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Created April 21, 2014 14:35
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Save keflavich/11144541 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import numpy as np
import warnings
r2deg = 180/np.pi
.. TODO::
When any section length is zero, that means the following values are to be
ignored. No warning is needed.
def read_lmv(fn):
Read an LMV cube file
Specification is primarily in GILDAS image_def.f90
header = {}
with open(fn,'rb') as lf:
# lf for "LMV File"
filetype =
if filetype != 'GILDAS-IMAGE':
raise TypeError("File is not a GILDAS Image file")
# fmt probably matters! Default is "r4", i.e. float32 data, but could be float64
fmt = np.fromfile(lf, dtype='int32', count=1) # 4
# number of data blocks
ndb = np.fromfile(lf, dtype='int32', count=1) # 5
gdf_type = np.fromfile(lf, dtype='int32', count=1) # 6
# Reserved Space
reserved_fill = np.fromfile(lf, dtype='int32', count=4) # 7
general_section_length = np.fromfile(lf, dtype='int32', count=1) # 11
#print "Format: ",fmt," ndb: ",ndb, " fill: ",fill," other: ",unknown
# pos 12
naxis,naxis1,naxis2,naxis3,naxis4 = np.fromfile(lf,count=5,dtype='int32')
header['NAXIS'] = naxis
header['NAXIS1'] = naxis1
header['NAXIS2'] = naxis2
header['NAXIS3'] = naxis3
header['NAXIS4'] = naxis4
# We are indexing bytes from here; CLASS indices are higher by 12
# pos 17
header['CRPIX1'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0]
header['CROTA1'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0]
header['CRVAL1'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0] * r2deg
header['CRPIX2'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0]
header['CROTA2'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0]
header['CRVAL2'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0] * r2deg
header['CRPIX3'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0]
header['CROTA3'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0]
header['CRVAL3'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0]
header['CRPIX4'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0]
header['CROTA4'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0]
header['CRVAL4'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0]
# pos 41
#print "Post-crval",lf.tell()
blank_section_length = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='int32')
if blank_section_length != 8:
warnings.warn("Invalid section length found for blanking section")
header['BLANK'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 42
header['TOLERANC'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='int32')[0] # 43 eval = tolerance
extrema_section_length = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='int32')[0] # 44
if extrema_section_length != 40:
warnings.warn("Invalid section length found for extrema section")
vmin,vmax = np.fromfile(lf,count=2,dtype='float32') # 45
xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax = np.fromfile(lf,count=6,dtype='int32') # 47
wmin,wmax = np.fromfile(lf,count=2,dtype='int32') # 53
description_section_length = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='int32')[0] # 55
if description_section_length != 72:
warnings.warn("Invalid section length found for description section")
#strings = # 56
header['BUNIT'] = # 56
header['CTYPE1'] = # 59
header['CTYPE2'] = # 62
header['CTYPE3'] = # 65
header['CTYPE4'] = # 68
header['COOSYS'] = # 71
position_section_length = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='int32') # 74
if position_section_length != 48:
warnings.warn("Invalid section length found for position section")
header['OBJNAME'] =*3) # 75
header['RA'] = np.fromfile(lf, count=1, dtype='float64')[0] * r2deg # 78
header['DEC'] = np.fromfile(lf, count=1, dtype='float64')[0] * r2deg # 80
header['GLON'] = np.fromfile(lf, count=1, dtype='float64')[0] * r2deg # 82
header['GLAT'] = np.fromfile(lf, count=1, dtype='float64')[0] * r2deg # 84
header['EQUINOX'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 86
header['PROJWORD'] = # 87
header['PTYP'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='int32')[0] # 88
header['A0'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0] # 89
header['D0'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0] # 91
header['PANG'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0] # 93
header['XAXI'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 95
header['YAXI'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 96
spectroscopy_section_length = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='int32') # 97
if spectroscopy_section_length != 48:
warnings.warn("Invalid section length found for spectroscopy section")
header['RECVR'] = # 98
header['FRES'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0] # 101
header['IMAGFREQ'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0] # 103 "FIMA"
header['REFFREQ'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float64')[0] # 105
header['VRES'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 107
header['VOFF'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 108
header['FAXI'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='int32')[0] # 109
resolution_section_length = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='int32')[0] # 110
if resolution_section_length != 12:
warnings.warn("Invalid section length found for resolution section")
#header['DOPP'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float16')[0] # 110a ???
#header['VTYP'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='int16')[0] # 110b
# integer, parameter :: vel_unk = 0 ! Unsupported referential :: planetary...)
# integer, parameter :: vel_lsr = 1 ! LSR referential
# integer, parameter :: vel_hel = 2 ! Heliocentric referential
# integer, parameter :: vel_obs = 3 ! Observatory referential
# integer, parameter :: vel_ear = 4 ! Earth-Moon barycenter referential
# integer, parameter :: vel_aut = -1 ! Take referential from data
header['BMAJ'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 111
header['BMIN'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 112
header['BPA'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 113
noise_section_length = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='int32')
if noise_section_length != 0:
warnings.warn("Invalid section length found for noise section")
header['NOISE'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 115
header['RMS'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 116
astrometry_section_length = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='int32')
if astrometry_section_length != 0:
warnings.warn("Invalid section length found for astrometry section")
header['MURA'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 118
header['MUDEC'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 119
header['PARALLAX'] = np.fromfile(lf,count=1,dtype='float32')[0] # 120
other_info = np.fromfile(lf, count=7, dtype='float32') # 121-end
if not np.all(other_info == 0):
warnings.warn("Found additional information in the last 7 bytes")
endpoint = 508
if lf.tell() != endpoint:
raise ValueError("Header was not parsed correctly")
data = np.fromfile(lf, count=naxis1*naxis2*naxis3, dtype='float32')
data[data == header['BLANK']] = np.nan
# for no apparent reason, y and z are 1-indexed and x is zero-indexed
if (wmin-1,zmin-1,ymin-1,xmin) != np.unravel_index(np.nanargmin(data),
warnings.warn("Data min location does not match that on file. "
"Possible error reading data.")
if (wmax-1,zmax-1,ymax-1,xmax) != np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(data),
warnings.warn("Data max location does not match that on file. "
"Possible error reading data.")
if np.nanmax(data) != vmax:
warnings.warn("Data max does not match that on file. "
"Possible error reading data.")
if np.nanmin(data) != vmin:
warnings.warn("Data min does not match that on file. "
"Possible error reading data.")
return data.reshape([naxis4,naxis3,naxis2,naxis1]),header
# debug
#return data.reshape([naxis3,naxis2,naxis1]), header, hdr_f, hdr_s, hdr_i, hdr_d, hdr_d_2
def read_lmv_tofits(fn):
from import fits
data,header = read_lmv(fn)
cards = [fits.header.Card(k,v) for k,v in header.iteritems()]
Header = fits.Header(cards)
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=data, header=Header)
return hdu
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hdu = read_lmv_tofits('Map_001.lmv')
hdu.writeto('Map_001.fits', output_verify='fix')

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