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Engine entities

This is a comparison of data structures for game entities (aka objects, actors...) across different games and game engines.

Game engine choices

  1. Source code has to be at least partly available, either in original form or through reverse-engineering or a remake
  2. The complexity of a 3D game makes those generally more interesting
  3. Similarly, a game in the action genre has more interesting architectural challenges than other genres - complex AI, several different object behaviours, all data structures must be highly performant, etc.
  4. The code is preferentially in the C/C++ languages
  5. The code is understandable - this excluded the Duke Nukem 3D source code - even though the standard is low

Systems which we wish to be compared

The questions below are I think the most relevant ones which can be answered by looking at game code. They explain the architecture of a game engine.

  1. Is there an entity "factory", returning an entity given an id or string?
  2. How is an entity is spawned? Example: a projectile. How is it removed?
  3. How is the model or sprite of an entity set? How are animations set?
  4. How is the collider of an entity set? How can you check for collision against entities?
  5. How does an entity play a sound? How does the engine update sound position, volume, etc.?
  6. How does an entity move, while handling collisions with the level?
  7. How do the entities keep references to each other? Pointers, ids? Example: target chased by an enemy
  8. How is the think/update function defined?

Eventually, I'd like to answer each of those questions for each of the engines mentioned below.

Engine list

  1. Doom aka idTech1
  2. Blood aka Build engine
  3. Quake aka idTech2
  4. Quake II aka idTech2.5
  5. Quake III aka idTech3
  6. GoldSrc
  7. LithTech2
  8. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  9. Super Mario 64
  10. Cube 2: Sauerbraten
  11. Doukutsu Monogatari aka Cave Story
  12. STALKER aka XRay engine
  13. GTA III
  14. OpenMW
  15. Diablo
  16. Starcraft
  17. Freespace / Freespace 2




// Map Object definition.
typedef struct mobj_s
    // List: thinker links.
    thinker_t		thinker;

    // Info for drawing: position.
    fixed_t		x;
    fixed_t		y;
    fixed_t		z;

    // More list: links in sector (if needed)
    struct mobj_s*	snext;
    struct mobj_s*	sprev;

    //More drawing info: to determine current sprite.
    angle_t		angle;	// orientation
    spritenum_t		sprite;	// used to find patch_t and flip value
    int			frame;	// might be ORed with FF_FULLBRIGHT

    // Interaction info, by BLOCKMAP.
    // Links in blocks (if needed).
    struct mobj_s*	bnext;
    struct mobj_s*	bprev;
    struct subsector_s*	subsector;

    // The closest interval over all contacted Sectors.
    fixed_t		floorz;
    fixed_t		ceilingz;

    // For movement checking.
    fixed_t		radius;
    fixed_t		height;	

    // Momentums, used to update position.
    fixed_t		momx;
    fixed_t		momy;
    fixed_t		momz;

    // If == validcount, already checked.
    int			validcount;

    mobjtype_t		type;
    mobjinfo_t*		info;	// &mobjinfo[mobj->type]
    int			tics;	// state tic counter
    state_t*		state;
    int			flags;
    int			health;

    // Movement direction, movement generation (zig-zagging).
    int			movedir;	// 0-7
    int			movecount;	// when 0, select a new dir

    // Thing being chased/attacked (or NULL),
    // also the originator for missiles.
    struct mobj_s*	target;

    // Reaction time: if non 0, don't attack yet.
    // Used by player to freeze a bit after teleporting.
    int			reactiontime;   

    // If >0, the target will be chased
    // no matter what (even if shot)
    int			threshold;

    // Additional info record for player avatars only.
    // Only valid if type == MT_PLAYER
    struct player_s*	player;

    // Player number last looked for.
    int			lastlook;	

    // For nightmare respawn.
    mapthing_t		spawnpoint;	

    // Thing being chased/attacked for tracers.
    struct mobj_s*	tracer;	
} mobj_t;


// Doubly linked list of actors.
typedef struct thinker_s
    struct thinker_s*	prev;
    struct thinker_s*	next;
    think_t		function;
} thinker_t;



struct XSPRITE
	signed reference :			14;
	unsigned state :			1;

	// trigger data
	unsigned busy :				17;
	// 0 bits unused

	unsigned txID :				10;
	unsigned rxID :				10;
	unsigned command : 			8;
	unsigned triggerOn : 		1;
	unsigned triggerOff : 		1;
	// 2 bits unused

	unsigned busyTime :			12;	// time to reach next state
	unsigned waitTime :			12;	// delay before callback
	unsigned restState :		1;	// state to return to on callback
	unsigned interruptable :	1;

	unsigned difficulty :		2;
	// 4 bits unused

	unsigned soundId :			8;

	// physical triggers
	unsigned decoupled :		1;
	unsigned triggerOnce :		1;
	unsigned isTriggered :      1;	// used for triggerOnce objects
	unsigned key :				3;
	unsigned triggerPush :      1;	// action key
	unsigned triggerImpact :    1;	// vector hits
	unsigned triggerReserved0 :	1;
	unsigned triggerPickup :    1;	// secrets
	unsigned triggerTouch :     1;	// sawblades, spikes, zaps?
	unsigned triggerSight :     1;	// dunno, yet.
	unsigned triggerProximity : 1;	// proximity bombs
	unsigned triggerReserved1 :	1;
	unsigned triggerReserved2 :	1;
	// 9 bits unused

	signed data1 :				16;	// combo value?
	signed data2 :				16;	// combo key?
	// 0 bits unused

	signed data3 :				16;	// combo max?

	unsigned goalAng :			11;	// dudes
	signed dodgeDir :			2;	// dudes
	unsigned locked:			1;
	unsigned unused0 :			2;	// USE ME!
	// 0 bits unused

	unsigned respawn :			2;	// 0=optional never, 1=optional always, 2=always, 3=never
	unsigned respawnTime :		12; // 0=permanent, >0=time in tenths of a second,
	unsigned launchMode :		2;	// 0=all, 1=bloodbath, 2=ally, 3=ally&bloodbath,

	// this stuff needed for dudes
	unsigned moveState :		8;	// same as player move states
	unsigned unused1 :			8;	// USE ME!
	// 0 bits unused

	unsigned health :			12;
	unsigned dudeDeaf :			1;	// can't hear players
	unsigned dudeAmbush :		1;	// must be triggered manually
	unsigned dudeGuard :		1;	// won't leave sector
	unsigned dudeFlag4 :		1;

	signed target :				16;
	// 0 bits unused

	signed targetX :			32;
	signed targetY :			32;
	signed targetZ :			32;

	unsigned burnTime :			16;
	signed burnSource :			16;

	unsigned unused2 :			16;
	unsigned stateTimer :		16;

	AISTATE *aiState;


struct AISTATE
	int				seqId;
	SEQCALLBACK		seqCallback;
	int				ticks;
	AISTATE			*next;

Quake 1

QuakeC links


typedef struct
	vec3_t	origin;
	vec3_t	angles;
	int		modelindex;
	int		frame;
	int		colormap;
	int		skin;
	int		effects;
} entity_state_t;


typedef struct edict_s
	qboolean	free;
	link_t		area;				// linked to a division node or leaf
	int			num_leafs;
	short		leafnums[MAX_ENT_LEAFS];

	entity_state_t	baseline;
	float		freetime;			// sv.time when the object was freed
	entvars_t	v;					// C exported fields from progs
// other fields from progs come immediately after
} edict_t;


typedef struct
	float	modelindex;
	vec3_t	absmin;
	vec3_t	absmax;
	float	ltime;
	float	movetype;
	float	solid;
	vec3_t	origin;
	vec3_t	oldorigin;
	vec3_t	velocity;
	vec3_t	angles;
	vec3_t	avelocity;
	vec3_t	punchangle;
	string_t	classname;
	string_t	model;
	float	frame;
	float	skin;
	float	effects;
	vec3_t	mins;
	vec3_t	maxs;
	vec3_t	size;
	func_t	touch;
	func_t	use;
	func_t	think;
	func_t	blocked;
	float	nextthink;
	int	groundentity;
	float	health;
	float	frags;
	float	weapon;
	string_t	weaponmodel;
	float	weaponframe;
	float	currentammo;
	float	ammo_shells;
	float	ammo_nails;
	float	ammo_rockets;
	float	ammo_cells;
	float	items;
	float	takedamage;
	int	chain;
	float	deadflag;
	vec3_t	view_ofs;
	float	button0;
	float	button1;
	float	button2;
	float	impulse;
	float	fixangle;
	vec3_t	v_angle;
	float	idealpitch;
	string_t	netname;
	int	enemy;
	float	flags;
	float	colormap;
	float	team;
	float	max_health;
	float	teleport_time;
	float	armortype;
	float	armorvalue;
	float	waterlevel;
	float	watertype;
	float	ideal_yaw;
	float	yaw_speed;
	int	aiment;
	int	goalentity;
	float	spawnflags;
	string_t	target;
	string_t	targetname;
	float	dmg_take;
	float	dmg_save;
	int	dmg_inflictor;
	int	owner;
	vec3_t	movedir;
	string_t	message;
	float	sounds;
	string_t	noise;
	string_t	noise1;
	string_t	noise2;
	string_t	noise3;
} entvars_t;

QuakeC Source for generated entvars_t




// system fields (*** = do not set in prog code, maintained by C code)
.float          modelindex;             // *** model index in the precached list
.vector         absmin, absmax; // *** origin + mins / maxs

.float          ltime;                  // local time for entity
.float          lastruntime;    // *** to allow entities to run out of sequence

.float          movetype;
.float          solid;

.vector         origin;                 // ***
.vector         oldorigin;              // ***
.vector         velocity;
.vector         angles;
.vector         avelocity;

.string         classname;              // spawn function
.string         model;
.float          frame;
.float          skin;
.float          effects;

.vector         mins, maxs;             // bounding box extents reletive to origin
.vector         size;                   // maxs - mins

.void()         touch;
.void()         use;
.void()         think;
.void()         blocked;                // for doors or plats, called when can't push other

.float          nextthink;
.entity         groundentity;

// stats
.float          health;
.float          frags;
.float          weapon;                 // one of the IT_SHOTGUN, etc flags
.string         weaponmodel;
.float          weaponframe;
.float          currentammo;
.float          ammo_shells, ammo_nails, ammo_rockets, ammo_cells;

.float          items;                  // bit flags

.float          takedamage;
.entity         chain;
.float          deadflag;

.vector         view_ofs;                       // add to origin to get eye point

.float          button0;                // fire
.float          button1;                // use
.float          button2;                // jump

.float          impulse;                // weapon changes

.float          fixangle;
.vector         v_angle;                // view / targeting angle for players

.string         netname;

.entity         enemy;

.float          flags;

.float          colormap;
.float          team;

.float          max_health;             // players maximum health is stored here

.float          teleport_time;  // don't back up

.float          armortype;              // save this fraction of incoming damage
.float          armorvalue;

.float          waterlevel;             // 0 = not in, 1 = feet, 2 = wast, 3 = eyes
.float          watertype;              // a contents value

.float          ideal_yaw;
.float          yaw_speed;

.entity         aiment;

.entity         goalentity;             // a movetarget or an enemy

.float          spawnflags;

.string         target;
.string         targetname;

// damage is accumulated through a frame. and sent as one single
// message, so the super shotgun doesn't generate huge messages
.float          dmg_take;
.float          dmg_save;
.entity         dmg_inflictor;

.entity         owner;          // who launched a missile
.vector         movedir;        // mostly for doors, but also used for waterjump

.string         message;                // trigger messages

.float          sounds;         // either a cd track number or sound number

.string         noise, noise1, noise2, noise3;  // contains names of wavs to play

void            end_sys_fields;                 // flag for structure dumping

Quake 2


// entity_state_t is the information conveyed from the server
// in an update message about entities that the client will
// need to render in some way
typedef struct entity_state_s
	int		number;			// edict index

	vec3_t	origin;
	vec3_t	angles;
	vec3_t	old_origin;		// for lerping
	int		modelindex;
	int		modelindex2, modelindex3, modelindex4;	// weapons, CTF flags, etc
	int		frame;
	int		skinnum;
	unsigned int		effects;		// PGM - we're filling it, so it needs to be unsigned
	int		renderfx;
	int		solid;			// for client side prediction, 8*(bits 0-4) is x/y radius
							// 8*(bits 5-9) is z down distance, 8(bits10-15) is z up
							// gi.linkentity sets this properly
	int		sound;			// for looping sounds, to guarantee shutoff
	int		event;			// impulse events -- muzzle flashes, footsteps, etc
							// events only go out for a single frame, they
							// are automatically cleared each frame
} entity_state_t;


struct edict_s
	entity_state_t	s;
	struct gclient_s	*client;
	qboolean	inuse;
	int			linkcount;

	// FIXME: move these fields to a server private sv_entity_t
	link_t		area;				// linked to a division node or leaf
	int			num_clusters;		// if -1, use headnode instead
	int			clusternums[MAX_ENT_CLUSTERS];
	int			headnode;			// unused if num_clusters != -1
	int			areanum, areanum2;


	vec3_t		mins, maxs;
	vec3_t		absmin, absmax, size;
	solid_t		solid;
	int			clipmask;
	edict_t		*owner;

	// the game dll can add anything it wants after
	// this point in the structure


struct edict_s
	entity_state_t	s;
	struct gclient_s	*client;	// NULL if not a player
									// the server expects the first part
									// of gclient_s to be a player_state_t
									// but the rest of it is opaque

	qboolean	inuse;
	int			linkcount;

	// FIXME: move these fields to a server private sv_entity_t
	link_t		area;				// linked to a division node or leaf
	int			num_clusters;		// if -1, use headnode instead
	int			clusternums[MAX_ENT_CLUSTERS];
	int			headnode;			// unused if num_clusters != -1
	int			areanum, areanum2;


	int			svflags;
	vec3_t		mins, maxs;
	vec3_t		absmin, absmax, size;
	solid_t		solid;
	int			clipmask;
	edict_t		*owner;


	int			movetype;
	int			flags;

	char		*model;
	float		freetime;			// sv.time when the object was freed
	// only used locally in game, not by server
	char		*message;
	char		*classname;
	int			spawnflags;

	float		timestamp;

	float		angle;			// set in qe3, -1 = up, -2 = down
	char		*target;
	char		*targetname;
	char		*killtarget;
	char		*team;
	char		*pathtarget;
	char		*deathtarget;
	char		*combattarget;
	edict_t		*target_ent;

	float		speed, accel, decel;
	vec3_t		movedir;
	vec3_t		pos1, pos2;

	vec3_t		velocity;
	vec3_t		avelocity;
	int			mass;
	float		air_finished;
	float		gravity;		// per entity gravity multiplier (1.0 is normal)
								// use for lowgrav artifact, flares

	edict_t		*goalentity;
	edict_t		*movetarget;
	float		yaw_speed;
	float		ideal_yaw;

	float		nextthink;
	void		(*prethink) (edict_t *ent);
	void		(*think)(edict_t *self);
	void		(*blocked)(edict_t *self, edict_t *other);	//move to moveinfo?
	void		(*touch)(edict_t *self, edict_t *other, cplane_t *plane, csurface_t *surf);
	void		(*use)(edict_t *self, edict_t *other, edict_t *activator);
	void		(*pain)(edict_t *self, edict_t *other, float kick, int damage);
	void		(*die)(edict_t *self, edict_t *inflictor, edict_t *attacker, int damage, vec3_t point);

	float		touch_debounce_time;		// are all these legit?  do we need more/less of them?
	float		pain_debounce_time;
	float		damage_debounce_time;
	float		fly_sound_debounce_time;	//move to clientinfo
	float		last_move_time;

	int			health;
	int			max_health;
	int			gib_health;
	int			deadflag;
	qboolean	show_hostile;

	float		powerarmor_time;

	char		*map;			// target_changelevel

	int			viewheight;		// height above origin where eyesight is determined
	int			takedamage;
	int			dmg;
	int			radius_dmg;
	float		dmg_radius;
	int			sounds;			//make this a spawntemp var?
	int			count;

	edict_t		*chain;
	edict_t		*enemy;
	edict_t		*oldenemy;
	edict_t		*activator;
	edict_t		*groundentity;
	int			groundentity_linkcount;
	edict_t		*teamchain;
	edict_t		*teammaster;

	edict_t		*mynoise;		// can go in client only
	edict_t		*mynoise2;

	int			noise_index;
	int			noise_index2;
	float		volume;
	float		attenuation;

