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Last active May 22, 2023 12:38
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A bash script to install all Google Fonts, system wide, on debian based systems (ex. Ubuntu)
# Written by: Keefer Rourke <>
# Based on AUR package <>
# dependancies: fonts-cantarell, ttf-ubuntu-font-family, git
sudo apt-get install fonts-cantarell ttf-ubuntu-font-family git
mkdir $srcdir
cd $srcdir
echo "Cloning Git repository..."
git clone $giturl
echo "Installing fonts..."
sudo mkdir -p $pkgdir
sudo find $srcdir -type f -name "*.ttf" -exec install -Dm644 {} $pkgdir \;
echo "Cleaning up..."
sudo find $pkgdir -type f -name "Cantarell-*.ttf" -delete \;
sudo find $pkgdir -type f -name "Ubuntu-*.ttf" -delete \;
# provides roboto
sudo apt-get --purge remove fonts-roboto
echo "Updating font-cache..."
sudo fc-cache -f > /dev/null
echo "Done!"
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@oldman20 I know this worked at the time that I wrote and published it, but that was a long time ago and I no longer use debian/ubuntu personally. Sorry I can't help.

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thanks anyway, bad news :(

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thanks anyway, bad news :(

try that one ->

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Failing due to commas in apt-get statement. Does not install Cantrell Ubuntu or Git just skips them. Also, apt-get is obsolete you could just use apt. Lastly, Personally, I would uninstall roboto before I installed anything at all.

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@skylerwebdev hey, this is just a gist — I've updated the script to remove the commas, but really — it's 4 years old and probably no longer up to date. Don't use this.

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@keeferrourke I will be steailing this gist and giving you props it still works 100% and is the only gist out there that does so! I actually went thru to the git link u have posted to googlefonts and last update was 3 days ago GREAT JOB

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ctjlewis commented Sep 7, 2020

This still works really well! The Google Fonts repo seems to be maintained @ and this still seems safe to use. Even on 20.04 fonts-cantarell and fonts-roboto are still available in universe repos. Thank you for publishing this!

If anyone wants a GUI, they can check out typecatcher:

sudo apt-get install -y typecatcher

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make the script executable, then ....


still working fine 11/05/2020

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Glad to know it still works 🎉

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mhmyu commented Jun 20, 2021

make the script executable, then ....


still working fine 11/05/2020

still working for me 06/20/2021 on ubuntu 20 04
download ZIP file > unZIP > right click > Properties > Permission > select execute : allow executing file as program > close properties > open terminal and run ./

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ctjlewis commented Aug 4, 2021

@keeferrourke, could I make a suggestion to change line 15 to git clone $giturl --depth 1 so that unnecessary git history is not cloned? Makes for a much faster install.

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Still working like a charm!

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i've create an installer for individual fonts, and for more systems, than just debian:

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