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Last active June 23, 2021 15:40
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fr-06: Black 2000 - the script
; startup info
set tune to "b2k/"
set minxres to 0
set minyres to 0
set prefxres to 640
set prefyres to 480
set prefbpp to 32
; effektinstanzen
effect fred1 is fred
effect fred2 is fred
effect fred3 is fred
effect fs3 is fred
effect fs4 is fred
effect fs5 is fred
effect fs6 is fred
effect fs7 is fred
effect fs8 is fred
effect fa1 is fred
effect fa2 is fred
effect fa3 is fred
effect fa4 is fred
effect rinne is fred
effect fc1 is fred
effect fd1 is fred
effect fk1 is fred
effect fk2 is fred
effect dbox is designbox
effect dlines is designlines
effect copy is copier
effect blk is fade
effect blk2 is fade
effect yo is yodawriter
effect yo2 is yodawriter
effect blur is motionblur
effect greets is multitext
effect endtext is multitext
effect clr is clear
effect yow is yodawriter
effect cra is crashzoom
effect img2 is image
rendertarget infoscreen 100% 100%
rendertarget blurout 100% 100%
viewport isc 0 0 100% 100% target infoscreen
viewport mvp 0x 120y 640x 360y target infoscreen
viewport fredrect 20x 230y 128x 128y target primary
viewport blr 0 0 100% 100% target blurout
viewport fs3r 0% 40% 18% 20% target primary
viewport fs4r 17% 40% 18% 20% target primary
viewport fs5r 34% 40% 18% 20% target primary
viewport fs6r 50% 40% 18% 20% target primary
viewport fs7r 67% 40% 18% 20% target primary
viewport fs8r 84% 40% 16% 20% target primary
; und hier kommt die demo.
; ------------------ rumflashende Lautsprecher
effect ispeaker is image
macro spkrflash
fade ispeaker.zoom from 1.5 to 1 for 0.5 seconds
and fade ispeaker.fade from 1 to 0 for 0.5 seconds
macro spkrpattern runs for 1 orders
start ispeaker z 10000
at row 0x00 set ispeaker.x to 60x
and set ispeaker.y to 420y
and set ispeaker.w to -64x
and set ispeaker.h to 64y
and play spkrflash
and wait for 12 rows
then set ispeaker.x to 120x
and set ispeaker.w to 64x
and play spkrflash
at row 0x20 set ispeaker.x to 60x
and set ispeaker.w to -64x
and play spkrflash
and wait for 12 rows
then set ispeaker.x to 120x
and set ispeaker.w to 64x
and play spkrflash
at row 0x40 set ispeaker.x to 60x
and set ispeaker.w to -64x
and play spkrflash
and wait for 12 rows
then set ispeaker.x to 120x
and set ispeaker.w to 64x
and play spkrflash
at row 0x60 set ispeaker.x to 60x
and set ispeaker.w to -64x
and play spkrflash
and wait for 12 rows
then set ispeaker.x to 120x
and set ispeaker.w to 64x
and play spkrflash
then stop ispeaker
; ------ eins zwei drei - farbrauschmann
effect box123 is designbox
effect f123_1 is fred
effect f123_2 is fred
effect f123_3 is fred
effect i123_1 is image
effect i123_2 is image
effect i123_3 is image
viewport r123_1 150x 30y 128x 128y target primary
viewport r123_2 300x 30y 128x 128y target primary
viewport r123_3 450x 30y 128x 128y target primary
macro einszweidrei runs for 1 orders
wait until row 0x40
then start box123 z 10000
and set box123.x to 214x
and set box123.y to 94y
and set box123.xsize to 128x
and set box123.ysize to 128y
and set box123.fade to 1
and set box123.thick to 3
then start f123_1 vp r123_1
and start i123_1
and wait until row 0x46
then stop f123_1
and stop i123_1
and start f123_2 vp r123_2
and start i123_2
and set box123.x to 364x
and wait until row 0x4c
then stop f123_2
and stop i123_2
and start f123_3 vp r123_3
and start i123_3
and set box123.x to 514x
and wait until row 0x52
then stop f123_3
and stop i123_3
and stop box123
; ------------------ trompetengelöt für den Weltfrieden
effect itromp is image
macro trompete
start itromp z 10000
and set itromp.zoom to 100%
and set itromp.fade to 100%
and wait for 0.25 seconds
then fade itromp.fade from 100% to 0% curve 5 for 0.25 seconds
and fade itromp.zoom from 100% to 200% curve 0.2 for 0.25 seconds
then stop itromp
macro trompetekurz
start itromp z 10000
then fade itromp.fade from 100% to 0% curve 5 for 0.1 seconds
and fade itromp.zoom from 100% to 200% curve 0.2 for 0.1 seconds
then stop itromp
macro trompetenpattern runs for 1 orders
set itromp.y to 50%
and set itromp.w to 128x
and set itromp.h to 128y
and set itromp.x to 67%
and play trompete
at row 0x18 set itromp.x to 50%
and play trompete
at row 0x28 set itromp.x to 33%
and play trompete
at row 0x40 set itromp.x to 67%
and play trompete
at row 0x58 set itromp.x to 50%
and play trompete
at row 0x68 set itromp.x to 33%
and play trompete
; ----------------- usw
macro ficken runs for 2 orders
wait for 8 rows
then stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
at row 14 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
at row 24 stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
at row 40 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
at row 46 stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
at row 56 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
at row 72 stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
at row 78 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
