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Created November 2, 2016 03:53
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Edit to demo for R package tmap demo
# read crime data, downloaded from
tmpdir <- tempdir()
unzip("", exdir = tmpdir)
crimes <- rbind(read.csv(file.path(tmpdir, "2016-08/2016-08-city-of-london-street.csv")),
read.csv(file.path(tmpdir, "2016-08/2016-08-metropolitan-street.csv")))
# create SpatialPointsDataFrame of known locations
crimes <- crimes[!$Longitude)&!$Latitude),]
coordinates(crimes) <- ~Longitude+Latitude
crimes <- set_projection(crimes, current.projection = "longlat", projection = 27700)
# download districts borders of Greater London
download.file("", destfile=file.path(tmpdir, ""))
unzip(file.path(tmpdir, ""), exdir = tmpdir)
regions <- read_shape(file.path(tmpdir, "ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces.shp"))
london <- regions[which(regions$region == "Greater London"),]
london <- set_projection(london, projection = 27700)
# remove crimes outside Greater London
selection <- over(crimes, london)
crimes <- crimes[!$adm1_code), ]
# download rivers
download.file("", destfile=file.path(tmpdir, ""))
unzip(file.path(tmpdir, ""), exdir = tmpdir)
rivers <- read_shape(file.path(tmpdir, "ne_10m_rivers_lake_centerlines.shp"))
thames <- raster::crop(rivers,bb(london, projection = "longlat"))
# plot dot map
tm_shape(london) + tm_fill("white") +
tm_shape(crimes) + tm_dots(col = "orangered3", alpha = .1) +
tm_shape(london) + tm_borders() +
tm_shape(thames) + tm_lines(col = "steelblue", lwd = 4) +
tm_compass(position=c("left", "bottom")) +
tm_scale_bar(position=c("left", "bottom")) +
tm_style_gray(title="Crimes in Greater London\nAugust 2016")
# quick dot map
qtm(crimes, dot.alpha = .1)
# dasymetric map
crime_densities <- smooth_map(crimes, bandwidth = .5, breaks = c(0, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000), cover = london)
# crime_densities$dasy doesn't exist. Changed $dasy below to $polygons
tm_shape(crime_densities$polygons) +
tm_fill(col = "level", palette = "YlOrRd", title = "Crimes per km2") +
tm_shape(london) + tm_borders() +
tm_shape(thames) + tm_lines(col = "steelblue", lwd = 4) +
tm_compass(position = c("left", "bottom")) +
tm_scale_bar(position = c("left", "bottom")) +
tm_style_gray(title="Crimes in Greater London\nAugust 2016")
# select City of London
london_city <- london[london$name=="City",]
select_city <- over(crimes, london_city)
crimes_city <- crimes[!$adm1_code), ]
# read OSM tiles of the City of London
london_bb <- bb(london_city, projection = "longlat")
london_osm <- read_osm(london_bb, type="stamen-watercolor", zoom=13)
# small multiples of the City of London
qtm(london_osm) +
tm_shape(crimes_city) +
tm_dots(size=.2) +
# group crime types
crime_lookup <- c('Anti-social behaviour'=2,
'Bicycle theft'=1,
'Criminal damage and arson'=2,
'Other crime'=7,
'Other theft'=1,
'Possession of weapons'=3,
'Public order'=2,
'Theft from the person'=1,
'Vehicle crime'=4,
'Violence and sexual offences'=5)
crime_categories <- c("Property Crime",
"Criminal damage and anti-social behaviour",
"Possession of weapons",
"Vehicle crime",
"Violence and sexual offences",
"Other crime")
crimes_city$ <- factor(crime_lookup[crimes_city$Crime.type], labels=crime_categories)
# interactive dot map of the City of London
tm_shape(crimes_city) +
tm_dots(jitter = .2, col = "", palette = "Dark2") +
tm_view(alpha = 1, = TRUE,
basemaps = "Esri.WorldTopoMap")
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