// Type definitions for Auth0.js |
// Project: https://github.com/auth0/auth0.js |
// Definitions by: Robert McLaws <https://github.com/advancedrei> |
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped |
/** Extensions to the browser Window object. */ |
interface Window { |
/** Allows you to pass the id_token to other APIs, as specified in https://docs.auth0.com/apps-apis */ |
token: string; |
} |
/** This is the interface for the main Auth0 client. */ |
interface Auth0Static { |
new(options: Auth0ClientOptions): Auth0Static; |
changePassword(options: any, callback?: Function): void; |
decodeJwt(jwt: string): any; |
login(options: any, callback: (error?: Auth0Error, profile?: Auth0UserProfile, id_token?: string, access_token?: string, state?: string) => any): void; |
loginWithPopup(options: Auth0LoginOptions, callback: (error?: Auth0Error, profile?: Auth0UserProfile, id_token?: string, access_token?: string, state?: string) => any): void; |
loginWithResourceOwner(options: Auth0LoginOptions, callback: (error?: Auth0Error, profile?: Auth0UserProfile, id_token?: string, access_token?: string, state?: any) => any): void; |
loginWithUsernamePassword(options: Auth0LoginOptions, callback: (error?: Auth0Error, profile?: Auth0UserProfile, id_token?: string, access_token?: string, state?: string) => any): void; |
logout(query: string): void; |
getConnections(callback?: Function): void; |
refreshToken(refreshToken: string, callback: (error?: Auth0Error, delegationResult?: Auth0DelegationToken) => any): void; |
getDelegationToken(targetClientId: string, id_token: string, options: any, callback: (error?: Auth0Error, delegationResult?: Auth0DelegationToken) => any): void; |
getProfile(id_token: string, callback?: Function): Auth0UserProfile; |
getSSOData(withActiveDirectories: any, callback?: Function): void; |
parseHash(hash: string): Auth0DecodedHash; |
signup(options: Auth0SignupOptions, callback: Function): void; |
validateUser(options: any, callback: (error?: Auth0Error, valid?: any) => any): void; |
} |
/** Represents constructor options for the Auth0 client. */ |
interface Auth0ClientOptions { |
clientID: string; |
callbackURL: string; |
callbackOnLocationHash?: boolean; |
domain: string; |
forceJSONP?: boolean; |
} |
/** Represents a normalized UserProfile. */ |
interface Auth0UserProfile { |
email: string; |
email_verified: boolean; |
family_name: string; |
gender: string; |
given_name: string; |
locale: string; |
name: string; |
nickname: string; |
picture: string; |
user_id: string; |
/** Represents one or more Identities that may be associated with the User. */ |
identities: Auth0Identity[]; |
user_metadata?: any; |
app_metadata?: any; |
} |
/** Represents an Auth0UserProfile that has a Microsoft Account as the primary identity. */ |
interface MicrosoftUserProfile extends Auth0UserProfile { |
emails: string[]; |
} |
/** Represents an Auth0UserProfile that has an Office365 account as the primary identity. */ |
interface Office365UserProfile extends Auth0UserProfile { |
tenantid: string; |
upn: string; |
} |
/** Represents an Auth0UserProfile that has an Active Directory account as the primary identity. */ |
interface AdfsUserProfile extends Auth0UserProfile { |
issuer: string; |
} |
/** Represents multiple identities assigned to a user. */ |
interface Auth0Identity { |
access_token: string; |
connection: string; |
isSocial: boolean; |
provider: string; |
user_id: string; |
} |
interface Auth0DecodedHash { |
access_token: string; |
idToken: string; |
profile: Auth0UserProfile; |
state: any; |
error: any; |
} |
interface Auth0PopupOptions { |
width: number; |
height: number; |
} |
interface Auth0LoginOptions { |
auto_login?: boolean; |
connection?: string; |
responseType: string; |
email?: string; |
username?: string; |
password?: string; |
popup?: boolean; |
popupOptions?: Auth0PopupOptions; |
} |
interface Auth0SignupOptions extends Auth0LoginOptions { |
} |
interface Auth0Error { |
code: any; |
details: any; |
name: string; |
message: string; |
status: any; |
} |
/** Represents the response from an API Token Delegation request. */ |
interface Auth0DelegationToken { |
/** The length of time in seconds the token is valid for. */ |
expires_in: string; |
/** The JWT for delegated access. */ |
id_token: string; |
/** The type of token being returned. Possible values: "Bearer" */ |
token_type: string; |
} |
declare var Auth0: Auth0Static; |
declare module "auth0-js" { |
export = Auth0; |
} |