	// timing variables
	float		wait;
	float		delay;			// before firing targets
	float		random;

	float		teleport_time;

	int			watertype;
	int			waterlevel;

	vec3_t		move_origin;
	vec3_t		move_angles;

	// move this to clientinfo?
	int			light_level;

	int			style;			// also used as areaportal number

	gitem_t		*item;			// for bonus items

	// common data blocks
	moveinfo_t		moveinfo;
	monsterinfo_t	monsterinfo;

Quake 3


// entityState_t is the information conveyed from the server
// in an update message about entities that the client will
// need to render in some way
// Different eTypes may use the information in different ways
// The messages are delta compressed, so it doesn't really matter if
// the structure size is fairly large

typedef struct entityState_s {
	int		number;			// entity index
	int		eType;			// entityType_t
	int		eFlags;

	trajectory_t	pos;	// for calculating position
	trajectory_t	apos;	// for calculating angles

	int		time;
	int		time2;

	vec3_t	origin;
	vec3_t	origin2;

	vec3_t	angles;
	vec3_t	angles2;

	int		otherEntityNum;	// shotgun sources, etc
	int		otherEntityNum2;

	int		groundEntityNum;	// -1 = in air

	int		constantLight;	// r + (g<<8) + (b<<16) + (intensity<<24)
	int		loopSound;		// constantly loop this sound

	int		modelindex;
	int		modelindex2;
	int		clientNum;		// 0 to (MAX_CLIENTS - 1), for players and corpses
	int		frame;

	int		solid;			// for client side prediction, trap_linkentity sets this properly

	int		event;			// impulse events -- muzzle flashes, footsteps, etc
	int		eventParm;

	// for players
	int		powerups;		// bit flags
	int		weapon;			// determines weapon and flash model, etc
	int		legsAnim;		// mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
	int		torsoAnim;		// mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT

	int		generic1;
} entityState_t;


// centity_t have a direct corespondence with gentity_t in the game, but
// only the entityState_t is directly communicated to the cgame
typedef struct centity_s {
	entityState_t	currentState;	// from cg.frame
	entityState_t	nextState;		// from cg.nextFrame, if available
	qboolean		interpolate;	// true if next is valid to interpolate to
	qboolean		currentValid;	// true if cg.frame holds this entity

	int				muzzleFlashTime;	// move to playerEntity?
	int				previousEvent;
	int				teleportFlag;

	int				trailTime;		// so missile trails can handle dropped initial packets
	int				dustTrailTime;
	int				miscTime;

	int				snapShotTime;	// last time this entity was found in a snapshot

	playerEntity_t	pe;

	int				errorTime;		// decay the error from this time
	vec3_t			errorOrigin;
	vec3_t			errorAngles;
	qboolean		extrapolated;	// false if origin / angles is an interpolation
	vec3_t			rawOrigin;
	vec3_t			rawAngles;

	vec3_t			beamEnd;

	// exact interpolated position of entity on this frame
	vec3_t			lerpOrigin;
	vec3_t			lerpAngles;
} centity_t;


struct gentity_s {
	entityState_t	s;				// communicated by server to clients
	entityShared_t	r;				// shared by both the server system and game


	struct gclient_s	*client;			// NULL if not a client

	qboolean	inuse;

	char		*classname;			// set in QuakeEd
	int			spawnflags;			// set in QuakeEd

	qboolean	neverFree;			// if true, FreeEntity will only unlink
									// bodyque uses this

	int			flags;				// FL_* variables

	char		*model;
	char		*model2;
	int			freetime;			// level.time when the object was freed
	int			eventTime;			// events will be cleared EVENT_VALID_MSEC after set
	qboolean	freeAfterEvent;
	qboolean	unlinkAfterEvent;

	qboolean	physicsObject;		// if true, it can be pushed by movers and fall off edges
									// all game items are physicsObjects, 
	float		physicsBounce;		// 1.0 = continuous bounce, 0.0 = no bounce
	int			clipmask;			// brushes with this content value will be collided against
									// when moving.  items and corpses do not collide against
									// players, for instance

	// movers
	moverState_t moverState;
	int			soundPos1;
	int			sound1to2;
	int			sound2to1;
	int			soundPos2;
	int			soundLoop;
	gentity_t	*parent;
	gentity_t	*nextTrain;
	gentity_t	*prevTrain;
	vec3_t		pos1, pos2;

	char		*message;

	int			timestamp;		// body queue sinking, etc

	float		angle;			// set in editor, -1 = up, -2 = down
	char		*target;
	char		*targetname;
	char		*team;
	char		*targetShaderName;
	char		*targetShaderNewName;
	gentity_t	*target_ent;

	float		speed;
	vec3_t		movedir;

	int			nextthink;
	void		(*think)(gentity_t *self);
	void		(*reached)(gentity_t *self);	// movers call this when hitting endpoint
	void		(*blocked)(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other);
	void		(*touch)(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, trace_t *trace);
	void		(*use)(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator);
	void		(*pain)(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *attacker, int damage);
	void		(*die)(gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, int damage, int mod);

	int			pain_debounce_time;
	int			fly_sound_debounce_time;	// wind tunnel
	int			last_move_time;

	int			health;

	qboolean	takedamage;

	int			damage;
	int			splashDamage;	// quad will increase this without increasing radius
	int			splashRadius;
	int			methodOfDeath;
	int			splashMethodOfDeath;

	int			count;

	gentity_t	*chain;
	gentity_t	*enemy;
	gentity_t	*activator;
	gentity_t	*teamchain;		// next entity in team
	gentity_t	*teammaster;	// master of the team

	int			kamikazeTime;
	int			kamikazeShockTime;

	int			watertype;
	int			waterlevel;

	int			noise_index;

	// timing variables
	float		wait;
	float		random;

	gitem_t		*item;			// for bonus items


typedef struct {
	entityState_t	s;				// communicated by server to clients

	qboolean	linked;				// qfalse if not in any good cluster
	int			linkcount;

	int			svFlags;			// SVF_NOCLIENT, SVF_BROADCAST, etc

	// only send to this client when SVF_SINGLECLIENT is set	
	// if SVF_CLIENTMASK is set, use bitmask for clients to send to (maxclients must be <= 32, up to the mod to enforce this)
	int			singleClient;		

	qboolean	bmodel;				// if false, assume an explicit mins / maxs bounding box
									// only set by trap_SetBrushModel
	vec3_t		mins, maxs;
									// a non-solid entity should set to 0

	vec3_t		absmin, absmax;		// derived from mins/maxs and origin + rotation

	// currentOrigin will be used for all collision detection and world linking.
	// it will not necessarily be the same as the trajectory evaluation for the current
	// time, because each entity must be moved one at a time after time is advanced
	// to avoid simultanious collision issues
	vec3_t		currentOrigin;
	vec3_t		currentAngles;

	// when a trace call is made and passEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE,
	// an ent will be excluded from testing if:
	// ent->s.number == passEntityNum	(don't interact with self)
	// ent->s.ownerNum = passEntityNum	(don't interact with your own missiles)
	// entity[ent->s.ownerNum].ownerNum = passEntityNum	(don't interact with other missiles from owner)
	int			ownerNum;
} entityShared_t;


This code is from Xash3D (opensource version of GoldSrc)


typedef struct entvars_s
	string_t		classname;
	string_t		globalname;

	vec3_t		origin;
	vec3_t		oldorigin;
	vec3_t		velocity;
	vec3_t		basevelocity;
	vec3_t		clbasevelocity;	// Base velocity that was passed in to server physics so
					// client can predict conveyors correctly. Server zeroes it, so we need to store here, too.
	vec3_t		movedir;

	vec3_t		angles;		// Model angles
	vec3_t		avelocity;	// angle velocity (degrees per second)
	vec3_t		punchangle;	// auto-decaying view angle adjustment
	vec3_t		v_angle;		// Viewing angle (player only)

	// For parametric entities
	vec3_t		endpos;
	vec3_t		startpos;
	float		impacttime;
	float		starttime;

	int		fixangle;		// 0:nothing, 1:force view angles, 2:add avelocity
	float		idealpitch;
	float		pitch_speed;
	float		ideal_yaw;
	float		yaw_speed;

	int		modelindex;

	string_t		model;
	int		viewmodel;	// player's viewmodel
	int		weaponmodel;	// what other players see

	vec3_t		absmin;		// BB max translated to world coord
	vec3_t		absmax;		// BB max translated to world coord
	vec3_t		mins;		// local BB min
	vec3_t		maxs;		// local BB max
	vec3_t		size;		// maxs - mins

	float		ltime;
	float		nextthink;

	int		movetype;
	int		solid;

	int		skin;
	int		body;		// sub-model selection for studiomodels
	int 		effects;
	float		gravity;		// % of "normal" gravity
	float		friction;		// inverse elasticity of MOVETYPE_BOUNCE

	int		light_level;

	int		sequence;		// animation sequence
	int		gaitsequence;	// movement animation sequence for player (0 for none)
	float		frame;		// % playback position in animation sequences (0..255)
	float		animtime;		// world time when frame was set
	float		framerate;	// animation playback rate (-8x to 8x)
	byte		controller[4];	// bone controller setting (0..255)
	byte		blending[2];	// blending amount between sub-sequences (0..255)

	float		scale;		// sprites and models rendering scale (0..255)
	int		rendermode;
	float		renderamt;
	vec3_t		rendercolor;
	int		renderfx;

	float		health;
	float		frags;
	int		weapons;		// bit mask for available weapons
	float		takedamage;

	int		deadflag;
	vec3_t		view_ofs;		// eye position

	int		button;
	int		impulse;

	edict_t		*chain;		// Entity pointer when linked into a linked list
	edict_t		*dmg_inflictor;
	edict_t		*enemy;
	edict_t		*aiment;		// entity pointer when MOVETYPE_FOLLOW
	edict_t		*owner;
	edict_t		*groundentity;

	int		spawnflags;
	int		flags;

	int		colormap;		// lowbyte topcolor, highbyte bottomcolor
	int		team;

	float		max_health;
	float		teleport_time;
	float		armortype;
	float		armorvalue;
	int		waterlevel;
	int		watertype;

	string_t		target;
	string_t		targetname;
	string_t		netname;
	string_t		message;

	float		dmg_take;
	float		dmg_save;
	float		dmg;
	float		dmgtime;

	string_t		noise;
	string_t		noise1;
	string_t		noise2;
	string_t		noise3;

	float		speed;
	float		air_finished;
	float		pain_finished;
	float		radsuit_finished;

	edict_t		*pContainingEntity;

	int		playerclass;
	float		maxspeed;

	float		fov;
	int		weaponanim;

	int		pushmsec;

	int		bInDuck;
	int		flTimeStepSound;
	int		flSwimTime;
	int		flDuckTime;
	int		iStepLeft;
	float		flFallVelocity;

	int		gamestate;

	int		oldbuttons;

	int		groupinfo;

	// For mods
	int		iuser1;
	int		iuser2;
	int		iuser3;
	int		iuser4;
	float		fuser1;
	float		fuser2;
	float		fuser3;
	float		fuser4;
	vec3_t		vuser1;
	vec3_t		vuser2;
	vec3_t		vuser3;
	vec3_t		vuser4;
	edict_t		*euser1;
	edict_t		*euser2;
	edict_t		*euser3;
	edict_t		*euser4;
} entvars_t;


// physent_t
typedef struct physent_s
	char		name[32];		// Name of model, or "player" or "world".
	int		player;
	vec3_t		origin;		// Model's origin in world coordinates.
	struct model_s	*model;		// only for bsp models
	struct model_s	*studiomodel;	// SOLID_BBOX, but studio clip intersections.
	vec3_t		mins, maxs;	// only for non-bsp models
	int		info;		// For client or server to use to identify (index into edicts or cl_entities)
	vec3_t		angles;		// rotated entities need this info for hull testing to work.

	int		solid;		// Triggers and func_door type WATER brushes are SOLID_NOT
	int		skin;		// BSP Contents for such things like fun_door water brushes.
	int		rendermode;	// So we can ignore glass

	// Complex collision detection.
	float		frame;
	int		sequence;
	byte		controller[4];
	byte		blending[2];

	int		movetype;
	int		takedamage;
	int		blooddecal;
	int		team;
	int		classnumber;

	// For mods
	int		iuser1;
	int		iuser2;
	int		iuser3;
	int		iuser4;
	float		fuser1;		// also contains pev->scale when "sv_allow_studio_scaling" is "1"
	float		fuser2;
	float		fuser3;
	float		fuser4;
	vec3_t		vuser1;
	vec3_t		vuser2;
	vec3_t		vuser3;
	vec3_t		vuser4;
} physent_t;


struct edict_s
	qboolean		free;
	int		serialnumber;

	link_t		area;		// linked to a division node or leaf
	int		headnode;		// -1 to use normal leaf check

	int		num_leafs;
	int		leafnums[MAX_ENT_LEAFS];
	short		leafnums[MAX_ENT_LEAFS];
	float		freetime;		// sv.time when the object was freed

	void*		pvPrivateData;	// Alloced and freed by engine, used by DLLs
	entvars_t		v;		// C exported fields from progs

	// other fields from progs come immediately after


typedef struct
	char		model[MAX_QPATH];	// curstate.modelindex = SV_ModelIndex
	vec3_t		tentOffset;	// if attached, client origin + tentOffset = tent origin.
	short		clientIndex;
	float		fadeSpeed;
	float		bounceFactor;
	byte		hitSound;
	qboolean		high_priority;
	float		x, y, z;
	int		flags;
	float		time;

	// base state
	vec3_t		velocity;		// baseline.origin
	vec3_t		avelocity;	// baseline.angles
	int		fadeamount;	// baseline.renderamt
	float		sparklife;	// baseline.framerate
	float		thinkTime;	// baseline.scale

