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Keefer Taylor | Tessellated keefertaylor

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{"claims":[{"url":"","timestamp":1598940348,"type":"ATTESTATION_SERVICE_URL"},{"name":"Tessellated Geometry","timestamp":1598940862,"type":"NAME"},{"timestamp":1598940912,"type":"ACCOUNT","address":"0x0339Df3FE4f5ccC864EAE8491E5c8AEc4611A631"}],"meta":{"address":"0x44a7Af700ACa1B24ECdB818dF4D202772D606Cb4","signature":"0xd248c57a791b37a0a1d37dcc7a3d60d0613556962e1462238a5d540e0d14f6d93b14716f04f45409a77780de7c9051a0cf8bb278449386e2a4cc560e29b6fba31b"}}
import smartpy as sp
TezosOracle = sp.import_script_from_url("")
# Data type that represents a signed update to the Oracle.
SignedOracleDataType = sp.TPair(sp.TSignature, TezosOracle.oracleDataType)
# An Oracle contract accepts signed updates for a list of assets.
# TODO(keefertaylor): Signature needs to be included in the asset.
import smartpy as sp
# Global types
# The type for the oracle data's map value.
# Exported as a constant as a convenience.
# TODO(keefertaylor): Signature needs to be included in the asset.
import smartpy as sp
# Global types
# The type for the oracle data's map value.
# Exported as a constant as a convenience.
const value = 25
const numBoxes = 40
for (var i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) {
console.log("Getting box " + i)
const checkbox = document.getElementsByName('secCheckbox' + i)[0]
checkbox.checked = true
const investmentsInput = document.getElementsByName('noofreinvest' + i)[0]
## Swap Space
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapspace bs=1M count=4000
sudo mkswap /swapspace
sudo chmod 600 /swapspace
sudo swapon /swapspace
sudo bash -c "echo \"/swapspace none swap defaults 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab"
# See free mem space
free -m
# Update tooling
{"claims":[{"url":"","timestamp":1590587821,"type":"ATTESTATION_SERVICE_URL"},{"name":"Tessellated Geometry","timestamp":1590587867,"type":"NAME"},{"timestamp":1590587888,"type":"ACCOUNT","address":"0x0339Df3FE4f5ccC864EAE8491E5c8AEc4611A631"}],"meta":{"address":"0x44a7Af700ACa1B24ECdB818dF4D202772D606Cb4","signature":"0x68c403cd1d08acdac463b6adc5c25d682a074b1c84e3af96e98695f0c3f53de9250da36e1f10abbdf963093c3053e74508303b217598e5fa346d321ac271c5801b"}}