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Output from 'image_blink_sincircle'
# clash (for make/vhdl/Image/Image.manifest)
# clash (for make/vhdl/Image/Image.manifest)
Loading dependencies took 2.047838812s
Applied 287 transformations
Normalisation took 0.364243634s
Netlist generation took 0.012578591s
Testbench generation took 0.000280213s
Total compilation took 2.428932468s
# vivado (for make/logo.synth.dcp)
****** Vivado v2016.2 (64-bit)
**** SW Build 1577090 on Thu Jun 2 16:32:35 MDT 2016
**** IP Build 1577682 on Fri Jun 3 12:00:54 MDT 2016
** Copyright 1986-2016 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
INFO: [Common 17-749] XILINX_TCLSTORE_USERAREA is set to '/run/user/1006/extra-dir-56252307181665/2016.2/XilinxTclStore'.
source /home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/logo.synth.tcl
# source "logo.project.tcl"
## create_project -in_memory -part xc7a200tsbg484-1
## set_property default_lib work [current_project]
## set_property target_language VHDL [current_project]
## read_vhdl -library work /home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/src/top.vhdl
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work /nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-
## read_vhdl -library work vhdl/Image/image.vhdl
## read_vhdl -library work vhdl/Image/image_blink.vhdl
## read_vhdl -library work vhdl/Image/image_blink3.vhdl
## read_vhdl -library work vhdl/Image/image_blink_sincircle.vhdl
## read_vhdl -library work vhdl/Image/image_blink_w.vhdl
## read_vhdl -library work vhdl/Image/image_types.vhdl
## read_xdc "/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/./NexysVideo_Master.xdc"
# set_param synth.vivado.isSynthRun true
# set_param synth.elaboration.rodinMoreOptions "rt::set_parameter synRetiming true"
# synth_design -top top -part xc7a200tsbg484-1
Command: synth_design -top top -part xc7a200tsbg484-1
Starting synth_design
Attempting to get a license for feature 'Synthesis' and/or device 'xc7a200t'
INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Synthesis' and/or device 'xc7a200t'
INFO: Launching helper process for spawning children vivado processes
INFO: Helper process launched with PID 10469
Starting RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:04 ; elapsed = 00:00:04 . Memory (MB): peak = 1027.230 ; gain = 142.137 ; free physical = 24090 ; free virtual = 29659
WARNING: [Synth 8-1565] actual for formal port blank is neither a static name nor a globally static expression [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
WARNING: [Synth 8-1565] actual for formal port blank is neither a static name nor a globally static expression [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
WARNING: [Synth 8-1565] actual for formal port blank is neither a static name nor a globally static expression [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
WARNING: [Synth 8-1565] actual for formal port reset is neither a static name nor a globally static expression [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
WARNING: [Synth 8-1565] actual for formal port reset is neither a static name nor a globally static expression [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
WARNING: [Synth 8-1565] actual for formal port reset is neither a static name nor a globally static expression [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
WARNING: [Synth 8-1565] actual for formal port reset is neither a static name nor a globally static expression [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
WARNING: [Synth 8-1565] actual for formal port rst is neither a static name nor a globally static expression [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/src/top.vhdl:80]
INFO: [Synth 8-638] synthesizing module 'top' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/src/top.vhdl:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-113] binding component instance 'clock_buffer' to cell 'BUFG' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/src/top.vhdl:52]
Parameter BANDWIDTH bound to: OPTIMIZED - type: string
Parameter CLKFBOUT_MULT bound to: 12 - type: integer
Parameter CLKFBOUT_PHASE bound to: 0.000000 - type: float
Parameter CLKIN_PERIOD bound to: 10.000000 - type: float
Parameter CLKOUT0_DIVIDE bound to: 24 - type: integer
Parameter CLKOUT0_DUTY_CYCLE bound to: 0.500000 - type: float
Parameter CLKOUT0_PHASE bound to: 0.000000 - type: float
Parameter CLKOUT1_DIVIDE bound to: 6 - type: integer
Parameter CLKOUT1_DUTY_CYCLE bound to: 0.500000 - type: float
Parameter CLKOUT1_PHASE bound to: 0.000000 - type: float
Parameter CLKOUT2_DIVIDE bound to: 16 - type: integer
Parameter CLKOUT2_DUTY_CYCLE bound to: 0.500000 - type: float
Parameter CLKOUT2_PHASE bound to: 0.000000 - type: float
Parameter CLKOUT3_DIVIDE bound to: 1 - type: integer
Parameter CLKOUT3_DUTY_CYCLE bound to: 0.500000 - type: float
Parameter CLKOUT3_PHASE bound to: 0.000000 - type: float
Parameter CLKOUT4_DIVIDE bound to: 1 - type: integer
Parameter CLKOUT4_DUTY_CYCLE bound to: 0.500000 - type: float