	// current state
	vec3_t		origin;		// entity.origin
	vec3_t		angles;		// entity.angles
	float		renderamt;	// curstate.renderamt
	color24		rendercolor;	// curstate.rendercolor
	int		rendermode;	// curstate.rendermode
	int		renderfx;		// curstate.renderfx
	float		framerate;	// curstate.framerate
	float		frame;		// curstate.frame
	byte		body;		// curstate.body
	byte		skin;		//
	float		scale;		// curstate.scale
} tentlist_t;


struct cl_entity_s
	int		index;      	// Index into cl_entities ( should match actual slot, but not necessarily )
	qboolean		player;     	// True if this entity is a "player"

	entity_state_t	baseline;   	// The original state from which to delta during an uncompressed message
	entity_state_t	prevstate;  	// The state information from the penultimate message received from the server
	entity_state_t	curstate;   	// The state information from the last message received from server

	int		current_position;	// Last received history update index
	position_history_t	ph[HISTORY_MAX];	// History of position and angle updates for this player

	mouth_t		mouth;		// For synchronizing mouth movements.

	latchedvars_t	latched;		// Variables used by studio model rendering routines

	// Information based on interplocation, extrapolation, prediction, or just copied from last msg received.
	float		lastmove;

	// Actual render position and angles
	vec3_t		origin;
	vec3_t		angles;

	// Attachment points
	vec3_t		attachment[4];

	// Other entity local information
	int		trivial_accept;

	struct model_s	*model;	// cl.model_precache[ curstate.modelindes ];  all visible entities have a model
	struct efrag_s	*efrag;	// linked list of efrags
	struct mnode_s	*topnode;	// for bmodels, first world node that splits bmodel, or NULL if not split

	float		syncbase;	// for client-side animations -- used by obsolete alias animation system, remove?
	int		visframe;	// last frame this entity was found in an active leaf
	colorVec		cvFloorColor;


struct entity_state_s
// Fields which are filled in by routines outside of delta compression
	int		entityType;
	// Index into cl_entities array for this entity.
	int		number;
	float		msg_time;

	// Message number last time the player/entity state was updated.
	int		messagenum;

// Fields which can be transitted and reconstructed over the network stream
	vec3_t		origin;
	vec3_t		angles;

	int		modelindex;
	int		sequence;
	float		frame;
	int		colormap;
	short		skin;
	short		solid;
	int		effects;
	float		scale;
	byte		eflags;

	// Render information
	int		rendermode;
	int		renderamt;
	color24		rendercolor;
	int		renderfx;

	int		movetype;
	float		animtime;
	float		framerate;
	int		body;
	byte		controller[4];
	byte		blending[4];
	vec3_t		velocity;

	// Send bbox down to client for use during prediction.
	vec3_t		mins;
	vec3_t		maxs;

	int		aiment;
	// If owned by a player, the index of that player ( for projectiles ).
	int		owner;

	// Friction, for prediction.
	float		friction;
	// Gravity multiplier
	float		gravity;

	int		team;
	int		playerclass;
	int		health;
	qboolean		spectator;
	int		weaponmodel;
	int		gaitsequence;
	// If standing on conveyor, e.g.
	vec3_t		basevelocity;
	// Use the crouched hull, or the regular player hull.
	int		usehull;
	// Latched buttons last time state updated.
	int		oldbuttons;
	// -1 = in air, else pmove entity number
	int		onground;
	int		iStepLeft;
	// How fast we are falling
	float		flFallVelocity;

	float		fov;
	int		weaponanim;

	// Parametric movement overrides
	vec3_t		startpos;
	vec3_t		endpos;
	float		impacttime;
	float		starttime;

	// For mods
	int		iuser1;
	int		iuser2;
	int		iuser3;
	int		iuser4;
	float		fuser1;
	float		fuser2;
	float		fuser3;
	float		fuser4;
	vec3_t		vuser1;
	vec3_t		vuser2;
	vec3_t		vuser3;
	vec3_t		vuser4;


This code is from The Operative: No One Lives Forever using the engine known as LithTech2.


	class BaseClass

							BaseClass(uint8 nType=OT_NORMAL) 
								m_pFirstAggregate = NULL;
								m_hObject = NULL; 
								m_nType = nType; 
		virtual				~BaseClass() {}

		uint8				GetType() const { return m_nType; }
		void				SetType( uint8 type ) { m_nType = type; }
		static ILTServer*	GetServerDE() { return (ILTServer*)g_pLTServer; }

		// If you derive from BaseClass, pass your messages down to here at the
		// end of your message loop.
		virtual uint32		EngineMessageFn(uint32 messageID, void *pData, LTFLOAT lData);

		// Call this when you get an object message function so aggregates will get it.
		virtual uint32		ObjectMessageFn(HOBJECT hSender, uint32 messageID, HMESSAGEREAD hRead);


		void			AddAggregate(LPAGGREGATE pAggregate);
		LTBOOL			RemoveAggregate(LPAGGREGATE pAggregate);

	public:  // Data members

		// VERY Important that these data memebers stay in this order. 
		// This version and the C version must be the same!
		LPAGGREGATE		m_pFirstAggregate;// The first aggregate in the linked list..

		// This is always set.. you can use this to pass in an 
		// HOBJECT to the functions that require on instead of calling
		// ObjectToHandle() every time..
		HOBJECT			m_hObject;

		// C++ only data...
		uint8			m_nType;	// Type of object (see ltbasedefs.h)
class GameBase : public BaseClass
	public :

        GameBase(uint8 nType=OT_NORMAL);
		virtual ~GameBase();

		virtual void CreateBoundingBox();
		virtual void RemoveBoundingBox();
		virtual void UpdateBoundingBox();

        uint32 ObjectMessageFn(HOBJECT hSender, uint32 messageID, HMESSAGEREAD hRead);

		ObjectList* GetMarkList() const { return m_pMarkList; }
		void AddMark(HOBJECT hMark);

	protected :

        virtual uint32 EngineMessageFn(uint32 messageID, void *pData, LTFLOAT fData);

        virtual LTVector GetBoundingBoxColor();

		HOBJECT		m_hDimsBox;
		ObjectList*	m_pMarkList;
        uint32      m_dwOriginalFlags;

		uint32		m_nSaveVersion;
		HSTRING		m_hstrSave;

		enum eUpdateControl

		virtual void SetNextUpdate(LTFLOAT fDelta, eUpdateControl eControl=eControlDeactivation);

	private :

		void TriggerMsg(HOBJECT hSender, const char* pMsg);
		void HandleLinkBroken(HOBJECT hObj);
		void Save(HMESSAGEWRITE hWrite);
		void Load(HMESSAGEREAD hRead);

Zelda 64

This code is from a disassembly/reverse-engineering of The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time


typedef struct Actor {
    /* 0x000 */ s16 id; // Actor ID
    /* 0x002 */ u8 category; // Actor category. Refer to the corresponding enum for values
    /* 0x003 */ s8 room; // Room number the actor is in. -1 denotes that the actor won't despawn on a room change
    /* 0x004 */ u32 flags; // Flags used for various purposes
    /* 0x008 */ PosRot home; // Initial position/rotation when spawned. Can be used for other purposes
    /* 0x01C */ s16 params; // Configurable variable set by the actor's spawn data; original name: "args_data"
    /* 0x01E */ s8 objBankIndex; // Object bank index of the actor's object dependency; original name: "bank"
    /* 0x01F */ s8 targetMode; // Controls how far the actor can be targeted from and how far it can stay locked on
    /* 0x020 */ u16 sfx; // SFX ID to play. Sound plays when value is set, then is cleared the following update cycle
    /* 0x024 */ PosRot world; // Position/rotation in the world
    /* 0x038 */ PosRot focus; // Target reticle focuses on this position. For player this represents head pos and rot
    /* 0x04C */ f32 targetArrowOffset; // Height offset of the target arrow relative to `focus` position
    /* 0x050 */ Vec3f scale; // Scale of the actor in each axis
    /* 0x05C */ Vec3f velocity; // Velocity of the actor in each axis
    /* 0x068 */ f32 speedXZ; // How fast the actor is traveling along the XZ plane
    /* 0x06C */ f32 gravity; // Acceleration due to gravity. Value is added to Y velocity every frame
    /* 0x070 */ f32 minVelocityY; // Sets the lower bounds cap on velocity along the Y axis
    /* 0x074 */ CollisionPoly* wallPoly; // Wall polygon the actor is touching
    /* 0x078 */ CollisionPoly* floorPoly; // Floor polygon directly below the actor
    /* 0x07C */ u8 wallBgId; // Bg ID of the wall polygon the actor is touching
    /* 0x07D */ u8 floorBgId; // Bg ID of the floor polygon directly below the actor
    /* 0x07E */ s16 wallYaw; // Y rotation of the wall polygon the actor is touching
    /* 0x080 */ f32 floorHeight; // Y position of the floor polygon directly below the actor
    /* 0x084 */ f32 yDistToWater; // Distance to the surface of active waterbox. Negative value means above water
    /* 0x088 */ u16 bgCheckFlags; // See comments below actor struct for wip docs. TODO: macros for these flags
    /* 0x08A */ s16 yawTowardsPlayer; // Y rotation difference between the actor and the player
    /* 0x08C */ f32 xyzDistToPlayerSq; // Squared distance between the actor and the player in the x,y,z axis
    /* 0x090 */ f32 xzDistToPlayer; // Distance between the actor and the player in the XZ plane
    /* 0x094 */ f32 yDistToPlayer; // Dist is negative if the actor is above the player
    /* 0x098 */ CollisionCheckInfo colChkInfo; // Variables related to the Collision Check system
    /* 0x0B4 */ ActorShape shape; // Variables related to the physical shape of the actor
    /* 0x0E4 */ Vec3f projectedPos; // Position of the actor in projected space
    /* 0x0F0 */ f32 projectedW; // w component of the projected actor position
    /* 0x0F4 */ f32 uncullZoneForward; // Amount to increase the uncull zone forward by (in projected space)
    /* 0x0F8 */ f32 uncullZoneScale; // Amount to increase the uncull zone scale by (in projected space)
    /* 0x0FC */ f32 uncullZoneDownward; // Amount to increase uncull zone downward by (in projected space)
    /* 0x100 */ Vec3f prevPos; // World position from the previous update cycle
    /* 0x10C */ u8 isTargeted; // Set to true if the actor is currently being targeted by the player
    /* 0x10D */ u8 targetPriority; // Lower values have higher priority. Resets to 0 when player stops targeting
    /* 0x10E */ u16 textId; // Text ID to pass to link/display when interacting with the actor
    /* 0x110 */ u16 freezeTimer; // Actor does not update when set. Timer decrements automatically
    /* 0x112 */ u16 colorFilterParams; // Set color filter to red, blue, or white. Toggle opa or xlu
    /* 0x114 */ u8 colorFilterTimer; // A non-zero value enables the color filter. Decrements automatically
    /* 0x115 */ u8 isDrawn; // Set to true if the actor is currently being drawn. Always stays false for lens actors
    /* 0x116 */ u8 dropFlag; // Configures what item is dropped by the actor from `Item_DropCollectibleRandom`
    /* 0x117 */ u8 naviEnemyId; // Sets what 0600 dialog to display when talking to navi. Default 0xFF
    /* 0x118 */ struct Actor* parent; // Usage is actor specific. Set if actor is spawned via `Actor_SpawnAsChild`
    /* 0x11C */ struct Actor* child; // Usage is actor specific. Set if actor is spawned via `Actor_SpawnAsChild`
    /* 0x120 */ struct Actor* prev; // Previous actor of this category
    /* 0x124 */ struct Actor* next; // Next actor of this category
    /* 0x128 */ ActorFunc init; // Initialization Routine. Called by `Actor_Init` or `Actor_UpdateAll`
    /* 0x12C */ ActorFunc destroy; // Destruction Routine. Called by `Actor_Destroy`
    /* 0x130 */ ActorFunc update; // Update Routine. Called by `Actor_UpdateAll`
    /* 0x134 */ ActorFunc draw; // Draw Routine. Called by `Actor_Draw`
    /* 0x138 */ ActorOverlay* overlayEntry; // Pointer to the overlay table entry for this actor
    /* 0x13C */ char dbgPad[0x10]; // Padding that only exists in the debug rom
} Actor; // size = 0x14C

Super Mario 64

This code is from a disassembly/reverse-engineering of Super Mario 64, that has even spawned a port.


struct Object
    /*0x000*/ struct ObjectNode header;
    /*0x068*/ struct Object *parentObj;
    /*0x06C*/ struct Object *prevObj;
    /*0x070*/ u32 collidedObjInteractTypes;
    /*0x074*/ s16 activeFlags;
    /*0x076*/ s16 numCollidedObjs;
    /*0x078*/ struct Object *collidedObjs[4];
        // Object fields. See object_fields.h.
        u32 asU32[0x50];
        s32 asS32[0x50];
        s16 asS16[0x50][2];
        f32 asF32[0x50];
#if !IS_64_BIT
        s16 *asS16P[0x50];
        s32 *asS32P[0x50];
        struct Animation **asAnims[0x50];
        struct Waypoint *asWaypoint[0x50];
        struct ChainSegment *asChainSegment[0x50];
        struct Object *asObject[0x50];
        struct Surface *asSurface[0x50];
        void *asVoidPtr[0x50];
        const void *asConstVoidPtr[0x50];
    } rawData;
#if IS_64_BIT
    union {
        s16 *asS16P[0x50];
        s32 *asS32P[0x50];
        struct Animation **asAnims[0x50];
        struct Waypoint *asWaypoint[0x50];
        struct ChainSegment *asChainSegment[0x50];
        struct Object *asObject[0x50];
        struct Surface *asSurface[0x50];
        void *asVoidPtr[0x50];
        const void *asConstVoidPtr[0x50];
    } ptrData;
    /*0x1C8*/ u32 unused1;
    /*0x1CC*/ const BehaviorScript *curBhvCommand;
    /*0x1D0*/ u32 bhvStackIndex;
    /*0x1D4*/ uintptr_t bhvStack[8];
    /*0x1F4*/ s16 bhvDelayTimer;
    /*0x1F6*/ s16 respawnInfoType;
    /*0x1F8*/ f32 hitboxRadius;
    /*0x1FC*/ f32 hitboxHeight;
    /*0x200*/ f32 hurtboxRadius;
    /*0x204*/ f32 hurtboxHeight;
    /*0x208*/ f32 hitboxDownOffset;
    /*0x20C*/ const BehaviorScript *behavior;
    /*0x210*/ u32 unused2;
    /*0x214*/ struct Object *platform;
    /*0x218*/ void *collisionData;
    /*0x21C*/ Mat4 transform;
    /*0x25C*/ void *respawnInfo;

Cube 2

This code is the engine from Cube 2: Sauerbraten, also used in Assault Cube and other opensource FPS games.


