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Created December 22, 2022 22:05
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TURN_L = {"L": "D", "D": "R", "R": "U", "U": "L"}
TURN_R = {"L": "U", "D": "L", "R": "D", "U": "R"}
with open("resources/2022/day22_moves.txt", "r") as moves_file:
# had to manually add zero move sequence to input due to scuffed parsing
with open("resources/2022/day22.txt", "r") as infile:
data =
board = {}
facing = "R"
for i, row in enumerate(data):
for j, v in enumerate(row):
if v in ["#", "."]:
board[(i, j)] = v
x, y = sorted([p for p in board if board[p] == "."])[0]
def walk_edges(x, y, fcg):
if 150 <= x <= 199 and 0 <= y <= 49: # surface 1
if fcg == "R":
return (149, (x - 150) + 50, "U")
elif fcg == "D":
return (0, y + 100, "D")
elif fcg == "L":
return (0, (x - 150) + 50, "D")
elif 100 <= x <= 149 and 0 <= y <= 49: # surface 2
if fcg == "L":
return (49 - (x - 100), 50, "R")
elif fcg == "U":
return (y + 50, 50, "R")
elif 100 <= x <= 149 and 50 <= y <= 99: # surface 3
if fcg == "D":
return ((y - 50) + 150, 49, "L")
elif fcg == "R":
x_off = x - 100
return (49 - x_off, 149, "L")
elif 50 <= x <= 99 and 50 <= y <= 99: # surface 4
if fcg == "L":
return (100, (x - 50), "D")
elif fcg == "R":
return (49, (x - 50) + 100, "U")
elif 0 <= x <= 49 and 50 <= y <= 99: # surface 5
if fcg == "L":
return (149 - x, 0, "R")
elif fcg == "U":
return (150 + (y - 50), 0, "R")
elif 0 <= x <= 49 and 100 <= y <= 149: # surface 6
if fcg == "U":
return (199, y - 100, "U")
elif fcg == "R":
return (149 - x, 99, "L")
elif fcg == "D":
return ((y - 100) + 50, 99, "L")
def not_in_board(x, y, fcg):
x_new, y_new, fcg_new = walk_edges(x, y, facing)
if board[(x_new, y_new)] == ".":
return (x_new, y_new, fcg_new)
return (x, y, fcg)
instruction = []
for c in MOVES:
if c not in "LR":
steps = int("".join(instruction))
instruction = []
for _ in range(steps):
match facing:
case "U":
if (x - 1, y) not in board:
x, y, facing = not_in_board(x, y, facing)
elif board[(x - 1, y)] == ".":
x -= 1
case "D":
if (x + 1, y) not in board:
x, y, facing = not_in_board(x, y, facing)
elif board[(x + 1, y)] == ".":
x += 1
case "L":
if (x, y - 1) not in board:
x, y, facing = not_in_board(x, y, facing)
elif board[(x, y - 1)] == ".":
y -= 1
case "R":
if (x, y + 1) not in board:
x, y, facing = not_in_board(x, y, facing)
elif board[(x, y + 1)] == ".":
y += 1
facing = TURN_L[facing] if c == "L" else TURN_R[facing]
print((x + 1) * 1000 + 4 * (y + 1) + {"R": 0, "D": 1, "L": 2, "U": 3}[facing])
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