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Last active November 29, 2015 10:11
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declare module node_neo4j {
export interface PropertyContainer
// The URL of this property container.
self: string;
// Whether this property container exists in (has been persisted to) the Neo4j database.
exists: boolean;
// If this property container exists, its Neo4j integer ID.
id: number;
// This property container's properties. This is a map of key-value pairs.
data: { [key: string]: any; };
// Test whether the given object represents the same property container as this one.
equals(other: PropertyContainer): boolean;
// Delete this property container from the database.
'delete'(): void;
// A convenience alias for #delete since delete is a reserved keyword in JavaScript.
del(): void;
// Return a JSON representation of this property container, suitable for serialization.
toJSON(): any;
export interface Node extends PropertyContainer
// Return a human-readable string representation of this node, suitable for development purposes (e.g.
toString(): String;
// Persist or update this node in the database.
save(_?: Callback<Node>): void;
// Delete this node from the database.
'delete'(_?: Callback<void>, force?: boolean): void;
// Delete this node from the database.
del(_?: Callback<void>, force?: boolean): void;
// Add this node to the given index under the given key-value pair.
index(index: string, key: string, value: any, _?: Callback<void>): void;
// Delete this node from the given index, optionally under the given key or key-value pair.
unindex(index: string, key: string, value: any, _: Callback<void>): void;
// Create and "return" (via callback) a relationship of the given type, and optionally with the given properties, from this node to another node.
createRelationshipTo(otherNode: Node, type: string, data: any, cb: Callback<Relationship>): void;
// Create and "return" (via callback) a relationship of the given type, and optionally with the given properties, from another node to this node.
createRelationshipFrom(otherNode: Node, type: string, data: any, cb: Callback<Relationship>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the relationships of the given type or types from or to this node.
getRelationships(type: string, _: Callback<Relationship[]>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the relationships of the given type or types from this node.
outgoing(type: string, _: Callback<Relationship[]>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the relationships of the given type or types to this node.
incoming(type: string, _: Callback<Relationship[]>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the relationships of the given type or types from or to this node.
all(type: string, _: Callback<Relationship[]>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the nodes adjacent to this one following only relationships of the given type(s) and/or direction(s).
getRelationshipNodes(rels: string|any|string[]|any[], _: Callback<Node[]>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the shortest path, if there is one, from this node to the given node.
path(to: Node, type: string, direction: string, maxDepth?: number, algorithm?: string, _?: Callback<Path>): void;
export interface Relationship extends PropertyContainer
// The node this relationship goes from.
start: Node;
// The node this relationship goes to.
end: Node;
// This relationship's type.
'type': string;
// Return a human-readable string representation of this relationship, suitable for development purposes (e.g.
toString(): string;
// Persist or update this relationship in the database.
save(_: Callback<Relationship>): void;
// Add this relationship to the given relationship index under the given property key and value.
index(index: string, key: string, value: any, _: Callback<void>): void;
// Delete this relationship from the given index, optionally under the given key or key- value pair.
unindex(index: string, key: string, value: any, _: Callback<void>): void;
export interface Path
// The node that this path starts at.
start: Node;
// The node that this path ends at.
end: Node;
// The length of this path.
length: number;
// The nodes that make up this path.
nodes: Node[];
// The relationships that make up this path.
relationships: Relationship[];
export interface GraphDatabaseOptions
url: string;
proxy?: string;
export interface Callback<T>
(err: Error, result: T): void;
export class GraphDatabase {
// Construct a new client for the Neo4j graph database available at the given (root) URL.
constructor(url: string);
constructor(opts: GraphDatabaseOptions);
// Create and immediately return a new, unsaved node with the given properties.
createNode(data: any): Node;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the node with the given Neo4j ID.
getNodeById(id: number, _: Callback<Node>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the node indexed under the given property and value in the given index.
getIndexedNode(index: string, property: string, value: any, _: Callback<Node>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the nodes indexed under the given property and value in the given index.
getIndexedNodes(index: string, property: string, value: any, _: Callback<Node[]>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the nodes matching the given query (in Lucene syntax) from the given index.
queryNodeIndex(index: string, query: string, _: Callback<Node[]>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the relationship with the given Neo4j ID.
getRelationshipById(id: number, _: Callback<Relationship>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the relationship indexed under the given property and value in the given index.
getIndexedRelationship(index: string, property: string, value: any, _: Callback<Relationship>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the relationships indexed under the given property and value in the given index.
getIndexedRelationships(index: string, property: string, value: any, _: Callback<Relationship[]>): void;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the relationships matching the given query (in Lucene syntax) from the given index.
queryRelationshipIndex(index: string, query: string, _: Callback<Relationship[]>): void;
// Get the current existing node indexes.
getNodeIndexes(_: Callback<string[]>): void;
// Create node index.
createNodeIndex(name: string, config?: any, _?: Callback<void>): void;
// Delete a node index.
deleteNodeIndex(name: string, _?: Callback<void>): void;
// Get the current existing relationship indexes.
getRelationshipIndexes(_: Callback<string[]>): void;
// Create relationship index.
createRelationshipIndex(name: string, config?: any, _?: Callback<void>): void;
// Delete a relationship index.
deleteRelationshipIndex(name: string, _?: Callback<void>): void;
// Transforms the given node or relationship object, parsed from JSON, to its appropriate node or relationship instance.
fromJSON(obj: any): PropertyContainer;
// A "reviver" function for JSON.parse() that'll transform any serialized nodes or relationships into their appropriate instances.
reviveJSON(key: string, val: any): any;
// Fetch and "return" (via callback) the results of the given Cypher query, optionally passing along the given query parameters (recommended to avoid Cypher injection security vulnerabilities).
query<T>(query: string, params?: any, _?: Callback<T[]>): void;
// Execute and "return" (via callback) the results of the given Gremlin script, optionally passing along the given script parameters (recommended to avoid Gremlin injection security vulnerabilities).
execute<T>(script: string, params?: any, _?: Callback<T>): void;
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jpconsi commented Nov 29, 2015

Is this incomplete? Is that why you did not contribute to DefinitelyTyped ?

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