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Created January 8, 2020 08:52
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import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.util.Date;
public class DateUtils {
private DateUtils() {
* 获取当前时间戳,精确到秒
* @return
public static long getCurrSecond() {
LocalDateTime now =;
return now.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.of("+8"));
* 获取当前时间戳,精确到毫秒
* @return
public static long getCurrMillisecond() {
//LocalDateTime now =;
//return now.toInstant(ZoneOffset.of("+8")).toEpochMilli();
return System.currentTimeMillis();
* 格式化日期
* @param date 接受时间戳和 Date
* @param pattern 格式
* @return
public static String formDate(Object date, String pattern) {
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
return simpleDateFormat.format(date);
* 获取指定日期的0分0秒
* @param date
* @return
public static Date get0minAnd0SecDate(Date date) {
LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(date.toInstant(), ZoneId.systemDefault());
localDateTime = localDateTime.withMinute(0).withSecond(0).withNano(0);
return Date.from(localDateTime.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());
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