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Last active September 27, 2015 00:58
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  • Save keeganwitt/1186592 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save keeganwitt/1186592 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An AutoHotkey bot to maintain the optimum level of drunkenness for the drunkard title in Guild Wars.
; Author: Keegan Witt
; Last Updated: 18 Jan 2011
; Adapted from
SendMode Input
MsgBox, 0, GW Drunkard Bot, You can press Ctrl-Q anytime to quit
if ErrorLevel
SetTimer, ChangeButtonNames1, 50
MsgBox, 4, GW Drunkard Bot, What kind of alcohol would you like to drink?
IfMsgBox, YES
SetTimer, ChangeButtonNames2, 50
MsgBox, 4, GW Drunkard Bot 1 minute, What modus would you like to use?
IfMsgBox, YES
InputBox, nAles, GW Drunkard Bot 1 minute, How big is your stack?
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox, 0, GW Drunkard Bot 1 minute, Click once on your stack, do NOT drink one.
WinActivate, Guild Wars
KeyWait, LButton, D
MouseGetPos, nMouseX, nMouseY
MouseMove, %nMouseX%, %nMouseY%
Sleep, 250
Loop 4
random,randTime, 200, 250
Sleep, randTime
Click 1
random,randTime, 125, 175
Sleep, randTime
Click 1
nloop:= nAles-4
nTime:= 0
Loop %nloop%
random, randTime, 57000, 63000
random, randpixelX, 0, 9
random, randpixelY, 0, 9
If nTime <= -60000
MsgBox, 0, Tijdverlies, %nTime%
Sleep, 3000
SendInput, {enter down}
SendInput, {enter up}
Sleep, (3000 - nTime)
nTime:= 0
Sleep, randTime
Xcoord:= nMouseX - 5 + randpixelX
Ycoord:= nMouseY - 5 + randpixelY
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
MouseMove, %Xcoord%, %Ycoord%
Sleep, 250
Click 1
random,randTijd, 125, 175
Sleep, randTijd
Click 1
Sleep, 250
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
MouseMove, %Xpos%, %Ypos%
nTime:= nTime + randTime - 60000 + 750
If nTime >= 57000
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
MouseMove, %Xcoord%, %Ycoord%
Sleep, 250
Click 1
random,randTijd, 125, 175
Sleep, randTijd
Click 1
nTime:= 0
Sleep, 250
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
MouseMove, %Xpos%, %Ypos%
nTime:= 800
Sleep, 120000
Loop 5
MsgBox, 4, GW Drunkard Bot, You have consumed your alcohol, would you like to use another stack?
IfMsgBox, YES
Run, gw_drunkard_bot.ahk
InputBox, nAles, GW Drunkard Bot 1 minute, How big is your stack?
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox, 0, GW Drunkard Bot 1 minute, Click once on your stack, do NOT drink one.
