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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Fixing crash of Crema app on Android 5.0

In short, open the source, change Security.addProvider(something); to Security.insertProviderAt(something, 1);


Android 5.0 (and 5.0.1) has a problem with SpongyCastle (

Crema Android App also has this problem, but it can be avoided by following instruction on the Spongy Castle home.

I already fixed mine, but can't share it due to legal issue. Instead, I share DIY fix instruction.

How to fix

  1. Get crema APK using any tool. Let me call it crema.apk.
  2. Install apktool
  3. Decompile it: apktool d crema.apk
  4. Edit crema/smali/kr/co/hancom/ebook/drm/client/keph/KEPHDRMClientAgentFactory.smali
  5. Find
invoke-static/range {v21 .. v21}, Ljava/security/Security;->addProvider(Ljava/security/Provider;)I
  1. Change it to following:
const v22, 0x1
invoke-static/range {v21 .. v22}, Ljava/security/Security;->insertProviderAt(Ljava/security/Provider;I)I
  1. Recompile: apktool b crema
  2. New APK is in crema/dist/crema.apk
  3. Sign it:
  4. (Optional) Uninstall previous one: adb uninstall
  5. Install new one: adb install crema/dist/crema.apk
  6. Run the app.
  7. Enjoy!


크레마, 안드로이드, 롤리팝, 크래시, 에러

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