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Created May 8, 2018 20:51
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A sample script to determine where a DN is used in the ACI object model.
Find out where a DN is used
from acitoolkit import Credentials, Session
from tabulate import tabulate
data = []
def main():
Main execution routine
description = ('Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
' and displays usage information for a given DN')
creds = Credentials('apic', description)
creds.add_argument("-d", "--dn_name",
help="DN to query for usage information")
args = creds.get()
session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
resp = session.login()
if not resp.ok:
print('%% Could not login to APIC')
url = '/api/mo/{}.json?query-target=children&target-subtree-class=relnFrom'
url = url.format(args.dn_name)
resp = session.get(url)
if resp.ok:
used_by = resp.json()['imdata']
for item in used_by:
kls = next(iter(item))
attributes = item[kls]['attributes']
data.append((attributes['tDn'], kls))
print(tabulate(data, headers=["Used by", "Class"]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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