struct entity                                   // persistent map entity
    vec o;                                      // position
    short attr1, attr2, attr3, attr4, attr5;
    uchar type;                                 // type is one of the above
    uchar reserved;


struct extentity : entity                       // part of the entity that doesn't get saved to disk
    int flags;  // the only dynamic state of a map entity
    entitylight light;
    extentity *attached;

    extentity() : flags(0), attached(NULL) {}

    bool spawned() const { return (flags&EF_SPAWNED) != 0; }
    void setspawned(bool val) { if(val) flags |= EF_SPAWNED; else flags &= ~EF_SPAWNED; }
    void setspawned() { flags |= EF_SPAWNED; }
    void clearspawned() { flags &= ~EF_SPAWNED; }


struct physent                                  // base entity type, can be affected by physics
    vec o, vel, falling;                        // origin, velocity
    vec deltapos, newpos;                       // movement interpolation
    float yaw, pitch, roll;
    float maxspeed;                             // cubes per second, 100 for player
    int timeinair;
    float radius, eyeheight, aboveeye;          // bounding box size
    float xradius, yradius, zmargin;
    vec floor;                                  // the normal of floor the dynent is on

    int inwater;
    bool jumping;
    char move, strafe;

    uchar physstate;                            // one of PHYS_* above
    uchar state, editstate;                     // one of CS_* above
    uchar type;                                 // one of ENT_* above
    uchar collidetype;                          // one of COLLIDE_* above           

    bool blocked;                               // used by physics to signal ai

    physent() : o(0, 0, 0), deltapos(0, 0, 0), newpos(0, 0, 0), yaw(0), pitch(0), roll(0), maxspeed(100), 
               radius(4.1f), eyeheight(14), aboveeye(1), xradius(4.1f), yradius(4.1f), zmargin(0),
               state(CS_ALIVE), editstate(CS_ALIVE), type(ENT_PLAYER),
               { reset(); }
    void resetinterp()
        newpos = o;
        deltapos = vec(0, 0, 0);

    void reset()
        inwater = 0;
        timeinair = 0;
        jumping = false;
        strafe = move = 0;
        physstate = PHYS_FALL;
        vel = falling = vec(0, 0, 0);
        floor = vec(0, 0, 1);

    vec feetpos(float offset = 0) const { return vec(o).add(vec(0, 0, offset - eyeheight)); }
    vec headpos(float offset = 0) const { return vec(o).add(vec(0, 0, offset)); }

    bool maymove() const { return timeinair || physstate < PHYS_FLOOR || vel.squaredlen() > 1e-4f || deltapos.squaredlen() > 1e-4f; } 


struct dynent : physent                         // animated characters, or characters that can receive input
    bool k_left, k_right, k_up, k_down;         // see input code

    entitylight light;
    animinterpinfo animinterp[MAXANIMPARTS];
    ragdolldata *ragdoll;
    occludequery *query;
    int occluded, lastrendered;

    dynent() : ragdoll(NULL), query(NULL), occluded(0), lastrendered(0)

        extern void cleanragdoll(dynent *d);
        if(ragdoll) cleanragdoll(this);
    void stopmoving()
        k_left = k_right = k_up = k_down = jumping = false;
        move = strafe = 0;
    void reset()
        loopi(MAXANIMPARTS) animinterp[i].reset();

    vec abovehead() { return vec(o).add(vec(0, 0, aboveeye+4)); }


struct fpsent : dynent, fpsstate
    int weight;                         // affects the effectiveness of hitpush
    int clientnum, privilege, lastupdate, plag, ping;
    int lifesequence;                   // sequence id for each respawn, used in damage test
    int respawned, suicided;
    int lastpain;
    int lastaction, lastattackgun;
    bool attacking;
    int attacksound, attackchan, idlesound, idlechan;
    int lasttaunt;
    int lastpickup, lastpickupmillis, lastbase, lastrepammo, flagpickup, tokens;
    vec lastcollect;
    int frags, flags, deaths, totaldamage, totalshots;
    editinfo *edit;
    float deltayaw, deltapitch, deltaroll, newyaw, newpitch, newroll;
    int smoothmillis;

    string name, team, info;
    int playermodel;
    ai::aiinfo *ai;
    int ownernum, lastnode;

    vec muzzle;

    fpsent() : weight(100), clientnum(-1), privilege(PRIV_NONE), lastupdate(0), plag(0), ping(0), lifesequence(0), respawned(-1), suicided(-1), lastpain(0), attacksound(-1), attackchan(-1), idlesound(-1), idlechan(-1), frags(0), flags(0), deaths(0), totaldamage(0), totalshots(0), edit(NULL), smoothmillis(-1), playermodel(-1), ai(NULL), ownernum(-1), muzzle(-1, -1, -1)
        name[0] = team[0] = info[0] = 0;
        if(attackchan >= 0) stopsound(attacksound, attackchan);
        if(idlechan >= 0) stopsound(idlesound, idlechan);
        if(ai) delete ai;

    void hitpush(int damage, const vec &dir, fpsent *actor, int gun)
        vec push(dir);
        push.mul((actor==this && guns[gun].exprad ? EXP_SELFPUSH : 1.0f)*guns[gun].hitpush*damage/weight);

    void stopattacksound()
        if(attackchan >= 0) stopsound(attacksound, attackchan, 250);
        attacksound = attackchan = -1;

    void stopidlesound()
        if(idlechan >= 0) stopsound(idlesound, idlechan, 100);
        idlesound = idlechan = -1;

    void respawn()
        respawned = suicided = -1;
        lastaction = 0;
        lastattackgun = gunselect;
        attacking = false;
        lasttaunt = 0;
        lastpickup = -1;
        lastpickupmillis = 0;
        lastbase = lastrepammo = -1;
        flagpickup = 0;
        tokens = 0;
        lastcollect = vec(-1e10f, -1e10f, -1e10f);
        lastnode = -1;

Doukutsu Monogatari

洞窟物語 (Doukutsu Monogatari) is also known as Cave Story. This code is from the NXEngine - an opensource rewrite of the original engine by Pixel.


class Object
	virtual ~Object() { }		// REQUIRED for subclasses (e.g. Player)
	void SetType(int type);
	void ChangeType(int type);
	void BringToFront();
	void PushBehind(Object *behind);
	void PushBehind(int objtype);
	// --------------------------------------- hit detection w/ map
	uint32_t GetAttributes(const Point *pointlist, int npoints, int *tile = NULL);
	bool CheckAttribute(const Point *pointlist, int npoints, uint32_t attrmask, \
						int *tile_x = NULL, int *tile_y = NULL);
	bool CheckSolidIntersect(Object *other, const Point *pointlist, int npoints);
	// --------------------------------------- overridden convenience versions of above
	bool CheckAttribute(SIFPointList *points, uint32_t attrmask, int *tile_x = NULL, int *tile_y = NULL)
		return CheckAttribute(&points->point[0], points->count, attrmask, tile_x, tile_y);
	uint32_t GetAttributes(SIFPointList *points, int *tile = NULL)
		return GetAttributes(&points->point[0], points->count, tile);
	bool CheckSolidIntersect(Object *other, SIFPointList *points)
		return CheckSolidIntersect(other, &points->point[0], points->count);
	// ---------------------------------------
	void UpdateBlockStates(uint8_t updatemask);
	void SetBlockForSolidBrick(uint8_t updatemask);
	int GetBlockingType();
	// ---------------------------------------
	bool apply_xinertia(int inertia);
	bool apply_yinertia(int inertia);
	void PushPlayerOutOfWay(int xinertia, int yinertia);
	void SnapToGround();
	// ---------------------------------------
	void DealDamage(int dmg, Object *shot = NULL);
	void Kill();
	void SpawnPowerups();
	void SpawnXP(int amt);
	// ---------------------------------------
	void RunAI();
	void DealContactDamage();
	int GetAttackDirection();
	void OnTick();
	void OnAftermove();
	void OnSpawn();
	void OnDeath();
	// ---------------------------------------
	void animate_seq(int speed, const int *framelist, int nframes);
	void CurlyTargetHere(int mintime = 80, int maxtime = 100);
	void ResetClip();
	void MoveAtDir(int dir, int speed);
	// ---------------------------------------
	void Delete();			// mark for deletion at end of frame
	void Destroy();			// delete immediately
	void DisconnectGamePointers();
	// ---------------------------------------
	int Width();
	int Height();
	int BBoxWidth();
	int BBoxHeight();
	int CenterX();
	int CenterY();
	int Left();
	int Right();
	int Top();
	int Bottom();
	int SolidLeft();
	int SolidRight();
	int SolidTop();
	int SolidBottom();
	int ActionPointX();
	int ActionPointY();
	int ActionPoint2X();
	int ActionPoint2Y();
	int DrawPointX();
	int DrawPointY();
	SIFSprite *Sprite();
	// ---------------------------------------
	int type;								// object's type
	int sprite;								// sprite # to use with object
	int frame;								// frame of sprite to display
	int x, y;
	int xinertia, yinertia;
	uint8_t dir;
	int hp;									// remaining health
	int damage;								// if != 0 does this much damage to player on touch
	int state;								// AI state
	int substate;							// state of current "common/shared" AI routine
	int dirparam;							// for ANP's that use the dir as an extra parameter: see tsc.cpp: SetCSDir
	// if the object has FLAG_SOLID_BRICK set, this is how much damage it does to the
	// player if it runs him into a wall or the ceiling/floor.
	int smushdamage;
	// for enemies' "shaking" effect when hurt
	int shaketime;
	int display_xoff;
	// rising damage points
	FloatText *DamageText;
	// tracks amount of damage dealt quickly, while the objects is still shaking from
	// previous shots. displaying this damage is postponed until the enemy stops shaking.
	int DamageWaiting;
	// for teleportation and other effects
	bool clip_enable;
	int clipx1, clipx2;
	int clipy1, clipy2;
	// for use by AI
	int timer, timer2, timer3;
	int animtimer;
	int animframe;
	int blinktimer;
	int xmark, ymark;
	int xmark2, ymark2;
	uint8_t angle, angleoffset;				// used for a few such as skullstep
	int speed;
	int savedhp;
	uint32_t flags;							// NPC flags (from .pxe)
	uint32_t nxflags;						// NXEngine-specific flags
	uint16_t id1, id2;						// object identifiers (from .pxe)
	bool onscreen;							// true if currently onscreen (lags 1 frame behind)
	bool invisible;							// if true the object will NOT be rendered (but still does collision checking)
	// flags which are set if an object is touching a wall, ceiling, or floor
	// they're addressable either by the array or individually.
	#define BLOCKED_MAP		1
	union {
		struct { uint8_t blockr, blockl, blocku, blockd; };
		uint8_t block[4];
	union {
		struct { uint8_t lastblockr, lastblockl, lastblocku, lastblockd; };
		uint8_t lastblock[4];
	// if true, object has been deleted and should be freed before next tick
	bool deleted;
	// the dual-layered linked-list. one list is order of creation is the
	// order AI routines are run in, the other is the z-order and is the
	// order the objects are drawn in.
	Object *prev, *next;
	Object *lower, *higher;
	Object *linkedobject;
	// AI variables used for specific AI functions
		// for player shots (not enemy shots)
			int ttl;			// frames left till shot times out; sets range
			int dir;			// direction shot was fired in, LEFT RIGHT UP DOWN.
			int damage;			// damage dealt per hit
			int btype;			// bullet type
			int level;			// weapon level (0, 1, or 2)
			// missile boom spawner used w/ player missiles
				int range;
				int booms_left;
			} boomspawner;
		} shot;
			int bultype;
			int nlayers;
			int wave_amt;
		} mgun;
		{	// if 1 on an OBJ_CARRIED_OBJECT then object faces in OPPOSITE direction of carrier
			bool flip;
		} carry;
			int jumpheight, jumpgrav;
			int falldmg;
			bool canfly;
		} critter;
			int blockedtime;
			int reachptimer;
			int tryjumptime;
			int impjumptime;
			uchar impjump;
			uchar look;
			int gunsprite;
			int changedirtimer;
			bool spawned_watershield;
		} curly;
			bool left_ground;
		} toro;
			Object *carried_by;
		} sue;
			bool smoking;
			int smoketimer;
		} balrog;
			bool fireattack;
		} igor;
			bool is_horizontal;
			int x1, y1, x2, y2;
		} hvt;	// hvtrigger
			Object *layers[4];
		} cloud;

X ray

The Xray engine is the engine used in STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl and its sequels. This code is from OpenXRay - an enhanced, opensource port of the XRay engine.


class CEntity : public CPhysicsShellHolder, public CDamageManager
    friend class CEntityCondition;

    typedef CPhysicsShellHolder inherited;
    CEntityConditionSimple* m_entity_condition;

    //время через которое мертвое тело убирется с уровня
    ALife::_TIME_ID m_dwBodyRemoveTime;

    virtual CEntityConditionSimple* create_entity_condition(CEntityConditionSimple* ec);

    IC float GetfHealth() const { return m_entity_condition->GetHealth(); }
    IC float SetfHealth(float value)
        return value;
    float m_fMorale;
    // Team params
    int id_Team;
    int id_Squad;
    int id_Group;

    virtual void ChangeTeam(int team, int squad, int group);

    struct SEntityState
        u32 bJump : 1;
        u32 bCrouch : 1;
        u32 bFall : 1;
        u32 bSprint : 1;
        float fVelocity;
        float fAVelocity;

    float m_fFood;

    // General
    virtual ~CEntity();
    virtual IFactoryObject* _construct();
    virtual CEntity* cast_entity() { return this; }
    // Core events
    virtual void Load(LPCSTR section);
    virtual void reinit();
    virtual void reload(LPCSTR section);
    virtual bool net_Spawn(CSE_Abstract* DC);
    virtual void net_Destroy();

    virtual void shedule_Update(u32 dt);

    bool IsFocused() const;
    bool IsMyCamera() const;

    //	virtual float			g_Health			()const	{ return GetfHealth();}
    /*	virtual*/ IC float GetMaxHealth() const { return m_entity_condition->max_health(); }
    /*	virtual*/ IC void SetMaxHealth(float v) { m_entity_condition->max_health() = v; }
    /*virtual*/ IC BOOL g_Alive() const { return GetfHealth() > 0; }
    virtual BOOL g_State(SEntityState&) const { return FALSE; }
    bool AlreadyDie() { return 0 != GetLevelDeathTime() ? true : false; }
    ALife::_TIME_ID GetGameDeathTime() const { return m_game_death_time; }
    u32 GetLevelDeathTime() const { return m_level_death_time; }
    virtual float CalcCondition(float hit);

    // if false - hits go through and dont hit
    virtual bool in_solid_state() { return true; }
    int g_Team() const { return id_Team; }
    int g_Squad() const { return id_Squad; }
    int g_Group() const { return id_Group; }
    // Health calculations
    virtual void Hit(SHit* pHDS);
    virtual void HitSignal(float P, Fvector& local_dir, IGameObject* who, s16 element) = 0;
    virtual void HitImpulse(float P, Fvector& vWorldDir, Fvector& vLocalDir) = 0;

    virtual void Die(IGameObject* who);
    //void KillEntity (IGameObject* who);
    void KillEntity(u16 whoID, bool bypass_actor_check = false);

    // Events
    virtual void OnEvent(NET_Packet& P, u16 type);

    virtual BOOL IsVisibleForHUD() { return g_Alive(); }
    virtual void g_fireParams(const CHudItem*, Fvector&, Fvector&){};
    virtual bool g_stateFire() { return true; }
    // time of entity death
    u32 m_level_death_time;
    ALife::_TIME_ID m_game_death_time;

    void set_death_time();
    virtual void set_ready_to_save();

