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Last active October 27, 2019 12:47
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  • Save kearlsaint/053f96baafba3e1bcd9fec1e45f34c95 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Snippet of code to create a full XML backup of messages from Pulse Messenger
* Snippet of code to create a full XML backup of messages from Pulse Messenger
* This code utilizes the webapp's core functions.
* Instructions
* 1. Log into
* 2. Wait for the UI to load your conversations
* 3. Open Developer Console
* 4. Paste the following code
* 5. Wait for your data to download(check Network tab)
* 6. Download SMSBackupRestore from PlayStore (
* 7. Put backup XML file to SD Card
* 8. Restore using SMSBackupRestore
* profit 5 cents
* Changelog:
* 06 MAY 2018: Changed to multi-query per conversation thread to reduce server load & support slow connections
* --> Set custom limit per query @ line 150, default is 20
* Added a bit of log output to console
$(function() {
String.prototype.toHtmlEntities = function() {
var str = this;
if ($.trim(str) != "") {
str = str.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;");
str = str.replace(/&(?!(amp;)|(lt;)|(gt;)|(quot;)|(#39;)|(apos;))/g, "&amp;");
str = str.replace(/([^\\])((\\\\)*)\\(?![\\/{])/g, "$1\\\\$2"); //replaces odd backslash(\\) with even.
return str.replace(/[^\u0009|\u0020-\uD7FF|\uE000-\uFFFD|\uDBFFDFFF-\u10FFFF]/gim, function(s) {
return "&#" + s.charCodeAt(0) + ";";
// modified version for xml export
// only decrypts .data
// does not convert emojis to web emojis
// converts non-xml-safe chars
function decryptMessages_forExport(data) {
for (var i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
try {
data[i].data = entityEncode(decrypt(data[i].data));
data[i].data = data[i].data.toHtmlEntities();
} catch (err) {
data[i].data = "";
// remove duplicate messages
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var currentId = data[i].device_id;
for (var j = i + 1; j < data.length; j++) {
if (data[j].device_id == currentId) {
data.splice(j, 1);
return data;
function export_to_xml(data) {
* data needed for SMSBackupRestore
* protocol="0"
* address=
* date=
* type=1(received)/2(sent)
* subject="null"
* body=
* toa="null"
* sc_toa="null"
* service_center=""
* read="1"
* status="-1"
* locked="0"
* date_sent=
* readable_date="Jun 4, 2017 23:40:11"
* contact_name=
// xml headers
var xml_string = "";
xml_string += "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>\n";
xml_string += '<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="sms.xsl"?>\n';
var msg_string = "";
var msg_count = 0;
// loop through each conversation thread
for(var i=0, d, m, n, f; i < data.length; i++) {
d = data[i];
f =;
n = d.number;
t = d.messages;
// loop through each message
for(var j=0, m; j<t.length; j++) {
m = t[j];
msg_string += '<sms';
msg_string += ' protocol="0"';
msg_string += ' address="' + n + '"';
msg_string += ' date="' + m.timestamp + '"';
msg_string += ' type="' + (m.message_type+1) + '"';
msg_string += ' subject="null"';
msg_string += ' body="' + + '"';
msg_string += ' toa="null"';
msg_string += ' sc_toa="null"';
msg_string += ' service_center=""';
msg_string += ' read="1"';
msg_string += ' status="-1"';
msg_string += ' locked="0"';
msg_string += ' date_sent="' + m.timestamp + '"';
msg_string += ' readable_date=""';
msg_string += ' contact_name="' + n + '"';
msg_string += '/>\n';
msg_count += t.length;
xml_string += '<smses count="' + msg_count + '" backup_date="' + new Date().getTime() + '">\n';
xml_string += msg_string;
xml_string += '</smses>';
// export to sms
var download = document.createElement("a");
download.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(xml_string));
download.setAttribute('download', 'backup-' + new Date().getTime() + '.xml');
url="" + accountId;
var messages=[];
var convo_list;
var fetched=0;
$.get(url).done(function(data) {
convo_list = decryptConversations(data);
console.log("Fetching " + convo_list.length + " conversation threads...");
for(var i=0; i<convo_list.length; i++) {
(function(q, z) { // save val of i to q
var t = "" + accountId + "&conversation_id=" + q.device_id + "";
var l = 20, o = 0; // limit, offset
var ret = function() {
t += "&limit=" + l + "&offset=" + o;
$.get(t).done(function(data) {
if(data.length <= 0) {
// no more messages
// mark whole thread as fetched
console.log(" --> fetched thread #" + z);
if(fetched >= convo_list.length) {
console.log("Exporting to XML, please check download progress.");
} else {
// decrypt and save messages
number: q.phone_numbers,
name: q.title,
messages: decryptMessages_forExport(data)
// get next offset
o += l;
setTimeout(ret, 200);
console.log(" --> fetching thread #" + z);
})(convo_list[i], i + 1);
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rubaboo commented Mar 17, 2019

Getting an error
}' is not a valid selector

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aidenmadaffri commented Oct 27, 2019

Does this snippet no longer work? Chrome just says "undefined" when ran in the console.

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