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Last active July 3, 2018 08:13
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Python Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
from __future__ import division
import random
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def enrichment_score(all_genes, gene_set):
running_sum = 0
scores = [running_sum] # enrichment scores of the random walk
for gene in all_genes:
# The score is calculated by walking down the list, increasing a running-sum statistic when we encounter a gene and decreasing when it is not
if gene in gene_set:
running_sum += math.sqrt((len(all_genes)-len(gene_set))/len(gene_set))
running_sum -= math.sqrt(len(gene_set)/(len(all_genes)-len(gene_set)))
# The ES is the maximum deviation from zero encountered in the random walk; it corresponds to a weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov-like statistic
return max(scores, key=abs), scores
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
n = 1200+1 # number of genes
n_s = 80+1 # number of genes in my set of interest
genes = range(1,n) # all my genes
random.shuffle(genes) # Order the genes by correlation with clinical outcome / expression / etc.
gene_set = range(1,n_s) # the gene subset that I want to test
set_es, set_running_sum = enrichment_score(genes, gene_set)
# Calc Significance by comparing with enrichment scores of randomly picked gene sets of the same size
permutations = 1000
set_es_significance = 0
rnd_scores = np.zeros(permutations)
for i in range(1,permutations+1):
rnd_gene_set = random.sample(genes,len(gene_set))
rnd_score, __ = enrichment_score(genes, rnd_gene_set)
rnd_scores[i-1] = rnd_score
if abs(rnd_score) > abs(set_es):
set_es_significance += 1/permutations # increase if a random gene set scored higher
# Calc NES with mean of same sign enrichment scores from permutation:
set_nes = 0
set_nes_significance = 0
if set_es >= 0:
rnd_pos_scores = rnd_scores[rnd_scores >= 0]
set_nes = set_es / np.mean(rnd_pos_scores)
set_nes_significance = (rnd_pos_scores > set_es).sum()/len(rnd_pos_scores)
rnd_neg_scores = rnd_scores[rnd_scores < 0]
set_nes = set_es / abs(np.mean(rnd_neg_scores))
set_nes_significance = (rnd_neg_scores > set_es).sum()/len(rnd_neg_scores)
#Running Sum Plot
plt.axhline(linewidth=1, color='grey')
#Location of gene set in ranked list
x = np.linspace(1, n, n)
y = np.zeros(n)
i = 0
for gene in genes:
i += 1
if gene in gene_set:
y[i] = 1
plt.stem(x, y, markerfmt=' ')
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