    ALife::_OBJECT_ID m_killer_id;

    IC u16 killer_id() const { return m_killer_id; };
    virtual bool use_simplified_visual() const { return false; };
    virtual void on_before_change_team();
    virtual void on_after_change_team();

    bool m_registered_member;


class CEntityAlive : public CEntity
    using inherited = CEntity;

    u32 m_used_time;

    virtual CEntityAlive* cast_entity_alive() { return this; }

    bool m_bMobility;
    float m_fAccuracy;
    float m_fIntelligence;
    u32 m_use_timeout;
    u8 m_squad_index;

    bool m_is_agresive;
    bool m_is_start_attack;
    // m_PhysicMovementControl
    // CPHMovementControl		*m_PhysicMovementControl;
    // General
    virtual ~CEntityAlive();

    // Core events
    virtual IFactoryObject* _construct();
    virtual void Load(LPCSTR section);
    virtual void reinit();
    virtual void reload(LPCSTR section);

    // object serialization
    virtual void save(NET_Packet& output_packet);
    virtual void load(IReader& input_packet);

    virtual bool net_Spawn(CSE_Abstract* DC);
    virtual void net_Destroy();
    virtual bool net_SaveRelevant();

    virtual void shedule_Update(u32 dt);
    virtual void create_anim_mov_ctrl(CBlend* b, Fmatrix* start_pose, bool local_animation);
    virtual void destroy_anim_mov_ctrl();

    virtual void HitImpulse(float amount, Fvector& vWorldDir, Fvector& vLocalDir);
    virtual void Hit(SHit* pHDS);
    virtual void Die(IGameObject* who);
    virtual void g_WeaponBones(int& L, int& R1, int& R2) = 0;
    void set_lock_corpse(bool b_l_corpse);
    bool is_locked_corpse();
    //	virtual float			GetfHealth				() const;
    //	virtual float			SetfHealth				(float value);

    //	virtual float			g_Health				()	const;
    //	virtual float			g_MaxHealth				()	const;

    virtual float g_Radiation() const;
    virtual float SetfRadiation(float value);

    virtual float CalcCondition(float hit);

    // Visibility related
    virtual float ffGetFov() const = 0;
    virtual float ffGetRange() const = 0;

    virtual bool human_being() const { return false; }
    // IC	CPHMovementControl*					PMovement					()						{return
    // m_PhysicMovementControl;}

    virtual u16 PHGetSyncItemsNumber();
    virtual CPHSynchronize* PHGetSyncItem(u16 item);
    virtual void PHUnFreeze();
    virtual void PHFreeze();

    virtual void PHGetLinearVell(Fvector& velocity);
    virtual CPHSoundPlayer* ph_sound_player();
    virtual CIKLimbsController* character_ik_controller();
    virtual ICollisionHitCallback* get_collision_hit_callback();
    virtual void set_collision_hit_callback(ICollisionHitCallback* cc);

    using WOUND_VECTOR = xr_vector<CWound*>;
    WOUND_VECTOR m_ParticleWounds;

    virtual void StartFireParticles(CWound* pWound);
    virtual void UpdateFireParticles();
    virtual void LoadFireParticles(LPCSTR section);

    static void UnloadFireParticles();

    static STR_VECTOR* m_pFireParticlesVector;
    static u32 m_dwMinBurnTime;
    static float m_fStartBurnWoundSize;
    static float m_fStopBurnWoundSize;

    virtual void BloodyWallmarks(float P, const Fvector& dir, s16 element, const Fvector& position_in_object_space);
    static void LoadBloodyWallmarks(LPCSTR section);

    static void UnloadBloodyWallmarks();

    void ClearBloodWounds() { m_BloodWounds.clear(); };
    virtual void PlaceBloodWallmark(const Fvector& dir, const Fvector& start_pos, float trace_dist, float wallmark_size,
        IWallMarkArray* pwallmarks_vector);

    //информация о кровавых отметках на стенах, общая для всех CEntityAlive
    static FactoryPtr<IWallMarkArray>* m_pBloodMarksVector;
    static float m_fBloodMarkSizeMax;
    static float m_fBloodMarkSizeMin;
    static float m_fBloodMarkDistance;
    static float m_fNominalHit;

    //текстурки капель крови
    static FactoryPtr<IWallMarkArray>* m_pBloodDropsVector;
    //список ран с которых капает кровь

    WOUND_VECTOR m_BloodWounds;
    //размер раны, чтоб начала капать кровь
    static float m_fStartBloodWoundSize;
    //размер раны, чтоб остановить кровь
    static float m_fStopBloodWoundSize;
    static float m_fBloodDropSize;

    //обновление ран, и рисование отметок от капающей крови
    virtual void StartBloodDrops(CWound* pWound);
    virtual void UpdateBloodDrops();

    //отношения между существами и персонажами в зоне
    virtual ALife::ERelationType tfGetRelationType(const CEntityAlive* tpEntityAlive) const;
    virtual bool is_relation_enemy(const CEntityAlive* tpEntityAlive) const;

    MONSTER_COMMUNITY* monster_community;

    CEntityCondition* m_entity_condition;
    CMaterialManager* m_material_manager;
    bool b_eating;

    virtual CEntityConditionSimple* create_entity_condition(CEntityConditionSimple* ec);

    IC CEntityCondition& conditions() const;
    IC CMaterialManager& material() const
        return (*m_material_manager);

    u32 m_ef_creature_type;
    u32 m_ef_weapon_type;
    u32 m_ef_detector_type;

    virtual u32 ef_creature_type() const;
    virtual u32 ef_weapon_type() const;
    virtual u32 ef_detector_type() const;

    virtual void OnHitHealthLoss(float NewHealth){}; //вызывается если entity теряет здоровье
    virtual void OnCriticalHitHealthLoss(){}; //вызывается если entity умрет от хита
    virtual void OnCriticalWoundHealthLoss(){}; //вызывается если entity умрет от потери крови
    virtual void OnCriticalRadiationHealthLoss(){}; //вызывается если entity умрет от радиации

    virtual CVisualMemoryManager* visual_memory() const { return (0); }
    virtual void net_Relcase(IGameObject* O);

    virtual Fvector predict_position(const float& time_to_check) const;
    virtual Fvector target_position() const;
    IC bool const& is_agresive() const;
    IC void is_agresive(bool const& value);
    IC bool const& is_start_attack() const;
    IC void is_start_attack(bool const& value);

    virtual Fvector get_new_local_point_on_mesh(u16& bone_id) const;
    virtual Fvector get_last_local_point_on_mesh(Fvector const& last_point, u16 bone_id) const;
    virtual void OnChangeVisual();

    void fill_hit_bone_surface_areas() const;

    typedef xr_vector<std::pair<u16, float>> hit_bone_surface_areas_type;

    mutable hit_bone_surface_areas_type m_hit_bone_surface_areas;
    mutable CRandom m_hit_bones_random;
    mutable bool m_hit_bone_surface_areas_actual;


class CActor : public CEntityAlive,
               public IInputReceiver,
               public Feel::Touch,
               public CInventoryOwner,
               public CPhraseDialogManager,
               public CStepManager,
               public Feel::Sound
#ifdef DEBUG
               public pureRender
    friend class CActorCondition;

    typedef CEntityAlive inherited;

    virtual ~CActor();

    virtual bool AlwaysTheCrow() { return true; }
    virtual CAttachmentOwner* cast_attachment_owner() { return this; }
    virtual CInventoryOwner* cast_inventory_owner() { return this; }
    virtual CActor* cast_actor() { return this; }
    virtual CGameObject* cast_game_object() { return this; }
    virtual IInputReceiver* cast_input_receiver() { return this; }
    virtual CCharacterPhysicsSupport* character_physics_support() { return m_pPhysics_support; }
    virtual CCharacterPhysicsSupport* character_physics_support() const { return m_pPhysics_support; }
    virtual CPHDestroyable* ph_destroyable();
    CHolderCustom* Holder() { return m_holder; }
    virtual void Load(LPCSTR section);

    virtual void shedule_Update(u32 T);
    virtual void UpdateCL();

    virtual void OnEvent(NET_Packet& P, u16 type);

    // Render
    void renderable_Render(IRenderable* root) override;
    virtual bool renderable_ShadowGenerate();
    void feel_sound_new(IGameObject* who, int type, const CSound_UserDataPtr& user_data,
        const Fvector& position, float power) override;
    virtual Feel::Sound* dcast_FeelSound() { return this; }
    float m_snd_noise;
#ifdef DEBUG
    virtual void OnRender();


    virtual bool OnReceiveInfo(shared_str info_id) const;
    virtual void OnDisableInfo(shared_str info_id) const;

    virtual void NewPdaContact(CInventoryOwner*);
    virtual void LostPdaContact(CInventoryOwner*);

#ifdef DEBUG
    void DumpTasks();

    virtual void AddEncyclopediaArticle(const CInfoPortion* info_portion) const;

    struct SDefNewsMsg
        GAME_NEWS_DATA* news_data;
        u32 time;
        bool operator<(const SDefNewsMsg& other) const { return time > other.time; }
    xr_vector<SDefNewsMsg> m_defferedMessages;
    void UpdateDefferedMessages();

    void AddGameNews_deffered(GAME_NEWS_DATA& news_data, u32 delay);
    virtual void AddGameNews(GAME_NEWS_DATA& news_data);
    void ClearGameNews();

    CActorStatisticMgr* m_statistic_manager;

    virtual void StartTalk(CInventoryOwner* talk_partner);
    void RunTalkDialog(CInventoryOwner* talk_partner, bool disable_break);
    CActorStatisticMgr& StatisticMgr() { return *m_statistic_manager; }
    CEncyclopediaRegistryWrapper* encyclopedia_registry;
    CGameNewsRegistryWrapper* game_news_registry;
    CCharacterPhysicsSupport* m_pPhysics_support;

    virtual LPCSTR Name() const { return CInventoryOwner::Name(); }
    // PhraseDialogManager
    virtual void ReceivePhrase(DIALOG_SHARED_PTR& phrase_dialog);
    virtual void UpdateAvailableDialogs(CPhraseDialogManager* partner);
    virtual void TryToTalk();
    bool OnDialogSoundHandlerStart(CInventoryOwner* inv_owner, LPCSTR phrase);
    bool OnDialogSoundHandlerStop(CInventoryOwner* inv_owner);

    virtual void reinit();
    virtual void reload(LPCSTR section);
    virtual bool use_bolts() const;

    virtual void OnItemTake(CInventoryItem* inventory_item);

    virtual void OnItemRuck(CInventoryItem* inventory_item, const SInvItemPlace& previous_place);
    virtual void OnItemBelt(CInventoryItem* inventory_item, const SInvItemPlace& previous_place);

    virtual void OnItemDrop(CInventoryItem* inventory_item, bool just_before_destroy);
    virtual void OnItemDropUpdate();

    void MoveArtefactBelt(const CArtefact* artefact, bool on_belt);

    virtual void OnPlayHeadShotParticle(NET_Packet P);

    virtual void Die(IGameObject* who);
    virtual void Hit(SHit* pHDS);
    virtual void PHHit(SHit& H);
    virtual void HitSignal(float P, Fvector& vLocalDir, IGameObject* who, s16 element);
    void HitSector(IGameObject* who, IGameObject* weapon);
    void HitMark(float P, Fvector dir, IGameObject* who, s16 element, Fvector position_in_bone_space, float impulse,
        ALife::EHitType hit_type);

    void Feel_Grenade_Update(float rad);

    virtual float GetMass();
    virtual float Radius() const;
    virtual void g_PerformDrop();

    virtual bool use_default_throw_force();
    virtual float missile_throw_force();

    virtual bool unlimited_ammo();

    virtual bool NeedToDestroyObject() const;
    virtual ALife::_TIME_ID TimePassedAfterDeath() const;

    //свойства артефактов
    virtual void UpdateArtefactsOnBeltAndOutfit();
    float HitArtefactsOnBelt(float hit_power, ALife::EHitType hit_type);
    float GetProtection_ArtefactsOnBelt(ALife::EHitType hit_type);

    //звук тяжелого дыхания
    ref_sound m_HeavyBreathSnd;
    ref_sound m_BloodSnd;
    ref_sound m_DangerSnd;

    xr_vector<const CArtefact*> m_ArtefactsOnBelt;
    // Death
    float m_hit_slowmo;
    float m_hit_probability;
    s8 m_block_sprint_counter;

    // media
    SndShockEffector* m_sndShockEffector;
    xr_vector<ref_sound> sndHit[ALife::eHitTypeMax];
    ref_sound sndDie[SND_DIE_COUNT];

    float m_fLandingTime;
    float m_fJumpTime;
    float m_fFallTime;
    float m_fCamHeightFactor;

    // Dropping
    BOOL b_DropActivated;
    float f_DropPower;

    // random seed для Zoom mode
    s32 m_ZoomRndSeed;
    // random seed для Weapon Effector Shot
    s32 m_ShotRndSeed;

    bool m_bOutBorder;
    //сохраняет счетчик объектов в feel_touch, для которых необходимо обновлять размер колижена с актером
    u32 m_feel_touch_characters;

    void SwitchOutBorder(bool new_border_state);

    bool m_bAllowDeathRemove;

    void SetZoomRndSeed(s32 Seed = 0);
    s32 GetZoomRndSeed() { return m_ZoomRndSeed; };
    void SetShotRndSeed(s32 Seed = 0);
    s32 GetShotRndSeed() { return m_ShotRndSeed; };
    void detach_Vehicle();
    void steer_Vehicle(float angle);
    void attach_Vehicle(CHolderCustom* vehicle);
    bool use_MountedWeapon(CHolderCustom* object);
    virtual bool can_attach(const CInventoryItem* inventory_item) const;

    CHolderCustom* m_holder;
    u16 m_holderID;
    bool use_Holder(CHolderCustom* holder);

    bool use_Vehicle(CHolderCustom* object);
    void ActorUse();

    BOOL m_bAnimTorsoPlayed;
    static void AnimTorsoPlayCallBack(CBlend* B);

    // Rotation
    SRotation r_torso;
    float r_torso_tgt_roll;
    //положение торса без воздействия эффекта отдачи оружия
    SRotation unaffected_r_torso;

    //ориентация модели
    float r_model_yaw_dest;
    float r_model_yaw; // orientation of model
    float r_model_yaw_delta; // effect on multiple "strafe"+"something"

    SActorMotions* m_anims;
    SActorVehicleAnims* m_vehicle_anims;

    CBlend* m_current_legs_blend;
    CBlend* m_current_torso_blend;
    CBlend* m_current_jump_blend;
    MotionID m_current_legs;
    MotionID m_current_torso;
    MotionID m_current_head;

    // callback на анимации модели актера
    void SetCallbacks();
    void ResetCallbacks();
    static void Spin0Callback(CBoneInstance*);
    static void Spin1Callback(CBoneInstance*);
    static void ShoulderCallback(CBoneInstance*);
    static void HeadCallback(CBoneInstance*);
    static void VehicleHeadCallback(CBoneInstance*);

    virtual const SRotation Orientation() const { return r_torso; };
    SRotation& Orientation() { return r_torso; };
    void g_SetAnimation(u32 mstate_rl);
    void g_SetSprintAnimation(u32 mstate_rl, MotionID& head, MotionID& torso, MotionID& legs);

    void OnHUDDraw(CCustomHUD* hud, IRenderable* root) override;
    BOOL HUDview() const;