at row 88 stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
at row 104 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
at row 110 stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
at row 120 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
at row 126 stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
and wait for 0.2 seconds
at row 8 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
at row 14 stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
at row 24 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
at row 40 stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
at row 46 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
at row 56 stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
at row 72 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
at row 78 stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
at row 88 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
at row 104 stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
at row 110 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
at row 120 stop fred1
and start fred3 z 10
at row 126 stop fred3
and start fred1 z 10
macro ficken2 runs for 2 orders
wait for 8 rows
then stop fa1
and start fa2 z 10 vp isc
at row 14 stop fa2
and start fa3 z 10 vp isc
at row 24 stop fa3
and start fa4 z 10 vp isc
at row 40 stop fa4
and start fa1 z 10 vp isc
at row 46 stop fa1
and start fa2 z 10 vp isc
at row 56 stop fa2
and start fa3 z 10 vp isc
at row 72 stop fa3
and start fa4 z 10 vp isc
at row 78 stop fa4
and start fa1 z 10 vp isc
at row 88 stop fa1
and start fa2 z 10 vp isc
at row 104 stop fa2
and start fa3 z 10 vp isc
at row 110 stop fa3
and start fa4 z 10 vp isc
at row 120 stop fa4
and start fa1 z 10 vp isc
at row 126 stop fa1
and start fa2 z 10 vp isc
and wait for 0.2 seconds
at row 8 stop fa2
and start fa3 z 10 vp isc
at row 14 stop fa3
and start fa4 z 10 vp isc
at row 24 stop fa4
and start fa1 z 10 vp isc
at row 40 stop fa1
and start fa2 z 10 vp isc
at row 46 stop fa2
and start fa3 z 10 vp isc
at row 56 stop fa3
and start fa4 z 10 vp isc
at row 72 stop fa4
and start fa1 z 10 vp isc
at row 78 stop fa1
and start fa2 z 10 vp isc
at row 88 stop fa2
and start fa3 z 10 vp isc
at row 104 stop fa3
and start fa2 z 10 vp isc
at row 110 stop fa2
and start fa4 z 10 vp isc
at row 120 stop fa4
and start fa3 z 10 vp isc
at row 126 stop fa3
and start fa1 z 10 vp isc
macro ficken3 runs for 2 orders
wait for 8 rows
then stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
at row 14 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
at row 24 stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
at row 40 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
at row 46 stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
at row 56 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
at row 72 stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
at row 78 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
at row 88 stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
at row 104 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
at row 110 stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
at row 120 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
at row 126 stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
and wait for 0.2 seconds
at row 8 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
at row 14 stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
at row 24 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
at row 40 stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
at row 46 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
at row 56 stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
at row 72 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
at row 78 stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
at row 88 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
at row 104 stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
at row 110 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
at row 120 stop fk1
and start fk2 z 10 vp isc
at row 126 stop fk2
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
demo runs until order 0x1d row 0x40
first set cra.steps to 5
and set greets.font to arial.fnt
and set greets.count to 11
and set greets.msg1 to "Greetings"
and set greets.msg2 to " "
and set greets.msg3 to "SCALA Family"
and set greets.msg4 to "Haujobb"
and set greets.msg5 to "Freestyle"
and set greets.msg6 to "Smash Designs"
and set greets.msg7 to "Icebird"
and set greets.msg8 to "3State"
and set greets.msg9 to "Aardbei"
and set greets.msg10 to "Kolor (aber nur Shiva und Noize)"
and set greets.msg11 to "and Otis, our biggest fan"
and set greets.time to 0
and set endtext.font to arial.fnt
and set endtext.count to 11
and set endtext.msg1 to "Farb-Rausch"
and set endtext.msg2 to "FR-06: Black 2000 (final)"
and set endtext.msg3 to ""
and set endtext.msg4 to "fg th fb kp lr"
and set endtext.msg5 to ""
and set endtext.msg6 to "5 people again, 1 day again"
and set endtext.msg7 to "doing the dau-jobb"
and set endtext.msg8 to "(fresst nelken!)"