WinActivate, Guild Wars
KeyWait, LButton, D
MouseGetPos, nMouseX, nMouseY
MouseMove, %nMouseX%, %nMouseY%
Sleep, 250
Loop 4
random,randTime, 200, 250
Sleep, randTime
Click 1
random,randTime, 125, 175
Sleep, randTime
Click 1
nloop:= nAles-4
nTime:= 0
Loop %nloop%
randdancetime:= 0
random, randdance, 0, 79
random, randTime, 57000, 63000
random, randpixelX, 0, 9
random, randpixelY, 0, 9
If ((randdance = 2) or (randdance = 59))
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
SendInput, {z down}
random, randdancetime, 500, 2000
Sleep, randdancetime
SendInput, {z up}
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
Else If ((randdance == 3) or (randdance = 58))
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
SendInput, {d down}
SendInput, {s down}
random, randdancetime, 500, 2000
Sleep, randdancetime
SendInput, {d up}
SendInput, {s up}
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
Else If ((randdance = 4) or (randdance = 57))
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
SendInput, {q down}
random, randdancetime, 500, 2000
Sleep, randdancetime
SendInput, {q up}
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
Else If ((randdance = 5) or (randdance = 56))
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
SendInput, {d down}
random, randdancetime, 500, 2000
Sleep, randdancetime
SendInput, {d up}
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
Else If ((randdance = 6) or (randdance = 55))
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
SendInput, {s down}
random, randdancetime, 500, 2000
Sleep, randdancetime
SendInput, {s up}
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
Else If ((randdance = 7) or (randdance = 54))
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
SendInput, {d down}
SendInput, {z down}
random, randdancetime, 500, 2000
Sleep, randdancetime
SendInput, {d up}
SendInput, {z up}
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
Else If ((randdance = 8) or (randdance = 53))
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
SendInput, {d down}
SendInput, {q down}
random, randdancetime, 500, 2000
Sleep, randdancetime
SendInput, {d up}
SendInput, {q up}
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
Else If ((randdance = 9) or (randdance = 52))
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
SendInput, {q down}
SendInput, {s down}
random, randdancetime, 500, 2000
Sleep, randdancetime
SendInput, {q up}
SendInput, {s up}
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
Else If ((randdance = 10) or (randdance = 51))
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
SendInput, {q down}
SendInput, {z down}
random, randdancetime, 500, 2000
Sleep, randdancetime
SendInput, {q up}
SendInput, {z up}
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
Else If ((randdance = 11) or (randdance = 50))
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
SendInput, {z down}
SendInput, {s down}
random, randdancetime, 500, 2000
Sleep, randdancetime
SendInput, {z up}
SendInput, {s up}
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
If nTime <= -60000
Sleep, (0-nTime)
nTime:= 0
Sleep, randTime
Xcoord:= nMouseX - 5 + randpixelX
Ycoord:= nMouseY - 5 + randpixelY
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
MouseMove, %Xcoord%, %Ycoord%
Sleep, 250
Click 1
random,randTijd, 125, 175
Sleep, randTijd
Click 1
Sleep, 250
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
MouseMove, %Xpos%, %Ypos%
nTime:= nTime + randTime - 60000 + 750 + randdancetime
if nTime >= 57000
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
MouseMove, %Xcoord%, %Ycoord%
Sleep, 250
Click 1
random,randTijd, 125, 175
Sleep, randTijd
Click 1
nTime:= 0
Sleep, 250
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
MouseMove, %Xpos%, %Ypos%
nTime:= 800
Sleep, 120000
Loop 5
MsgBox, 4, GW Drunkard Bot, You have consumed your alcohol, would you like to use another stack?
IfMsgBox, YES
Run, gw_drunkard_bot.ahk
InputBox, nAles, GW Drunkard Bot 3 minutes, How big is your stack?
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox, 0, GW Drunkard Bot 3 minutes, Click once on your stack, do NOT drink one.
WinActivate, Guild Wars
KeyWait, LButton, D
MouseGetPos, nMouseX, nMouseY
MouseMove, %nMouseX%, %nMouseY%
Click 3
nloop:= nAles - 1
Loop %nloop%
random, randTime, 180000, 183000
random, randpixelX, 0, 9
random, randpixelY, 0, 9
Sleep, randTime
Xcoord:= nMouseX - 5 + randpixelX
Ycoord:= nMouseY - 5 + randpixelY
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos, winV
WinActivate, Guild Wars
MouseMove, %Xcoord%, %Ycoord%
Sleep, 250
click 3
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %winV%
WinActivate, %title%
MouseMove, %xpos%, %ypos%
Sleep, 180000
Loop 5
MsgBox, 4, GW Drunkard Bot, You have consumed your alcohol, would you like to use another stack?
IfMsgBox, YES
Run, gw_drunkard_bot.ahk
Else {
IfWinNotExist, GW Drunkard Bot
SetTimer, ChangeButtonNames1, off
ControlSetText, Button1, &1 minute
ControlSetText, Button2, &3 minutes
IfWinNotExist, GW Drunkard Bot 1 minute
SetTimer, ChangeButtonNames2, off
ControlSetText, Button1, &Active
ControlSetText, Button2, &AFK
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