    // visiblity
    virtual float ffGetFov() const { return 90.f; }
    virtual float ffGetRange() const { return 500.f; }
    CActorCameraManager& Cameras()
        return *m_pActorEffector;
    IC CCameraBase* cam_Active() { return cameras[cam_active]; }
    IC CCameraBase* cam_FirstEye() { return cameras[eacFirstEye]; }

    EActorCameras active_cam() const { return cam_active; } // KD: we need to know which cam is active outside actor methods
    virtual void cam_Set(EActorCameras style); //Alundaio: made public

    //virtual void cam_Set(EActorCameras style);
    void cam_Update(float dt, float fFOV);
    void cam_Lookout(const Fmatrix& xform, float camera_height);
    void camUpdateLadder(float dt);
    void cam_SetLadder();
    void cam_UnsetLadder();
    float currentFOV();

    // Cameras
    CCameraBase* cameras[eacMaxCam];
    EActorCameras cam_active;
    float fPrevCamPos;
    float current_ik_cam_shift;
    Fvector vPrevCamDir;
    float fCurAVelocity;
    CEffectorBobbing* pCamBobbing;

    //менеджер эффекторов, есть у каждого актрера
    CActorCameraManager* m_pActorEffector;
    static float f_Ladder_cam_limit;

    virtual void feel_touch_new(IGameObject* O);
    virtual void feel_touch_delete(IGameObject* O);
    virtual bool feel_touch_contact(IGameObject* O);
    virtual bool feel_touch_on_contact(IGameObject* O);

    CGameObject* ObjectWeLookingAt() { return m_pObjectWeLookingAt; }
    CInventoryOwner* PersonWeLookingAt() { return m_pPersonWeLookingAt; }
    LPCSTR GetDefaultActionForObject() { return *m_sDefaultObjAction; }
    CGameObject* m_pUsableObject;
    // Person we're looking at
    CInventoryOwner* m_pPersonWeLookingAt;
    CHolderCustom* m_pVehicleWeLookingAt;
    CGameObject* m_pObjectWeLookingAt;
    CInventoryBox* m_pInvBoxWeLookingAt;

    // Tip for action for object we're looking at
    shared_str m_sDefaultObjAction;
    shared_str m_sCharacterUseAction;
    shared_str m_sDeadCharacterUseAction;
    shared_str m_sDeadCharacterUseOrDragAction;
    shared_str m_sDeadCharacterDontUseAction;
    shared_str m_sCarCharacterUseAction;
    shared_str m_sInventoryItemUseAction;
    shared_str m_sInventoryBoxUseAction;

    //	shared_str				m_quick_use_slots[4];
    //режим подбирания предметов
    bool m_bPickupMode;
    //расстояние (в метрах) на котором актер чувствует гранату (любую)
    float m_fFeelGrenadeRadius;
    float m_fFeelGrenadeTime; //время гранаты (сек) после которого актер чувствует гранату
    //расстояние подсветки предметов
    float m_fPickupInfoRadius;

    void PickupModeUpdate();
    void PickupInfoDraw(IGameObject* object);
    void PickupModeUpdate_COD();

    // Motions (передвижения актрера)
    void g_cl_CheckControls(u32 mstate_wf, Fvector& vControlAccel, float& Jump, float dt);
    void g_cl_ValidateMState(float dt, u32 mstate_wf);
    void g_cl_Orientate(u32 mstate_rl, float dt);
    void g_sv_Orientate(u32 mstate_rl, float dt);
    void g_Orientate(u32 mstate_rl, float dt);
    bool g_LadderOrient();
    void UpdateMotionIcon(u32 mstate_rl);

    bool CanAccelerate();
    bool CanJump();
    bool CanMove();
    float CameraHeight();
    // Alex ADD: for smooth crouch fix
    float CurrentHeight;
    bool CanSprint();
    bool CanRun();
    void StopAnyMove();

    bool AnyAction() { return (mstate_real & mcAnyAction) != 0; };
    bool AnyMove() { return (mstate_real & mcAnyMove) != 0; };
    bool is_jump();
    u32 MovingState() const { return mstate_real; }
    u32 mstate_wishful;
    u32 mstate_old;
    u32 mstate_real;

    BOOL m_bJumpKeyPressed;

    float m_fWalkAccel;
    float m_fJumpSpeed;
    float m_fRunFactor;
    float m_fRunBackFactor;
    float m_fWalkBackFactor;
    float m_fCrouchFactor;
    float m_fClimbFactor;
    float m_fSprintFactor;

    float m_fWalk_StrafeFactor;
    float m_fRun_StrafeFactor;

    Fvector GetMovementSpeed() { return NET_SavedAccel; };
    // User input/output
    virtual void IR_OnMouseMove(int x, int y);
    virtual void IR_OnKeyboardPress(int dik);
    virtual void IR_OnKeyboardRelease(int dik);
    virtual void IR_OnKeyboardHold(int dik);
    virtual void IR_OnMouseWheel(int x, int y);
    virtual float GetLookFactor();

    virtual void g_WeaponBones(int& L, int& R1, int& R2);
    virtual void g_fireParams(const CHudItem* pHudItem, Fvector& P, Fvector& D);
    virtual bool g_stateFire() { return !((mstate_wishful & mcLookout) && !IsGameTypeSingle()); }
    virtual BOOL g_State(SEntityState& state) const;
    virtual float GetWeaponAccuracy() const;
    float GetFireDispertion() const { return m_fdisp_controller.GetCurrentDispertion(); }
    bool IsZoomAimingMode() const { return m_bZoomAimingMode; }
    virtual float MaxCarryWeight() const;
    float MaxWalkWeight() const;
    float get_additional_weight() const;

    CFireDispertionController m_fdisp_controller;
    //если актер целится в прицел
    void SetZoomAimingMode(bool val) { m_bZoomAimingMode = val; }
    bool m_bZoomAimingMode;

    //настройки аккуратности стрельбы
    //базовая дисперсия (когда игрок стоит на месте)
    float m_fDispBase;
    float m_fDispAim;
    //коэффициенты на сколько процентов увеличится базовая дисперсия
    //учитывает скорость актера
    float m_fDispVelFactor;
    //если актер бежит
    float m_fDispAccelFactor;
    //если актер сидит
    float m_fDispCrouchFactor;
    // crouch+no acceleration
    float m_fDispCrouchNoAccelFactor;

    Fvector m_vMissileOffset;

    // Получение, и запись смещения для гранат
    Fvector GetMissileOffset() const;
    void SetMissileOffset(const Fvector& vNewOffset);

    //косточки используемые при стрельбе
    int m_r_hand;
    int m_l_finger1;
    int m_r_finger2;
    int m_head;
    int m_eye_left;
    int m_eye_right;

    int m_l_clavicle;
    int m_r_clavicle;
    int m_spine2;
    int m_spine1;
    int m_spine;
    int m_neck;

    // Network
    void ConvState(u32 mstate_rl, string128* buf);

    virtual bool net_Spawn(CSE_Abstract* DC);
    virtual void net_Export(NET_Packet& P); // export to server
    virtual void net_Import(NET_Packet& P); // import from server
    virtual void net_Destroy();
    virtual bool net_Relevant(); //	{ return getSVU() | getLocal(); };		// relevant for export to server
    virtual void net_Relcase(IGameObject* O); //
    virtual void xr_stdcall on_requested_spawn(IGameObject* object);
    // object serialization
    virtual void save(NET_Packet& output_packet);
    virtual void load(IReader& input_packet);
    virtual void net_Save(NET_Packet& P);
    virtual bool net_SaveRelevant();

    xr_deque<net_update> NET;
    Fvector NET_SavedAccel;
    net_update NET_Last;
    BOOL NET_WasInterpolating; // previous update was by interpolation or by extrapolation
    u32 NET_Time; // server time of last update

    void net_Import_Base(NET_Packet& P);
    void net_Import_Physic(NET_Packet& P);
    void net_Import_Base_proceed();
    void net_Import_Physic_proceed();

    virtual bool can_validate_position_on_spawn() { return false; }
    // апдайт с данными физики
    xr_deque<net_update_A> NET_A;

    //	bool					m_bHasUpdate;
    /// spline coeff /////////////////////
    float SCoeff[3][4]; //коэффициэнты для сплайна Бизье
    float HCoeff[3][4]; //коэффициэнты для сплайна Эрмита
    Fvector IPosS, IPosH, IPosL; //положение актера после интерполяции Бизье, Эрмита, линейной

#ifdef DEBUG
    using VIS_POSITION = xr_deque<Fvector>;


    SPHNetState LastState;
    SPHNetState RecalculatedState;
    SPHNetState PredictedState;

    InterpData IStart;
    InterpData IRec;
    InterpData IEnd;

    bool m_bInInterpolation;
    bool m_bInterpolate;
    u32 m_dwIStartTime;
    u32 m_dwIEndTime;
    u32 m_dwILastUpdateTime;

    using PH_STATES = xr_deque<SPHNetState>;
    PH_STATES m_States;
    u16 m_u16NumBones;
    void net_ExportDeadBody(NET_Packet& P);
    void CalculateInterpolationParams();
    virtual void make_Interpolation();
#ifdef DEBUG
    virtual void OnRender_Network();

    // Igor	ref_geom 				hFriendlyIndicator;
    // Actor physics
    void g_Physics(Fvector& accel, float jump, float dt);
    virtual void ForceTransform(const Fmatrix& m);
    void ForceTransformAndDirection(const Fmatrix& m) override;
    void SetPhPosition(const Fmatrix& pos);
    virtual void PH_B_CrPr(); // actions & operations before physic correction-prediction steps
    virtual void PH_I_CrPr(); // actions & operations after correction before prediction steps
    virtual void PH_A_CrPr(); // actions & operations after phisic correction-prediction steps
    //	virtual void			UpdatePosStack	( u32 Time0, u32 Time1 );
    virtual void MoveActor(Fvector NewPos, Fvector NewDir);

    virtual void SpawnAmmoForWeapon(CInventoryItem* pIItem);
    virtual void RemoveAmmoForWeapon(CInventoryItem* pIItem);
    virtual void spawn_supplies();
    virtual bool human_being() const { return (true); }
    virtual shared_str GetDefaultVisualOutfit() const { return m_DefaultVisualOutfit; };
    virtual void SetDefaultVisualOutfit(shared_str DefaultOutfit) { m_DefaultVisualOutfit = DefaultOutfit; };
    virtual void UpdateAnimation() { g_SetAnimation(mstate_real); };
    virtual void ChangeVisual(shared_str NewVisual);
    virtual void OnChangeVisual();

    virtual void RenderIndicator(Fvector dpos, float r1, float r2, const ui_shader& IndShader);
    virtual void RenderText(LPCSTR Text, Fvector dpos, float* pdup, u32 color);

    // Controlled Routines

    void set_input_external_handler(CActorInputHandler* handler);
    bool input_external_handler_installed() const { return (m_input_external_handler != 0); }
    IC void lock_accel_for(u32 time) { m_time_lock_accel = Device.dwTimeGlobal + time; }
    CActorInputHandler* m_input_external_handler;
    u32 m_time_lock_accel;

    CStatGraph* pStatGraph;

    shared_str m_DefaultVisualOutfit;

    LPCSTR invincibility_fire_shield_3rd;
    LPCSTR invincibility_fire_shield_1st;
    shared_str m_sHeadShotParticle;
    u32 last_hit_frame;
#ifdef DEBUG
    friend class CLevelGraph;
    Fvector m_AutoPickUp_AABB;
    Fvector m_AutoPickUp_AABB_Offset;

    void Check_for_AutoPickUp();
    void SelectBestWeapon(IGameObject* O);

    void SetWeaponHideState(u16 State, bool bSet);

private: // IPhysicsShellHolder
    virtual void HideAllWeapons(bool v) { SetWeaponHideState(INV_STATE_BLOCK_ALL, v); }
    void SetCantRunState(bool bSet);

    CActorCondition* m_entity_condition;

    virtual CEntityConditionSimple* create_entity_condition(CEntityConditionSimple* ec);

    IC CActorCondition& conditions() const;
    virtual IFactoryObject* _construct();
    virtual bool natural_weapon() const { return false; }
    virtual bool natural_detector() const { return false; }
    virtual bool use_center_to_aim() const;

    u16 m_iLastHitterID;
    u16 m_iLastHittingWeaponID;
    s16 m_s16LastHittedElement;
    Fvector m_vLastHitDir;
    Fvector m_vLastHitPos;
    float m_fLastHealth;
    bool m_bWasHitted;
    bool m_bWasBackStabbed;

    virtual bool Check_for_BackStab_Bone(u16 element);

    virtual void SetHitInfo(IGameObject* who, IGameObject* weapon, s16 element, Fvector Pos, Fvector Dir);

    virtual void OnHitHealthLoss(float NewHealth);
    virtual void OnCriticalHitHealthLoss();
    virtual void OnCriticalWoundHealthLoss();
    virtual void OnCriticalRadiationHealthLoss();

    virtual bool InventoryAllowSprint();
    virtual void OnNextWeaponSlot();
    virtual void OnPrevWeaponSlot();
    void SwitchNightVision();
    void SwitchTorch();
#ifdef DEBUG
    void NoClipFly(int cmd);
#endif // DEBUG

    virtual void on_weapon_shot_start(CWeapon* weapon);
    virtual void on_weapon_shot_update();
    virtual void on_weapon_shot_stop();
    virtual void on_weapon_shot_remove(CWeapon* weapon);
    virtual void on_weapon_hide(CWeapon* weapon);
    Fvector weapon_recoil_delta_angle();
    Fvector weapon_recoil_last_delta();

    virtual void update_camera(CCameraShotEffector* effector);
    // step manager
    virtual bool is_on_ground();

    CActorMemory* m_memory;

    IC CActorMemory& memory() const
        return (*m_memory);

    void OnDifficultyChanged();

    IC float HitProbability() { return m_hit_probability; }
    virtual CVisualMemoryManager* visual_memory() const;

    virtual bool BonePassBullet(int boneID);
    virtual void On_B_NotCurrentEntity();

    collide::rq_results RQR;
    BOOL CanPickItem(const CFrustum& frustum, const Fvector& from, IGameObject* item);
    xr_vector<ISpatial*> ISpatialResult;

    CLocationManager* m_location_manager;

    IC const CLocationManager& locations() const
        return (*m_location_manager);

    ALife::_OBJECT_ID m_holder_id;

    virtual bool register_schedule() const { return false; }
    virtual bool is_ai_obstacle() const;

    float GetRestoreSpeed(ALife::EConditionRestoreType const& type);

    virtual void On_SetEntity();
    virtual void On_LostEntity(){};

    void DisableHitMarks(bool disable) { m_disabled_hitmarks = disable; };
    bool DisableHitMarks() { return m_disabled_hitmarks; };
    void set_inventory_disabled(bool is_disabled) { m_inventory_disabled = is_disabled; }
    bool inventory_disabled() const { return m_inventory_disabled; }
    void set_state_box(u32 mstate);

    bool m_disabled_hitmarks;
    bool m_inventory_disabled;
    // static CPhysicsShell		*actor_camera_shell;