and set endtext.msg9 to ""
and set endtext.msg10 to "Farb-Rausch"
and set endtext.msg11 to "Was Ihr wollt, wird serviert"
and set endtext.time to 0
and set fred1.scene to "b2k\s.frs"
and set to 0
and set fred2.scene to "b2k\exp2.frs"
and set fred3.scene to "b2k\s.frs"
and set to 1
and set fs3.scene to "b2k/s.frs"
and set to 2
and set fs4.scene to "b2k/s.frs"
and set to 3
and set fs5.scene to "b2k/s.frs"
and set to 4
and set fs6.scene to "b2k/s.frs"
and set to 5
and set fs7.scene to "b2k/s.frs"
and set to 6
and set fs8.scene to "b2k/s.frs"
and set to 7
and set fa1.scene to "b2k/a.frs"
and set to 0
and set fa2.scene to "b2k/a.frs"
and set to 1
and set fa3.scene to "b2k/a.frs"
and set to 2
and set fa4.scene to "b2k/a.frs"
and set to 3
and set fc1.scene to "b2k/c1.frs"
and set fd1.scene to "b2k/d1.frs"
and set fk1.scene to "b2k/stachel.frs"
and set fk2.scene to "b2k/stretch.frs"
and set rinne.scene to "b2k/rinne.frs"
and set yo.font to arial.fnt
and set yo.mode to spray
and set yo.text to "farb-rausch 06"
and set yo.xpos to 220x
and set yo.ypos to 140y
and set yo2.font to arial.fnt
and set yo2.mode to spray
and set yo2.text to "black 2000"
and set yo2.xpos to 100x
and set yo2.ypos to 300y
and set blk.fade to 1
and set blk.color to 0
; th sein designkram
and set ispeaker.image to "b2k/ispeaker.bmp"
and set ispeaker.opaque to 0
and set f123_1.scene to "b2k/klein1.frs"
and set f123_1.clear to 0
and set f123_2.scene to "b2k/klein2.frs"
and set f123_2.clear to 0
and set f123_3.scene to "b2k/klein3.frs"
and set f123_3.clear to 0
and set i123_1.image to "b2k/i_eins.bmp"
and set i123_1.opaque to 0
and set i123_1.x to 214x
and set i123_1.y to 170y
and set i123_1.w to 128x
and set i123_1.h to 16y
and set i123_2.image to "b2k/i_zwei.bmp"
and set i123_2.opaque to 0
and set i123_2.x to 364x
and set i123_2.y to 170y
and set i123_2.w to 128x
and set i123_2.h to 16y
and set i123_3.image to "b2k/i_drei.bmp"
and set i123_3.opaque to 0
and set i123_3.x to 514x
and set i123_3.y to 170y
and set i123_3.w to 128x
and set i123_3.h to 16y
and set itromp.image to "b2k/itromp.bmp"
and set blur.half-life to 0.25
and set ims.amplify to 250%
at order 0x00 play spkrpattern times 14
at order 0x14 play spkrpattern times 8
at order 0x04 play einszweidrei times 12
at order 0x14 play einszweidrei times 8
at order 0x13 row 0x60 set itromp.y to 50%
and fade itromp.angle from 0 to 6000 for 8 orders
and set itromp.w to 48x
and set itromp.h to 48y
and set itromp.x to 10%
and play trompetekurz
at order 0x13 row 0x64 set itromp.x to 20%
and set itromp.w to 58x
and set itromp.h to 58y
and play trompetekurz
at order 0x13 row 0x68 set itromp.x to 30%
and set itromp.w to 68x
and set itromp.h to 68y
and play trompetekurz
at order 0x13 row 0x6c set itromp.x to 40%
and set itromp.w to 78x
and set itromp.h to 78y
and play trompetekurz
at order 0x13 row 0x70 set itromp.x to 50%
and set itromp.w to 88x
and set itromp.h to 88y
and play trompetekurz
at order 0x13 row 0x74 set itromp.x to 60%
and set itromp.w to 98x
and set itromp.h to 98y
and play trompetekurz
at order 0x13 row 0x78 set itromp.x to 70%
and set itromp.w to 108x
and set itromp.h to 108y
and play trompetekurz
at order 0x13 row 0x7c set itromp.x to 80%
and set itromp.w to 118x
and set itromp.h to 118y
and play trompetekurz
at order 0x14 play trompetenpattern times 8
at order 0x00 start fred1 z 1
and start dbox z 4
and set dbox.x to 84x
and set dbox.y to 294y
and set dbox.xsize to 128x
and set dbox.ysize to 128y
and set dbox.fade to 0
and set dbox.thick to 5
and start yo z 3001
and start blk z 1000
and set blk.fade to 1
at order 0x01 start yo2 z 3002
