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Created March 24, 2014 14:48
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040067f0 <setcontext>:
40067f0:>......8b 54 24 04 > 0x4(%esp),%edx
40067f4:>......83 fa 00 >..cmp $0x0,%edx
40067f7:>......75 12 >..jne 400680b <setcontext+0x1b>
40067f9:> 0e 00 00 00 > $0xe,%edx
40067fe:>......52 >..push %edx
40067ff:>......e8 ec 04 00 00 > 4006cf0 <__errno>
4006804:>......5a >..pop %edx
4006805:>......89 10 > %edx,(%eax)
4006807:>......31 c0 >..xor %eax,%eax
4006809:>......48 >..dec %eax
400680a:>......c3 >..ret....
400680b:>......81 ba f8 02 00 00 ee >..cmpl $0xc0ffee,0x2f8(%edx)
4006812:>......ff c0 00.
4006815:>......74 07 > 400681e <setcontext+0x2e>
4006817:> 16 00 00 00 > $0x16,%edx
400681c:>......eb e0 > 40067fe <setcontext+0xe>
400681e:>......8b 02 > (%edx),%eax
4006820:>......25 00 00 06 00 >..and $0x60000,%eax
4006825:>......3d 00 00 06 00 >..cmp $0x60000,%eax
400682a:>......74 07 > 4006833 <setcontext+0x43>
400682c:>......52 >..push %edx
400682d:>......e8 2e 00 00 00 > 4006860 <setuctx>
4006832:>......5a >..pop %edx
4006833:>......8b 4a 4c > 0x4c(%edx),%ecx
4006836:>......8b 5a 44 > 0x44(%edx),%ebx
4006839:>......8b 7a 34 > 0x34(%edx),%edi
400683c:>......8b 72 38 > 0x38(%edx),%esi
400683f:>......8b 6a 3c > 0x3c(%edx),%ebp
4006842:>......8b 62 40 > 0x40(%edx),%esp
4006845:>......31 c0 >..xor %eax,%eax
4006847:>......ff 62 5c > *0x5c(%edx)
400684a:>......8d b6 00 00 00 00 >..lea 0x0(%esi),%esi
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