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Created March 1, 2016 17:05
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Human vs. Computer Tic Tac Toe, including revisions to
# Command-line Tic Tac Toe for HUMAN vs COMPUTER written in Python.
# Play in a terminal by running 'python'.
import random
boxes = [ ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ]
first_player = HUMAN
turn = 1
winning_combos = [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 3, 6],
[1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6], ]
def print_board(initial=False):
""" Print the game board. If this is the beginning of the game,
print out 1-9 in the boxes to show players how to pick a
box. Otherwise, update each box with X or 0 from boxes[].
{} | {} | {}
{} | {} | {}
{} | {} | {}
''').format(*([x for x in range(1, 10)] if initial else boxes))
def take_turn(player, turn):
""" Create a loop that keeps asking the current player for
their input until a valid choice is made.
while True:
if player is COMPUTER:
box = get_computer_move()
box = raw_input('Player %s, type a number from 1-9 to select a box: ' % player)
box = int(box) - 1 # subtract 1 to sync with boxes[] index numbers
except ValueError:
# Not an integer
print('That\'s not a valid number, try again.\n')
if box < 0 or box > 8:
print('That number is out of range, try again.\n')
if boxes[box] == ' ': # initial value
boxes[box] = player # set to value of current player
print('That box is already marked, try again.\n')
def get_computer_move():
""" Return a random integer from 0 to 8, inclusive
return random.randint(0,8)
def switch_player(turn):
""" Switch the player based on how many moves have been made.
X starts the game so if this turn # is even, it's 0's turn.
current_player = COMPUTER if turn % 2 == 0 else HUMAN
return current_player
def check_for_win(player, turn):
""" Check for a win (or a tie). For each combo in winning_combos[],
count how many of its corresponding squares have the current
player's mark. If a player's score count reaches 3, return a win.
If it doesn't, and this is already turn # 9, return a tie. If
neither, return False so the game continues.
if turn > 4: # need at least 5 moves before a win is possible
for combo in winning_combos:
score = 0
for index in combo:
if boxes[index] == player:
score += 1
if score == 3:
return 'win'
if turn == 9:
return 'tie'
def play(player, turn):
""" Create a loop that keeps the game in play
until it ends in a win or tie
while True:
take_turn(player, turn)
result = check_for_win(player, turn)
if result == 'win':
print('Game over. %s wins!\n' % player)
elif result == 'tie':
print('Game over. It\'s a tie.\n')
turn += 1
player = switch_player(turn)
# Begin the game:
print('\n\nWelcome to Tic Tac Toe for two humans!')
play(first_player, turn)
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Traceback (most recent call last):
line 113, in
line 21, in print_board
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'format'

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vnarendr commented Aug 4, 2020

{} | {} | {}
{} | {} | {}
{} | {} | {}

        ''').format(*([x for x in range(1, 10)] if initial else boxes))) 

use this

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is there a way to put a computer vs a computer

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