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Created September 14, 2011 15:14
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Scala implementation of threshold edit distance
def thresholdLevenshtein(_s: String, _t: String, threshold: Int): Int = {
val (s, t) = if (_s.length > _t.length) (_s, _t) else (_t, _s)
val slen = s.length
val tlen = t.length
var prev = Array.fill[Int](tlen+1)(Int.MaxValue)
var curr = Array.fill[Int](tlen+1)(Int.MaxValue)
for (n <- 0 until math.min(tlen+1, threshold+1)) prev(n) = n
for (row <- 1 until (slen+1)) {
curr(0) = row
val min = math.min(tlen+1, math.max(1, row - threshold))
val max = math.min(tlen+1, row + threshold + 1)
// println("row[" + row + "] min=" + min + " max=" + max)
if (min > 1) curr(min-1) = Int.MaxValue
for (col <- min until max) {
curr(col) = if (s(row-1) == t(col-1)) prev(col-1)
else math.min(prev(col-1), math.min(curr(col-1), prev(col))) + 1
// println("row[" + row + "]: " + curr.mkString(" "))
prev = curr
curr = Array.fill[Int](tlen+1)(Int.MaxValue)
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