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Created November 25, 2011 07:06
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Amazon Product Advertising API sample for PHP
require_once '../config.php';
function sign($url, $params) {
$parsed_url = parse_url($url);
$query = http_build_query_rfc3986($params);
$request = array(
$signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', implode("\n", $request), AWS_SECRET_KEY, true));
return $signature;
function http_build_query_rfc3986($params) {
$query = http_build_query($params);
$query = strtr($query, array('%7E' => '~', '+' => '%20'));
return $query;
function pr($var) {
echo "<pre>\n";
echo "</pre>\n";
function requestAPI($params) {
$requestURI = '';
$defaults = array(
'Service' => 'AWSECommerceService',
'Operation' => 'ItemSearch',
'SearchIndex' => 'Books',
'Timestamp' => gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'),
'Version' => '2011-08-01',
'Title' => '',
'ResponseGroup' => 'ItemAttributes,Reviews',
'AssociateTag' => '000000-22',
$params = array_merge($defaults, $params);
$params['Signature'] = sign($requestURI, $params);
$url = $requestURI . http_build_query_rfc3986($params);
$result = request($url, true);
return $result;
function request($url, $force = false, $opts = array()) {
global $http_response_header;
$headers = array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'GET',
'user_agent' => "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686 on x86_64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0",
'timeout' => 60.0,
'ignore_errors' => true,
$context = stream_context_create(array_merge($headers, $opts));
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
if($force || strpos($http_response_header[0], '200') !== false) {
return $result;
return false;
$keyword = "下町ロケット";
$result = requestAPI(array('Title' => $keyword));
if($result !== false) {
$xml = simplexml_load_string($result);
$asin = $xml->Items->Item->ASIN;
$continue = true;
$page = 1;
$content = '';
while($continue) {
$lookup = requestAPI(array(
'IdType' => 'ASIN',
'ItemId' => $asin,
'MerchantId' => 'Amazon',
'ReviewPage' => $page,
'ResponseGroup' => 'Reviews',
'Title' => $keyword
$xml = simplexml_load_string($lookup);
$has_reviews = $xml->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->HasReviews;
if($has_reviews !== 'false') {
$reviews_page = $xml->Items->Item->CustomerReviews->IFrameURL;
$content[] = $reviews_page;
} else {
$continue = false;
} else {
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