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Last active November 3, 2016 19:49
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Minor update to tmap demo file US_choropleth.R
# is undergoing change. found the file here:
download.file("", destfile = "DataDownload.xls", mode="wb")
df <- read_excel("DataDownload.xls", sheet = "HEALTH")
# download data --- use link above as site is under construction
#download.file("", destfile = "DataDownload.xls", mode="wb")
#df <- read_excel("DataDownload.xls", sheet = "HEALTH")
# download shape
f <- tempfile()
download.file("", destfile = f)
unzip(f, exdir = ".")
US <- read_shape("gz_2010_us_050_00_20m.shp")
# append data to shape
US <- append_data(US, df, key.shp = "FIPS", = "FIPS")
# split shape
US_cont <- US[!(US$STATE %in% c("02","15","72")),]
US_AK <- US[US$STATE == "02", ]
US_HI <- US[US$STATE == "15",]
# create state boundaries
US_states <- unionSpatialPolygons(US_cont, IDs=US_cont$STATE)
# plot contiguous US
m_cont <- tm_shape(US_cont, projection=2163) +
tm_polygons("PCT_OBESE_ADULTS10", border.col = "grey50", border.alpha = .5, title="", showNA=TRUE) +
tm_shape(US_states) +
tm_borders(lwd=1, col = "black", alpha = .5) +
tm_credits("Data @ Unites States Department of Agriculture\nShape @ Unites States Census Bureau", position = c("right", "bottom")) +
tm_layout(title="2015 Adult Obesity by County, percent",
title.position = c("center", "top"),
legend.position = c("right", "bottom"),
frame = FALSE,
inner.margins = c(.1,.1,.05,.05))
# print continent
# Alaska inset
m_AK <- tm_shape(US_AK, projection = 3338) +
tm_polygons("PCT_OBESE_ADULTS10", border.col = "grey50", border.alpha = .5, breaks = seq(10, 50, by = 5)) +
tm_layout("Alaska", = FALSE, bg.color = NA, title.size = .8, frame = FALSE)
# Hawaii inset
m_HI <- tm_shape(US_HI, projection = 3759) +
tm_polygons("PCT_OBESE_ADULTS10", border.col = "grey50", border.alpha = .5, breaks=seq(10, 50, by = 5)) +
tm_layout("Hawaii", = FALSE, bg.color=NA, title.position = c("LEFT", "BOTTOM"), title.size = .8, frame=FALSE)
# print insets
print(m_AK, vp=viewport(x=.15, y=.15, width=.3, height=.3))
print(m_HI, vp=viewport(x=.4, y=.1, width=.2, height=.1))
# export to png image
save_tmap(m_cont, "./paper/figures/USchoro.png", scale=.7, width=6.125, insets_tm = list(m_AK, m_HI), insets_vp = list(viewport(x=.15, y=.15, width=.3, height=.3), viewport(x=.4, y=.1, width=.2, height=.1)))
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