    IC u32 get_state() const
        return this->mstate_real;

    IC void set_state(u32 state)
        mstate_real = state;

    IC u32 get_state_wishful() const
        return this->mstate_wishful;

    IC void set_state_wishful(u32 state)
        mstate_wishful = state;


This code is from re3, an opensource reverse engineered rewrite of the GTA III engine.


class CPlaceable
	// disable allocation
	static void *operator new(size_t);

	CMatrix m_matrix;

	virtual ~CPlaceable(void);
	const CVector &GetPosition(void) { return m_matrix.GetPosition(); }
	void SetPosition(float x, float y, float z) {
		m_matrix.GetPosition().x = x;
		m_matrix.GetPosition().y = y;
		m_matrix.GetPosition().z = z;
	void SetPosition(const CVector &pos) { m_matrix.GetPosition() = pos; }
	CVector &GetRight(void) { return m_matrix.GetRight(); }
	CVector &GetForward(void) { return m_matrix.GetForward(); }
	CVector &GetUp(void) { return m_matrix.GetUp(); }
	CMatrix &GetMatrix(void) { return m_matrix; }
	void SetTransform(RwMatrix *m) { m_matrix = CMatrix(m, false); }
	void SetHeading(float angle);
	void SetOrientation(float x, float y, float z){
		CVector pos = m_matrix.GetPosition();
		m_matrix.SetRotate(x, y, z);
	bool IsWithinArea(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
	bool IsWithinArea(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2);


class CPhysical : public CEntity
	// The not properly indented fields haven't been checked properly yet

	int32 m_audioEntityId;
	float m_phys_unused1;
	CTreadable *m_treadable[2];	// car and ped
	uint32 m_nLastTimeCollided;
	CVector m_vecMoveSpeed;		// velocity
	CVector m_vecTurnSpeed;		// angular velocity
	CVector m_vecMoveFriction;
	CVector m_vecTurnFriction;
	CVector m_vecMoveSpeedAvg;
	CVector m_vecTurnSpeedAvg;
	float m_fMass;
	float m_fTurnMass;	// moment of inertia
	float m_fForceMultiplier;
	float m_fAirResistance;
	float m_fElasticity;
	float m_fBuoyancy;
	CVector m_vecCentreOfMass;
	CEntryInfoList m_entryInfoList;
	CPtrNode *m_movingListNode;

	int8 m_phys_unused2;
	uint8 m_nStaticFrames;
	uint8 m_nCollisionRecords;
	bool m_bIsVehicleBeingShifted;

	float m_fDistanceTravelled;

	// damaged piece
	float m_fDamageImpulse;
	CEntity *m_pDamageEntity;
	CVector m_vecDamageNormal;
	int16 m_nDamagePieceType;

	uint8 bIsHeavy : 1;
	uint8 bAffectedByGravity : 1;
	uint8 bInfiniteMass : 1;
	uint8 bIsInWater : 1;
	uint8 m_phy_flagA10 : 1; // unused
	uint8 m_phy_flagA20 : 1; // unused
	uint8 bHitByTrain : 1;
	uint8 bSkipLineCol : 1;

	uint8 m_nSurfaceTouched;
	int8 m_nZoneLevel;


	// from CEntity
	void Add(void);
	void Remove(void);
	CRect GetBoundRect(void);
	void ProcessControl(void);
	void ProcessShift(void);
	void ProcessCollision(void);

	virtual int32 ProcessEntityCollision(CEntity *ent, CColPoint *colpoints);

	void RemoveAndAdd(void);
	void AddToMovingList(void);
	void RemoveFromMovingList(void);
	void SetDamagedPieceRecord(uint16 piece, float impulse, CEntity *entity, CVector dir);
	void AddCollisionRecord(CEntity *ent);
	void AddCollisionRecord_Treadable(CEntity *ent);
	bool GetHasCollidedWith(CEntity *ent);
	void RemoveRefsToEntity(CEntity *ent);
	static void PlacePhysicalRelativeToOtherPhysical(CPhysical *other, CPhysical *phys, CVector localPos);

	// get speed of point p relative to entity center
	CVector GetSpeed(const CVector &r);
	CVector GetSpeed(void) { return GetSpeed(CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); }
	float GetMass(const CVector &pos, const CVector &dir) {
		return 1.0f / (CrossProduct(pos, dir).MagnitudeSqr()/m_fTurnMass +
	float GetMassTweak(const CVector &pos, const CVector &dir, float t) {
		return 1.0f / (CrossProduct(pos, dir).MagnitudeSqr()/(m_fTurnMass*t) +
	void UnsetIsInSafePosition(void) {
		m_vecMoveSpeed *= -1.0f;
		m_vecTurnSpeed *= -1.0f;
		m_vecMoveSpeed *= -1.0f;
		m_vecTurnSpeed *= -1.0f;
		bIsInSafePosition = false;	

	const CVector &GetMoveSpeed() { return m_vecMoveSpeed; }
	void SetMoveSpeed(float x, float y, float z) {
		m_vecMoveSpeed.x = x;
		m_vecMoveSpeed.y = y;
		m_vecMoveSpeed.z = z;
	void SetMoveSpeed(const CVector& speed) {
		m_vecMoveSpeed = speed;
	const CVector &GetTurnSpeed() { return m_vecTurnSpeed; }
	void SetTurnSpeed(float x, float y, float z) {
		m_vecTurnSpeed.x = x;
		m_vecTurnSpeed.y = y;
		m_vecTurnSpeed.z = z;
	const CVector &GetCenterOfMass() { return m_vecCentreOfMass; }
	void SetCenterOfMass(float x, float y, float z) {
		m_vecCentreOfMass.x = x;
		m_vecCentreOfMass.y = y;
		m_vecCentreOfMass.z = z;

	void ApplyMoveSpeed(void);
	void ApplyTurnSpeed(void);
	// Force actually means Impulse here
	void ApplyMoveForce(float jx, float jy, float jz);
	void ApplyMoveForce(const CVector &j) { ApplyMoveForce(j.x, j.y, j.z); }
	// j(x,y,z) is direction of force, p(x,y,z) is point relative to model center where force is applied
	void ApplyTurnForce(float jx, float jy, float jz, float px, float py, float pz);
	// j is direction of force, p is point relative to model center where force is applied
	void ApplyTurnForce(const CVector &j, const CVector &p) { ApplyTurnForce(j.x, j.y, j.z, p.x, p.y, p.z); }
	void ApplyFrictionMoveForce(float jx, float jy, float jz);
	void ApplyFrictionMoveForce(const CVector &j) { ApplyFrictionMoveForce(j.x, j.y, j.z); }
	void ApplyFrictionTurnForce(float jx, float jy, float jz, float rx, float ry, float rz);
	void ApplyFrictionTurnForce(const CVector &j, const CVector &p) { ApplyFrictionTurnForce(j.x, j.y, j.z, p.x, p.y, p.z); }
	// springRatio: 1.0 fully extended, 0.0 fully compressed
	bool ApplySpringCollision(float springConst, CVector &springDir, CVector &point, float springRatio, float bias);
	bool ApplySpringDampening(float damping, CVector &springDir, CVector &point, CVector &speed);
	void ApplyGravity(void);
	void ApplyFriction(void);
	void ApplyAirResistance(void);
	bool ApplyCollision(CPhysical *B, CColPoint &colpoint, float &impulseA, float &impulseB);
	bool ApplyCollisionAlt(CEntity *B, CColPoint &colpoint, float &impulse, CVector &moveSpeed, CVector &turnSpeed);
	bool ApplyFriction(CPhysical *B, float adhesiveLimit, CColPoint &colpoint);
	bool ApplyFriction(float adhesiveLimit, CColPoint &colpoint);

	bool ProcessShiftSectorList(CPtrList *ptrlists);
	bool ProcessCollisionSectorList_SimpleCar(CPtrList *lists);
	bool ProcessCollisionSectorList(CPtrList *lists);
	bool CheckCollision(void);
	bool CheckCollision_SimpleCar(void);


class CEntity : public CPlaceable
	RwObject *m_rwObject;
	uint32 m_type : 3;
	uint32 m_status : 5;
	// flagsA
	uint32 bUsesCollision : 1;			// does entity use collision
	uint32 bCollisionProcessed : 1;		// has object been processed by a ProcessEntityCollision function
	uint32 bIsStatic : 1;				// is entity static
	uint32 bHasContacted : 1;			// has entity processed some contact forces
	uint32 bPedPhysics : 1;
	uint32 bIsStuck : 1;				// is entity stuck
	uint32 bIsInSafePosition : 1;		// is entity in a collision free safe position
	uint32 bUseCollisionRecords : 1;

	// flagsB
	uint32 bWasPostponed : 1;			// was entity control processing postponed
	uint32 bExplosionProof : 1;
	uint32 bIsVisible : 1;				//is the entity visible
	uint32 bHasCollided : 1;
	uint32 bRenderScorched : 1;
	uint32 bHasBlip : 1;
	uint32 bIsBIGBuilding : 1;			// Set if this entity is a big building
	uint32 bRenderDamaged : 1;			// use damaged LOD models for objects with applicable damage

	// flagsC
	uint32 bBulletProof : 1;
	uint32 bFireProof : 1;
	uint32 bCollisionProof : 1;
	uint32 bMeleeProof : 1;
	uint32 bOnlyDamagedByPlayer : 1;
	uint32 bStreamingDontDelete : 1;	// Dont let the streaming remove this 
	uint32 bZoneCulled : 1;
	uint32 bZoneCulled2 : 1;    // only treadables+10m

	// flagsD
	uint32 bRemoveFromWorld : 1;		// remove this entity next time it should be processed
	uint32 bHasHitWall : 1;				// has collided with a building (changes subsequent collisions)
	uint32 bImBeingRendered : 1;		// don't delete me because I'm being rendered
	uint32 bTouchingWater : 1;	// used by cBuoyancy::ProcessBuoyancy
	uint32 bIsSubway : 1;	// set when subway, but maybe different meaning?
	uint32 bDrawLast : 1;				// draw object last
	uint32 bNoBrightHeadLights : 1;
	uint32 bDoNotRender : 1;

	// flagsE
	uint32 bDistanceFade : 1;			// Fade entity because it is far away
	uint32 m_flagE2 : 1;

	uint16 m_scanCode;
	uint16 m_randomSeed;
	int16 m_modelIndex;
	uint16 m_level;	// int16
	CReference *m_pFirstReference;

	uint8 GetType() const { return m_type; }
	void SetType(uint8 type) { m_type = type; }
	uint8 GetStatus() const { return m_status; }
	void SetStatus(uint8 status) { m_status = status; }
	CColModel *GetColModel(void) { return CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(m_modelIndex)->GetColModel(); }
	bool GetIsStatic(void) const { return bIsStatic; }
	void SetIsStatic(bool state) { bIsStatic = state; }
	void SaveEntityFlags(uint8*& buf);
	void LoadEntityFlags(uint8*& buf);
	uint32* GetAddressOfEntityProperties() { /* AWFUL */ return (uint32*)((char*)&m_rwObject + sizeof(m_rwObject)); }


	virtual void Add(void);
	virtual void Remove(void);
	virtual void SetModelIndex(uint32 id);
	virtual void SetModelIndexNoCreate(uint32 id);
	virtual void CreateRwObject(void);
	virtual void DeleteRwObject(void);
	virtual CRect GetBoundRect(void);
	virtual void ProcessControl(void) {}
	virtual void ProcessCollision(void) {}
	virtual void ProcessShift(void) {}
	virtual void Teleport(CVector v) {}
	virtual void PreRender(void);
	virtual void Render(void);
	virtual bool SetupLighting(void);
	virtual void RemoveLighting(bool);
	virtual void FlagToDestroyWhenNextProcessed(void) {}

	bool IsBuilding(void) { return m_type == ENTITY_TYPE_BUILDING; }
	bool IsVehicle(void) { return m_type == ENTITY_TYPE_VEHICLE; }
	bool IsPed(void) { return m_type == ENTITY_TYPE_PED; }
	bool IsObject(void) { return m_type == ENTITY_TYPE_OBJECT; }
	bool IsDummy(void) { return m_type == ENTITY_TYPE_DUMMY; }

	RpAtomic *GetAtomic(void) {
		assert(RwObjectGetType(m_rwObject) == rpATOMIC);
		return (RpAtomic*)m_rwObject;
	RpClump *GetClump(void) {
		assert(RwObjectGetType(m_rwObject) == rpCLUMP);
		return (RpClump*)m_rwObject;

	void GetBoundCentre(CVector &out);
	CVector GetBoundCentre(void);
	float GetBoundRadius(void);
	float GetDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel(void);
	bool GetIsTouching(CVector const &center, float r);
	bool GetIsOnScreen(void);
	bool GetIsOnScreenComplex(void);
	bool IsVisible(void);
	bool IsVisibleComplex(void);
	int16 GetModelIndex(void) const { return m_modelIndex; }
	void UpdateRwFrame(void);
	void SetupBigBuilding(void);

	void AttachToRwObject(RwObject *obj);
	void DetachFromRwObject(void);

	void RegisterReference(CEntity **pent);
	void ResolveReferences(void);
	void PruneReferences(void);

#ifdef PED_SKIN
	void UpdateRpHAnim(void);

	void PreRenderForGlassWindow(void);
	void AddSteamsFromGround(CVector *unused);
	void ModifyMatrixForTreeInWind(void);
	void ModifyMatrixForBannerInWind(void);
	void ProcessLightsForEntity(void);


class CObject : public CPhysical
	CMatrix m_objectMatrix;
	float m_fUprootLimit;
	int8 ObjectCreatedBy;
	int8 bIsPickup : 1;
	int8 bPickupObjWithMessage : 1;
	int8 bOutOfStock : 1;
	int8 bGlassCracked : 1;
	int8 bGlassBroken : 1;
	int8 bHasBeenDamaged : 1;
	int8 bUseVehicleColours : 1;
	int8 m_nBonusValue; 
	float m_fCollisionDamageMultiplier;
	uint8 m_nCollisionDamageEffect;
	uint8 m_nSpecialCollisionResponseCases;
	bool m_bCameraToAvoidThisObject;
	uint32 m_obj_unused1;
	uint32 m_nEndOfLifeTime;
	int16 m_nRefModelIndex;
	CEntity *m_pCurSurface;
	CEntity *m_pCollidingEntity;
	int8 m_colour1, m_colour2;

	static int16 nNoTempObjects;
	static int16 nBodyCastHealth;

	static void *operator new(size_t);
	static void *operator new(size_t, int);
	static void operator delete(void*, size_t);
	static void operator delete(void*, int);

	CObject(int32, bool);

	void ProcessControl(void);
	void Teleport(CVector vecPos);
	void Render(void);
	bool SetupLighting(void);
	void RemoveLighting(bool reset);

	void ObjectDamage(float amount);
	void RefModelInfo(int32 modelId);
	void Init(void);
	bool CanBeDeleted(void);

	static void DeleteAllMissionObjects();
	static void DeleteAllTempObjects();
	static void DeleteAllTempObjectsInArea(CVector point, float fRadius);


This is code from an opensource rewrite of the The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind engine. It is a full rewrite, unlike many others here, and the structures likely don't match as closely the original ones.


