,96 ,93 ,90 ,87 ,
84 ,81 ,78 ,75 ,72 ,70 ,67 ,64 ,61 ,59 ,56 ,54 ,51 ,49 ,46 ,44 ,
41 ,39 ,37 ,35 ,33 ,30 ,28 ,26 ,25 ,23 ,21 ,19 ,18 ,16 ,15 ,13 ,
12 ,10 ,9 ,8 ,7 ,6 ,5 ,4 ,3 ,3 ,2 ,1 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,
0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,
7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,12 ,13 ,15 ,16 ,18 ,19 ,21 ,23 ,25 ,26 ,28 ,30 ,
33 ,35 ,37 ,39 ,41 ,44 ,46 ,49 ,51 ,54 ,56 ,59 ,61 ,64 ,67 ,70 ,
72 ,75 ,78 ,81 ,84 ,87 ,90 ,93 ,96 ,99 ,102 ,105 ,108 ,111 ,115 ,118 ,
121 ,124 ,
void printhello(void)
char *hello = "Hello World!\r\n$";
_asm {
mov ah, 9
mov dx, hello
int 0x21
#pragma aux mode13h =\
"mov ax, 13h"\
"int 10h"\
modify [ ax ];
#pragma aux modetext =\
"mov ax, 03h"\
"int 10h"\
modify [ ax ];
#pragma aux palstart =\
"mov dx,3C8h"\
"xor al,al"\
"out dx,al"\
modify [dx ax];
#pragma aux palup =\
"mov dx,3C9h"\
"out dx,al"\
modify [dx]\
parm caller [ax];
#pragma aux cpp =\
"push A000h"\
"pop es"\
"mov di,bx"\
"stosb " \
parm caller [ax bx]\
modify [ax bx es di];
void mode13h(void);
void modetext(void);
void palstart(void);
void palup(int);
void cpp(unsigned,unsigned);
int __watcall asmkp(void);
void __watcall asmpp(unsigned, unsigned);
int main(void)
for(int i=0; i < 256; i++){
for(unsigned int j = 0; !asmkp(); j+=9){
for(unsigned int y=0; y<200; y++){
for(unsigned int x=0; x<320; x++){
unsigned int col = y;
return 0;
CC = wcc
AS = nasm
#-0 8086 instructions
#-1 186 instructions
#-2 286 instructions
#-3 386 instructions
#-4 386 instructions, optimize for 486
#-5 386 instructions, optimize for Pentium
#-6 386 instructions, optimize for Pentium Pro
CFLAGS += -3
#-b{c,d,g,m,w} Application type
# c - build target is a console application
# d - build target is a dynamic link library (DLL)
# g - build target is a GUI application
# m - build target is a multi-thread environment
# w - build target is a default windowing application
CFLAGS += -bc
#-bt[=<os>] build target is operating system <os>
CFLAGS += -bt=dos
# a - relax aliasing constraints
# b - enable branch prediction
# c - disable <call followed by return> to <jump> optimization
# d - disable all optimizations
# e[=<num>] - expand user functions inline (<num> controls max size)
# f - generate traceable stack frames as needed
# f+ - always generate traceable stack frames
# h - enable expensive optimizations (longer compiles)
# i - expand intrinsic functions inline
# k - include prologue/epilogue in flow graph
# l - enable loop optimizations
# l+ - enable loop unrolling optimizations
# m - generate inline code for math functions
# n - allow numerically unstable optimizations
# o - continue compilation if low on memory
# p - generate consistent floating-point results
# r - reorder instructions for best pipeline usage
# s - favor code size over execution time in optimizations
# t - favor execution time over code size in optimizations
# u - all functions must have unique addresses
# x - equivalent to -obmiler -s
# z - NULL points to valid memory in the target environment
CFLAGS += -obe9hmil+t
#-q operate quietly (display only error messages)
CFLAGS += -q
#-s remove stack overflow checks
CFLAGS += -s
# =<num> - set warning level number
# cd=<num> - disable warning message <num>
# ce=<num> - enable warning message <num>
# e - treat all warnings as errors
# o - warn about problems with overlaid code
# x - set warning level to maximum setting
CFLAGS += -wx
#-zl remove default library information
#CFLAGS += -zl
#-m{c,h,l,m,s} Memory model
# c - compact - small code/large data
# h - huge - large code/huge data
# l - large - large code/large data
# m - medium - large code/small data
# s - small - small code/small data (defaul)
CFLAGS += -ms
#-aa allow non const initializers for local aggregates or unions
CFLAGS += -aa
CFLAGS += -za99
H__FILES=$(wildcard src/*.h)
ASMFILES = $(wildcard src/*.asm)
C__FILES = $(wildcard src/*.c)
ASMOBJ = $(patsubst src/%,$(OBJDIR)/%,$(patsubst %.asm,%.obj,$(ASMFILES)))
C__OBJ = $(patsubst src/%,$(OBJDIR)/%,$(patsubst %.c,%.obj,$(C__FILES)))
LINK_FLAGS += system dos
LINK_FLAGS += option map
#LINK_FLAGS += option nodefaultlibs
LINK_FLAGS += option quiet
all: game.exe
$(OBJDIR)/%.obj: src/%.c $(H__FILES)
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fo=$@ $<
#Fix slash issue
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fo=$(subst /,\,$@) $(subst /,\,$<)
$(OBJDIR)/%.obj: src/%.asm
$(AS) -f obj -o $@ $<
mkdir $(OBJDIR)
game.exe: $(OBJDIR) $(OBJECTS)
wlink $(LINK_FLAGS) name $@ $(foreach f,$(OBJECTS),file $(f))
global asmkp_
global asmpp_
; Code Segment (16-bit code)
segment _TEXT use16 class=CODE
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ax,0
mov ah,0Bh
int 21h
or al,al
mov ax,0
jz .ret
mov ax,1
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push edi
push es
push 0xA000
pop es
mov di,bx
pop es
pop edi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
pop ebp
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