Parameter CLKOUT4_PHASE bound to: 0.000000 - type: float
Parameter CLKOUT5_DIVIDE bound to: 1 - type: integer
Parameter CLKOUT5_DUTY_CYCLE bound to: 0.500000 - type: float
Parameter CLKOUT5_PHASE bound to: 0.000000 - type: float
Parameter CLK_FEEDBACK bound to: CLKFBOUT - type: string
Parameter COMPENSATION bound to: SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS - type: string
Parameter DIVCLK_DIVIDE bound to: 1 - type: integer
Parameter REF_JITTER bound to: 0.100000 - type: float
Parameter RESET_ON_LOSS_OF_LOCK bound to: 0 - type: bool
INFO: [Synth 8-113] binding component instance 'pll_inst' to cell 'PLL_BASE' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/src/top.vhdl:61]
INFO: [Synth 8-113] binding component instance 'clock50_buffer' to cell 'BUFG' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/src/top.vhdl:83]
INFO: [Synth 8-113] binding component instance 'clock200_buffer' to cell 'BUFG' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/src/top.vhdl:88]
INFO: [Synth 8-113] binding component instance 'clock75_buffer' to cell 'BUFG' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/src/top.vhdl:93]
INFO: [Synth 8-638] synthesizing module 'pixels_to_vga' [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
INFO: [Synth 8-638] synthesizing module 'pixelstovga_pixelstovga' [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
INFO: [Synth 8-638] synthesizing module 'pixelstovga_state2d' [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
INFO: [Synth 8-256] done synthesizing module 'pixelstovga_state2d' (1#1) [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
INFO: [Synth 8-256] done synthesizing module 'pixelstovga_pixelstovga' (2#1) [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
INFO: [Synth 8-256] done synthesizing module 'pixels_to_vga' (3#1) [/nix/store/vxvzpdzdghzajdjfnkysxf6k5342a51n-video-io-]
INFO: [Synth 8-638] synthesizing module 'image' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/vhdl/Image/image.vhdl:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-638] synthesizing module 'image_blink' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/vhdl/Image/image_blink.vhdl:19]
INFO: [Synth 8-638] synthesizing module 'image_blink_sincircle' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/vhdl/Image/image_blink_sincircle.vhdl:16]
ERROR: [Synth 8-690] width mismatch in assignment; target has 64 bits, source has 128 bits [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/vhdl/Image/image_blink_sincircle.vhdl:25]
ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'image_blink_sincircle' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/vhdl/Image/image_blink_sincircle.vhdl:16]
ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'image_blink' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/vhdl/Image/image_blink.vhdl:19]
ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'image' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/vhdl/Image/image.vhdl:23]
ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'top' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/src/top.vhdl:21]
Finished RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:05 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 1066.668 ; gain = 181.574 ; free physical = 24049 ; free virtual = 29618
RTL Elaboration failed
INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Synthesis
17 Infos, 8 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 6 Errors encountered.
synth_design failed
ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: Synthesis failed - please see the console or run log file for details
INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Wed Mar 29 13:57:06 2017...
Error when running Shake build system:
* make/logo.bit
* make/logo.route.dcp
* make/logo.synth.dcp
user error (Development.Shake.cmd, system command failed
Command: vivado -mode batch -source /home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/logo.synth.tcl
Current directory: /home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make
Exit code: 1
ERROR: [Synth 8-690] width mismatch in assignment; target has 64 bits, source has 128 bits [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/vhdl/Image/image_blink_sincircle.vhdl:25]
ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'image_blink_sincircle' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/vhdl/Image/image_blink_sincircle.vhdl:16]
ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'image_blink' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/vhdl/Image/image_blink.vhdl:19]
ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'image' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/make/vhdl/Image/image.vhdl:23]
ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'top' [/home/rupert/myrtlepkgs/pkgs/fpga/logo/src/top.vhdl:21]
ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: Synthesis failed - please see the console or run log file for details
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