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Last active September 25, 2017 05:17
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Math-like Operators in Swift
// Paste this in Playground
infix operator ∘
prefix operator ∑^
typealias ItoD = (Int) -> Double
func *(lhs: Int, rhs: Double) -> Double {
return Double(lhs)*rhs
func *(lhs: Double, rhs: Int) -> Double {
return Double(rhs)
prefix func ∑^(range: @escaping ()->CountableRange<Int>) -> ((@escaping ItoD) -> ()->Double) {
return {f in
return {
var sum = 0.0
for i in range() {
sum += f(i)
return sum
func ∘(lhs: ((@escaping ItoD) -> ()->Double), rhs: @escaping ItoD) -> Double {
return lhs(rhs)()
let square = { (x: Int) in Double(x*x) }
let sum = ∑^{0..<4}∘square
let sum2 = ∑^{0..<10}∘{ Double($0 * $0) }
let π = Double.pi
let trig_sum = ∑^{0..<100}∘{ sin($0 * π/4.0) } // sin(iπ/4)
// Indefinite sum
prefix func ∑(f: @escaping ItoD) -> (() -> CountableRange<Int>) -> Double {
return {
range in
var sum = 0.0
for i in range() {
sum += f(i)
return sum
func ∘(lhs: (() -> CountableRange<Int>) -> Double, rhs: @escaping ()->CountableRange<Int>) -> Double {
return lhs(rhs)
let an_indefinite_sum = ∑square
let a_sum = an_indefinite_sum∘{0..<3}
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