    /// \brief Class holding functionality common to Creature and NPC
    class Actor : public MWWorld::Class


        virtual ~Actor();

        void adjustPosition(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, bool force) const override;
        ///< Adjust position to stand on ground. Must be called post model load
        /// @param force do this even if the ptr is flying

        void insertObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& model, MWPhysics::PhysicsSystem& physics) const override;

        bool useAnim() const override;

        void block(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const override;

        osg::Vec3f getRotationVector(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const override;
        ///< Return desired rotations, as euler angles. Sets getMovementSettings(ptr).mRotation to zero.

        float getEncumbrance(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const override;
        ///< Returns total weight of objects inside this object (including modifications from magic
        /// effects). Throws an exception, if the object can't hold other objects.

        bool allowTelekinesis(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const override;
        ///< Return whether this class of object can be activated with telekinesis

        bool isActor() const override;

        /// Return current movement speed.
        float getCurrentSpeed(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const override;
        // not implemented
        Actor(const Actor&);
        Actor& operator= (const Actor&);


    /// @brief Holds temporary state for an actor that will be discarded when the actor leaves the scene.
    class Actor
        Actor(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, MWRender::Animation* animation);

        /// Notify this actor of its new base object Ptr, use when the object changed cells
        void updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& newPtr);

        CharacterController* getCharacterController();

        int getGreetingTimer() const;
        void setGreetingTimer(int timer);

        float getAngleToPlayer() const;
        void setAngleToPlayer(float angle);

        GreetingState getGreetingState() const;
        void setGreetingState(GreetingState state);

        bool isTurningToPlayer() const;
        void setTurningToPlayer(bool turning);

        Misc::TimerStatus updateEngageCombatTimer(float duration)
            return mEngageCombat.update(duration);

        std::unique_ptr<CharacterController> mCharacterController;
        int mGreetingTimer{0};
        float mTargetAngleRadians{0.f};
        GreetingState mGreetingState{Greet_None};
        bool mIsTurningToPlayer{false};
        Misc::DeviatingPeriodicTimer mEngageCombat{1.0f, 0.25f, Misc::Rng::deviate(0, 0.25f)};


    class Objects
        typedef std::map<MWWorld::Ptr,CharacterController*> PtrControllerMap;
        PtrControllerMap mObjects;


        void addObject (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
        ///< Register an animated object

        void removeObject (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
        ///< Deregister an object

        void updateObject(const MWWorld::Ptr &old, const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
        ///< Updates an object with a new Ptr

        void dropObjects(const MWWorld::CellStore *cellStore);
        ///< Deregister all objects in the given cell.

        void update(float duration, bool paused);
        ///< Update object animations

        bool onOpen(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
        void onClose(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);

        bool playAnimationGroup(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& groupName, int mode, int number, bool persist=false);
        void skipAnimation(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
        void persistAnimationStates();

        void getObjectsInRange (const osg::Vec3f& position, float radius, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>& out);

        std::size_t size() const
            return mObjects.size();


    class Actor final : public PtrHolder
        Actor(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const Resource::BulletShape* shape, PhysicsTaskScheduler* scheduler);
        ~Actor() override;

         * Sets the collisionMode for this actor. If disabled, the actor can fly and clip geometry.
        void enableCollisionMode(bool collision);

        bool getCollisionMode() const
            return mInternalCollisionMode.load(std::memory_order_acquire);

        btConvexShape* getConvexShape() const { return mConvexShape; }

         * Enables or disables the *external* collision body. If disabled, other actors will not collide with this actor.
        void enableCollisionBody(bool collision);

        void updateScale();
        void updateRotation();

         * Return true if the collision shape looks the same no matter how its Z rotated.
        bool isRotationallyInvariant() const;

        * Used by the physics simulation to store the simulation result. Used in conjunction with mWorldPosition
        * to account for e.g. scripted movements
        void setSimulationPosition(const osg::Vec3f& position);
        osg::Vec3f getSimulationPosition() const;

        void updateCollisionObjectPosition();

         * Returns the half extents of the collision body (scaled according to collision scale)
        osg::Vec3f getHalfExtents() const;

         * Returns the half extents of the collision body (not scaled)
        osg::Vec3f getOriginalHalfExtents() const;

        /// Returns the mesh translation, scaled and rotated as necessary
        osg::Vec3f getScaledMeshTranslation() const;

         * Returns the position of the collision body
         * @note The collision shape's origin is in its center, so the position returned can be described as center of the actor collision box in world space.
        osg::Vec3f getCollisionObjectPosition() const;

          * Store the current position into mPreviousPosition, then move to this position.
          * Returns true if the new position is different.
        bool setPosition(const osg::Vec3f& position);

        // force set actor position to be as in Ptr::RefData
        void updatePosition();

        // register a position offset that will be applied during simulation.
        void adjustPosition(const osg::Vec3f& offset, bool ignoreCollisions);

        // apply position offset. Can't be called during simulation
        void applyOffsetChange();

        osg::Vec3f getPosition() const;

        osg::Vec3f getPreviousPosition() const;

         * Returns the half extents of the collision body (scaled according to rendering scale)
         * @note The reason we need this extra method is because of an inconsistency in MW - NPC race scales aren't applied to the collision shape,
         * most likely to make environment collision testing easier. However in some cases (swimming level) we want the actual scale.
        osg::Vec3f getRenderingHalfExtents() const;

         * Sets the current amount of inertial force (incl. gravity) affecting this physic actor
        void setInertialForce(const osg::Vec3f &force);

         * Gets the current amount of inertial force (incl. gravity) affecting this physic actor
        const osg::Vec3f &getInertialForce() const
            return mForce;

        void setOnGround(bool grounded);

        bool getOnGround() const
            return mInternalCollisionMode.load(std::memory_order_acquire) && mOnGround.load(std::memory_order_acquire);

        void setOnSlope(bool slope);

        bool getOnSlope() const
            return mInternalCollisionMode.load(std::memory_order_acquire) && mOnSlope.load(std::memory_order_acquire);

        btCollisionObject* getCollisionObject() const
            return mCollisionObject.get();

        /// Sets whether this actor should be able to collide with the water surface
        void setCanWaterWalk(bool waterWalk);

        /// Sets whether this actor has been walking on the water surface in the last frame
        void setWalkingOnWater(bool walkingOnWater);
        bool isWalkingOnWater() const;

        MWWorld::Ptr getStandingOnPtr() const;
        void setStandingOnPtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);

        unsigned int getStuckFrames() const
            return mStuckFrames;
        void setStuckFrames(unsigned int frames)
            mStuckFrames = frames;

        const osg::Vec3f &getLastStuckPosition() const
            return mLastStuckPosition;
        void setLastStuckPosition(osg::Vec3f position)
            mLastStuckPosition = position;

        bool skipCollisions();

        void setVelocity(osg::Vec3f velocity);
        osg::Vec3f velocity();

        MWWorld::Ptr mStandingOnPtr;
        /// Removes then re-adds the collision object to the dynamics world
        void updateCollisionMask();
        void addCollisionMask(int collisionMask);
        int getCollisionMask() const;

        bool mCanWaterWalk;
        std::atomic<bool> mWalkingOnWater;

        bool mRotationallyInvariant;

        std::unique_ptr<btCollisionShape> mShape;
        btConvexShape* mConvexShape;

        std::unique_ptr<btCollisionObject> mCollisionObject;

        osg::Vec3f mMeshTranslation;
        osg::Vec3f mHalfExtents;
        osg::Quat mRotation;

        osg::Vec3f mScale;
        osg::Vec3f mRenderingScale;
        osg::Vec3f mSimulationPosition;
        osg::Vec3f mPosition;
        osg::Vec3f mPreviousPosition;
        osg::Vec3f mPositionOffset;
        osg::Vec3f mVelocity;
        bool mWorldPositionChanged;
        bool mSkipCollisions;
        btTransform mLocalTransform;
        mutable std::mutex mPositionMutex;

        unsigned int mStuckFrames;
        osg::Vec3f mLastStuckPosition;

        osg::Vec3f mForce;
        std::atomic<bool> mOnGround;
        std::atomic<bool> mOnSlope;
        std::atomic<bool> mInternalCollisionMode;
        bool mExternalCollisionMode;

        PhysicsTaskScheduler* mTaskScheduler;

        Actor(const Actor&);
        Actor& operator=(const Actor&);


    class Object final : public PtrHolder
        Object(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, osg::ref_ptr<Resource::BulletShapeInstance> shapeInstance, int collisionType, PhysicsTaskScheduler* scheduler);
        ~Object() override;

        const Resource::BulletShapeInstance* getShapeInstance() const;
        void setScale(float scale);
        void setRotation(const btQuaternion& quat);
        void setOrigin(const btVector3& vec);
        void commitPositionChange();
        btCollisionObject* getCollisionObject();
        const btCollisionObject* getCollisionObject() const;
        btTransform getTransform() const;
        /// Return solid flag. Not used by the object itself, true by default.
        bool isSolid() const;
        void setSolid(bool solid);
        bool isAnimated() const;
        /// @brief update object shape
        /// @return true if shape changed
        bool animateCollisionShapes();

        std::unique_ptr<btCollisionObject> mCollisionObject;
        osg::ref_ptr<Resource::BulletShapeInstance> mShapeInstance;
        std::map<int, osg::NodePath> mRecIndexToNodePath;
        bool mSolid;
        btVector3 mScale;
        btTransform mLocalTransform;
        bool mScaleUpdatePending;
        bool mTransformUpdatePending;
        mutable std::mutex mPositionMutex;
        PhysicsTaskScheduler* mTaskScheduler;


This code is from Devilux, an opensource reverse engnineered version of the original Diablo's engine.


typedef struct ObjDataStruct {
	char oload;
	char ofindex;
	char ominlvl;
	char omaxlvl;
	char olvltype;
	char otheme;
	char oquest;
	int oAnimFlag;
	int oAnimDelay; // Tick length of each frame in the current animation
	int oAnimLen;   // Number of frames in current animation
	int oAnimWidth;
	BOOL oSolidFlag;
	BOOL oMissFlag;
	BOOL oLightFlag;
	char oBreak;
	char oSelFlag;
	BOOL oTrapFlag;
} ObjDataStruct;


typedef struct ObjectStruct {
	int _otype;
	int _ox;
	int _oy;
	int _oLight;
	int _oAnimFlag;
	unsigned char *_oAnimData;
	int _oAnimDelay; // Tick length of each frame in the current animation
	int _oAnimCnt;   // Increases by one each game tick, counting how close we are to _pAnimDelay
	int _oAnimLen;   // Number of frames in current animation
	int _oAnimFrame; // Current frame of animation.
	int _oAnimWidth;
	int _oAnimWidth2;
	BOOL _oDelFlag;
	char _oBreak; // check
	BOOL _oSolidFlag;
	BOOL _oMissFlag;
	char _oSelFlag; // check
	BOOL _oPreFlag;
	BOOL _oTrapFlag;
	BOOL _oDoorFlag;
	int _olid;
	int _oRndSeed;
	int _oVar1;
	int _oVar2;
	int _oVar3;
	int _oVar4;
	int _oVar5;
	int _oVar6;
	int _oVar7;
	int _oVar8;
} ObjectStruct;


A fool known as Khemist49 actually had his hands on the Starcraft source code, but he opted to return it to Blizzard, where it will remain locked and probably serve of no use to anyone.

We do however have an interesting series of blog posts from one of the original devs giving a glimpse into the code structure:

History tells us that programmers feel compelled to try every feature of their new language during the first project, and so it was with class inheritance in StarCraft. Experienced programmers will shudder when seeing the inheritance chain that was designed for the game’s units:

CUnit < CDoodad < CFlingy < CThingy

CThingy objects were sprites that could appear anywhere on the game map, but didn’t move or have behaviors, while CFlingys were used for creating particles; when an explosion occurred several of them would spin off in random directions. CDoodad — after 14 years I think this is the class name — was an uninstantiated class that nevertheless had important behaviors required for proper functioning of derived classes. And CUnit was layered on top of that. The behavior of units was scattered all throughout these various modules, and it required an understanding of each class to be able to accomplish anything.

And beyond the horror of the class hierarchy, the CUnit class itself was an unholy mess defined across multiple header files:

class CUnit ... {
    #include "header_1.h"
    #include "header_2.h"
    #include "header_3.h"
    #include "header_4.h"

Each of those headers was several hundred lines, leading to an overall class definition that could at best be called amusing.

It wasn’t until many years later that the mantra “favor composition over inheritance” gained credence among programmer-kind, but those who worked on StarCraft learned the hard way much earlier.

He also explains his preference for what he calls intrusive linked lists for certain things, and mentions it being used in the game code, i.e. a list like

struct person {
    TLink   link;   // The "intrusive" link field
    unsigned        age;
    unsigned        weight;

TListDeclare<person, offsetof(person, link)> people;

instead of

struct person {
    unsigned age;
    unsigned weight;

std::list <person*> people;


Volition, Inc. made the code for FreeSpace / FreeSpace 2 available, although "You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source". It is a nice attitude on their part.


typedef struct object {
	struct object	*next, *prev;	// for linked lists of objects
	int				signature;		// Every object ever has a unique signature...
	char				type;				// what type of object this is... robot, weapon, hostage, powerup, fireball
	int				parent;			// This object's parent.
	int				parent_sig;		// This object's parent's signature
	char				parent_type;	// This object's parent's type
	int				instance;		// which instance.  ie.. if type is Robot, then this indexes into the Robots array
	uint				flags;			// misc flags.  Call obj_set_flags to change this.
	vector			pos;				// absolute x,y,z coordinate of center of object
	matrix			orient;			// orientation of object in world
	float				radius;			// 3d size of object - for collision detection
	vector			last_pos;		// where object was last frame
	matrix			last_orient;	// how the object was oriented last frame
	physics_info	phys_info;		// a physics object
	float				shields[MAX_SHIELD_SECTIONS];	//	Shield is broken into components.  Quadrants on 4/24/97.
	float				hull_strength;	//	Remaining hull strength.
	short				objsnd_num[MAX_OBJECT_SOUNDS];		// Index of persistant sound struct.  -1 if no persistant sound assigned.
	ushort			net_signature;
	int				num_pairs;		// How many object pairs this is associated with.  When 0 then there are no more.		
} object;


// Persistant sounds for objects (pointer to obj_snd is in object struct)
typedef struct _obj_snd {
	_obj_snd	*next, *prev;
	int		objnum;			// object index of object that contains this sound
	int		id;				// Index into Snds[] array
	int		instance;		// handle of currently playing sound (a ds3d handle if USES_DS3D flag set)
	int		next_update;	// timestamp that marks next allowed vol/pan change
	float		vol;				// volume of sound (range: 0.0 -> 1.0)
	float		pan;				// pan of sound (range: -1.0 -> 1.0)
	int		freq;				// valid range: 100 -> 100000 Hz
	int		flags;			
	vector	offset;			// offset from the center of the object where the sound lives
} obj_snd;


//Data for objects
object Objects[MAX_OBJECTS];


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