at order 0x02 fade blk.fade from 1 to 0 for 1 orders
and wait for 64 rows
then start dlines z 3
and set dlines.x1 to 100%
and set dlines.y1 to 294y
and set dlines.x2 to 148x
and set dlines.y2 to 294y
and set dlines.thick to 3
and fade dlines.length from 0.0 to 1.0 until order 0x03
at order 0x03 fade dbox.fade from 0 to 1 for 3 rows
then start fred2 z 5 vp fredrect
and set fred2.clear to 0
and set yo.mode to smooth
and set yo2.mode to smooth
at order 0x04 set yo.text to "fg.code"
and set yo.x to 30%
and set yo.y to 80%
and play ficken times 2
at order 0x04 row 0x08 stop fred2
and stop dlines
and stop dbox
at order 0x05 set yo2.text to ""
and set yo2.x to 40%
and set yo2.y to 90%
at order 0x06 set yo.text to ""
and start fs3 vp fs3r z 12
and set fs3.clear to 0
and wait for 16 rows
then start fs4 vp fs4r z 12
and set fs4.clear to 0
and wait for 16 rows
then start fs5 vp fs5r z 12
and set fs5.clear to 0
and wait for 16 rows
then start fs6 vp fs6r z 12
and set fs6.clear to 0
and wait for 16 rows
then start fs7 vp fs7r z 12
and set fs7.clear to 0
and wait for 16 rows
then start fs8 vp fs8r z 12
and set fs8.clear to 0
and wait for 16 rows
at order 0x07 set yo2.text to ""
; ab hier: a-szenen
at order 0x08 set yo.text to ""
and stop fred1
and stop fs3
and stop fs4
and stop fs5
and stop fs6
and stop fs7
and stop fs8
and start fa1 z 10 vp isc
and play ficken2 times 2
and set copy.source to infoscreen
and start copy z 20
at order 0x09 set yo2.text to "ds.sitting[around]"
at order 0x0a set yo.text to "pc.demo"
and start blur z 15 vp blr
and set blur.source to infoscreen
and set copy.source to blurout
at order 0x0b set yo2.text to "[2k]f"
at order 0x0c stop fa1
and stop blur
and stop copy
and start rinne z 10
and set rinne.speed to 0.9
at order 0x0f row 0x60 set blk.color to 0xffffff
and fade blk.fade from 0 to 1 until order 0x10
at order 0x10 stop rinne
and start fc1 z 10
and fade blk.fade from 1 to 0 for 0.25 seconds
then stop blk
and start greets z 20
and fade greets.time from 0 to 1 until order 0x14
at order 0x12 stop fc1
and start fd1 z 10
and set fd1.speed to 0.1
at order 0x14 stop fd1
and stop greets
and start fk1 z 10 vp isc
and play ficken3 times 4
and start cra z 12
and set cra.torkel to 0
and set cra.maxzoom to 0
and set cra.source to infoscreen
at order 0x16 fade cra.maxzoom from 0 to 0.3 until order 0x17 row 0x60
then fade cra.maxzoom from 0.3 to 0 until order 0x18
then fade cra.farbrausch from 0 to 40% until order 0x1c
and fade cra.light from 1 to 1.5 until order 0x1c
and start fs3 vp fs3r z 12
and set fs3.clear to 0
and wait for 16 rows
then start fs4 vp fs4r z 12
and set fs4.clear to 0
and wait for 16 rows
then start fs5 vp fs5r z 12
and set fs5.clear to 0
and wait for 16 rows
then start fs6 vp fs6r z 12
and set fs6.clear to 0
and wait for 16 rows
then start fs7 vp fs7r z 12
and set fs7.clear to 0
and wait for 16 rows
then start fs8 vp fs8r z 12
and set fs8.clear to 0
at order 0x1c start fred1 z 10
and stop fk1
and stop fs3
and stop fs4
and stop fs5
and stop fs6
and stop fs7
and stop fs8
and stop cra
and start blk2 z 12 vp isc
and set blk2.fade to 1
and set blk2.color to 0
and start endtext z 20 vp isc
and start cra z 30 vp blr
and set cra.maxzoom to 0.01
and set cra.torkel to 20
and set cra.farbrausch to 0
and set cra.light to 1
and set img2.image to "rtt:blurout"
and set img2.opaque to 0
and start img2
and fade endtext.time from 0 to 1 until order 0x1c row 0x60
at order 0x1d start blk
and set blk.color to 0x000000
and fade blk.fade from 0 to 1 until row 0x38
then stop endtext
and stop fred1
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