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Created December 6, 2016 18:48
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An R adaptation of Tom Tango’s calculation for wOBA using the Lahman database.
library(Lahman); library(dplyr)
# Find primary positions
fielding <- Lahman::Fielding
# The "postf" field below is to filter out Natl. League players who may have
# played as DH in inter-leauge games, and may have multiple entries at diff. positions.
PrimPos <- dplyr::mutate(fielding, postf=ifelse(POS=="OF" & yearID>1995, 1,0)) %>%
subset(postf==0, select=c("playerID", "yearID", "teamID", "lgID","G", "POS")) %>%
group_by(playerID, yearID, teamID, lgID, POS) %>%
summarise(G = sum(G))
# Find a run environment for each season, including pitchers.
pitching <- Lahman::Pitching %>% subset(select=c("yearID", "playerID", "lgID","R", "IPouts"))
pitchersPOS <- subset(PrimPos, POS=="P")
pitchingLRPO <- dplyr::inner_join(pitchersPOS, pitching, by=c("yearID", "playerID", "lgID"))
LeagueRunsPerOut <- subset(pitchingLRPO, select=c("yearID", "lgID", "R", "IPouts")) %>%
# Set NA to 0 so the sums will work.
mutate(IPouts=ifelse(,0,IPouts)) %>%
group_by(yearID) %>%
summarise(R=sum(R), IPouts=sum(IPouts)) %>%
mutate(RperOut=R/IPouts) %>%
rename(totR=R, totOuts=IPouts)
# Calculate the Run Values for each event using Tom Tango's linear weights.
# More info from Tango can be found here:
# Note that HR and SB are static values. Tango admits this isn't perfect but is close.
RunValues <- subset(LeagueRunsPerOut, select=c("yearID", "RperOut")) %>%
group_by(yearID) %>%
mutate(runBB=RperOut+0.14) %>%
mutate(runHBP=runBB+0.025) %>%
mutate(run1B=runBB+0.155) %>%
mutate(run2B=run1B+0.3) %>%
mutate(run3B=run2B+0.27) %>%
mutate(runHR=1.4) %>% mutate(runSB=0.2) %>%
mutate(runCS=(2*RperOut)+0.075) %>%
group_by(yearID, RperOut, runBB, runHBP, run1B, run2B, run3B, runHR, runSB, runCS)
# Use Position Players table to find the runsPlus and runsMinus values to use in the wOBA multiplier.
batting <- Lahman::Batting
batting <- batting[, !names(batting) %in% c("G")]
batting <- inner_join(batting, PrimPos, by=c("playerID", "yearID", "lgID"))
# Replace NA with 0, otherwise our runsMinus and runsPlus calculations will thow NA.
batting[] <- 0
# Summarize values by year.
yearbatting <- subset(batting, select=c("yearID", "AB", "R", "H", "X2B", "X3B", "HR",
"SB", "CS", "BB", "SO", "IBB", "HBP", "SF")) %>%
group_by(yearID) %>%
summarise(AB=sum(AB), R=sum(R), H=sum(H), X2B=sum(X2B), X3B=sum(X3B), HR=sum(HR),
SB=sum(SB), CS=sum(CS), BB=sum(BB), SO=sum(SO), IBB=sum(IBB), HBP=sum(HBP),
# Join yearly aggregates with the RunValues modifiers.
runsBatting <- dplyr::left_join(yearbatting, RunValues, by="yearID") %>%
group_by(yearID, RperOut, runBB, runHBP, run1B, run2B, run3B, runHR, runSB, runCS) %>%
# Calculate modifiers for wOBA events and wOBA scale.
mutate(runMinus = ((runBB*(BB-IBB)) + (runHBP*HBP) + (run1B*(H-X2B-X3B-HR)) +
(run2B*X2B) + (run3B*X3B) + (1.4*HR) + (runSB*SB) - (runCS*CS)) / (AB-H+SF)) %>%
# Calculate modifier for wOBA scale.
mutate(runPlus = ((runBB*(BB-IBB)) + (runHBP*HBP) + (run1B*(H-X2B-X3B-HR)) +
(run2B*X2B) + (run3B*X3B) + (1.4*HR) + (runSB*SB) - (runCS*CS)) / (BB-IBB+HBP+H)) %>%
# Calculate league wOBA.
mutate(lg_woba = (H+BB+IBB+HBP) / (AB+BB-IBB+HBP+SF)) %>%
# Calculate wOBA scale.
mutate(woba_scale = 1/(runPlus+runMinus)) %>%
# wOBA hit-event modifiers.
mutate(wBB = (runBB+runMinus)*woba_scale) %>%
mutate(wHBP = (runHBP+runMinus)*woba_scale) %>%
mutate(w1B = (run1B+runMinus)*woba_scale) %>%
mutate(w2B = (run2B+runMinus)*woba_scale) %>%
mutate(w3B = (run3B+runMinus)*woba_scale) %>%
mutate(wHR = (runHR+runMinus)*woba_scale) %>%
mutate(wCS = runCS*woba_scale) %>%
subset(select = c("yearID", "lg_woba", "woba_scale", "wBB", "wHBP", "w1B", "w2B", "w3B", "wHR", "wCS", "runPlus", "runMinus"))
# Remove tables we don't need anymore.
rm(batting, fielding, LeagueRunsPerOut, pitchersPOS, pitching, pitchingLRPO, PrimPos, RunValues, yearbatting)
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