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Created March 12, 2014 08:04
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  • Save keang/9502722 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save keang/9502722 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//Only tested in Firefox with firebug
// -> Install the firebug addon
// -> Open firebug console / press F12
// -> Copy and paste this code
// -> Click run
//To change strategy, uncomment one and comment out the other:
//setInterval(moveRandom, 100);
setInterval(moveOneRound, 250);
var keydownEvent = document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");
var keyupEvent = document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");
var keyleftEvent = document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");
var keyrightEvent = document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");
var initMethod = typeof keydownEvent.initKeyboardEvent !== 'undefined' ? "initKeyboardEvent" : "initKeyEvent";
"keydown", // event type : keydown, keyup, keypress
true, // bubbles
true, // cancelable
window, // viewArg: should be window
false, // ctrlKeyArg
false, // altKeyArg
false, // shiftKeyArg
false, // metaKeyArg
40, // keyCodeArg : unsigned long the virtual key code, else 0
0 // charCodeArgs : unsigned long the Unicode character associated with the depressed key, else 0
"keydown", // event type : keydown, keyup, keypress
true, // bubbles
true, // cancelable
window, // viewArg: should be window
false, // ctrlKeyArg
false, // altKeyArg
false, // shiftKeyArg
false, // metaKeyArg
38, // keyCodeArg : unsigned long the virtual key code, else 0
0 // charCodeArgs : unsigned long the Unicode character associated with the depressed key, else 0
"keydown", // event type : keydown, keyup, keypress
true, // bubbles
true, // cancelable
window, // viewArg: should be window
false, // ctrlKeyArg
false, // altKeyArg
false, // shiftKeyArg
false, // metaKeyArg
37, // keyCodeArg : unsigned long the virtual key code, else 0
0 // charCodeArgs : unsigned long the Unicode character associated with the depressed key, else 0
"keydown", // event type : keydown, keyup, keypress
true, // bubbles
true, // cancelable
window, // viewArg: should be window
false, // ctrlKeyArg
false, // altKeyArg
false, // shiftKeyArg
false, // metaKeyArg
39, // keyCodeArg : unsigned long the virtual key code, else 0
0 // charCodeArgs : unsigned long the Unicode character associated with the depressed key, else 0
function sleep(millis, callback) {
{ callback(); }
, millis);
function moveOneRound(){
function moveRandom(){
var move = Math.floor((Math.random()*4)+1);
else if(move==2)
else if(move==3)
else if(move==4)
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