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Created June 22, 2024 01:28
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TypeScript Isolated Declarations
// @ts-nocheck
// Files from
export const a = 1;
export let b = 2;
export var c = 3;
using d = undefined;
export { d };
await using e = undefined;
export { e };
// @filename: interface.ts
export interface Foo {
a: string;
readonly b: string;
c?: string;
// @filename: class.ts
export class Bar {
a: string;
b?: string;
declare c: string;
#d: string;
public e: string;
protected f: string;
private g: string;
["h"]: string;
export abstract class Baz {
abstract a: string;
abstract method(): void;
// @filename: namespace.ts
export namespace ns {
namespace internal {
export class Foo {}
export namespace nested {
export import inner = internal;
// @filename: alias.ts
export type A<T> = { x: T };
type T = number[]
export function fnDeclBasic1(p: number[] | string[] | [T] = [], rParam: string): void { };
export function fnDeclBasic2(p: (n: T) => T = () => null!, rParam: string): void { };
export function fnDeclBasic3(p: new () => any = class {}, rParam: string): void { };
export function fnDeclBasic4(p: [T] = [[]], rParam: string): void { };
export function fnDeclBasic5(p: { a: T } = { a: [] }, rParam: string): void { };
export function fnDeclBasic6(p: `_${string}` = "_", rParam: string): void { };
export function fnDeclBasic7(p: { a?: string } & number[] = [], rParam: string): void { };
export function fnDeclBasic8(p: (number[] | string[]) | number = [], rParam: string): void { };
export function fnDeclHasUndefined(p: T | undefined = [], rParam: string): void { };
export function fnDeclBad(p: T = [], rParam: string): void { };
export const fnExprOk1 = function (array: number[] = [], rParam: string): void { };
export const fnExprOk2 = function (array: T | undefined = [], rParam: string): void { };
export const fnExprBad = function (array: T = [], rParam: string): void { };
export const arrowOk1 = (array: number[] = [], rParam: string): void => { };
export const arrowOk2 = (array: T | undefined = [], rParam: string): void => { };
export const arrowBad = (array: T = [], rParam: string): void => { };
export const inObjectLiteralFnExprOk1 = { o: function (array: number[] = [], rParam: string): void { } };
export const inObjectLiteralFnExprOk2 = { o: function (array: T | undefined = [], rParam: string): void { } };
export const inObjectLiteralFnExprBad = { o: function (array: T = [], rParam: string): void { } };
export const inObjectLiteralArrowOk1 = { o: (array: number[] = [], rParam: string): void => { } };
export const inObjectLiteralArrowOk2 = { o: (array: T | undefined = [], rParam: string): void => { } };
export const inObjectLiteralArrowBad = { o: (array: T = [], rParam: string): void => { } };
export class InClassFnExprOk1 { o = function (array: number[] = [], rParam: string): void { } };
export class InClassFnExprOk2 { o = function (array: T | undefined = [], rParam: string): void { } };
export class InClassFnExprBad { o = function (array: T = [], rParam: string): void { } };
export class InClassArrowOk1 { o = (array: number[] = [], rParam: string): void => { } };
export class InClassArrowOk2 { o = (array: T | undefined = [], rParam: string): void => { } };
export class InClassArrowBad { o = (array: T = [], rParam: string): void => { } };
export class InClassMethodOk1 { o(array: number[] = [], rParam: string): void { } };
export class InClassMethodOk2 { o(array: T | undefined = [], rParam: string): void { } };
export class InClassMethodBad { o(array: T = [], rParam: string): void { } };
const x = "";
export function one() {
return {} as typeof x;
// @fileName: v1.ts
export const v1 = (...a: [n: "n", a: "a"]): {
/** r rest param */
a: typeof a,
} => {
return null!
// @fileName: v2.ts
export const v2 = (...a: [n: "n", a: "a"]): {
/** r rest param */
a: typeof a,
} => {
return null!
export const object = {
foo: <T extends Set<T> | []>(): void => { },
export const x1: MissingGlobalType = null!;
export const fn = (a: MissingGlobalType): MissingGlobalType => null!;
export const fn2 = (a: MissingGlobalType) => null! as MissingGlobalType;
export const x2: typeof missingGlobalValue = null!;
export const fn3 = (a: typeof missingGlobalValue): typeof missingGlobalValue => null!;
export const fn4 = (a: typeof missingGlobalValue) => null! as typeof missingGlobalValue;
export const o : {
[missingGlobalValue]: string
} = null!;
export const c1: number = 1;
export interface A1 {
x: number;
let expr: { x: number; };
expr = {
x: 12,
export default expr;
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