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Created September 14, 2012 02:11
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# 给关联关系赋值,发生了什么?
@sme = Sme.find(params[:id])
@sme.sme_inspections = @sme.build_inspections params[:inspections]
# @sme.sme_inspections的class是个array,@sme.build_inspections params[:inspections] 只不过构造了一个sme_inspection的数组,并且数组中sme_inspection的sme_id为空
# 但接下来发生了这些
#SmeInspection Load (0.7ms) SELECT "sme_inspections".* FROM "sme_inspections" WHERE "sme_inspections"."sme_id" = 29
#UPDATE "sme_inspections" SET "sme_id" = NULL WHERE "sme_inspections"."sme_id" = 29 AND "sme_inspections"."id" IN (49)
#INSERT INTO "sme_inspections" ("auditor", "created_at"...) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7)
# 太强大了。。。。。不过,这个特性好像也没什么用?
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