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Last active July 2, 2020 20:25
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import numpy as np
from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
import pylab as pl
from astropy import constants, units as u, table, stats, coordinates, wcs, log, coordinates as coord, convolution, modeling, time; from import fits, ascii
Vizier.ROW_LIMIT = 3e5
rslt = Vizier.query_constraints(catalog="II/246", GLAT='<5 & >-5', Kmag='<7', GLON='<45 | >315')[0]
crds = coordinates.SkyCoord(rslt['RAJ2000'], rslt['DEJ2000'], frame='fk5', unit=(u.deg, u.deg)).galactic
gridy,gridx = np.mgrid[-5:5:0.333, -45:45:0.333]
his,xe,ye = np.histogram2d(crds.galactic.l.wrap_at(180*u.deg).deg, crds.galactic.b.deg, bins=[gridx[0,:], gridy[:,0]])
fig = pl.figure(1)
ax = fig.gca()
pl.imshow(his.T, extent=[xe.min(),xe.max(),ye.min(),ye.max()])
ax.set_aspect('equal') #gridx.shape[1]/gridx.shape[0])
cax = fig.add_axes([0.93, 0.4, 0.02, 0.2])
ax.set_xlabel("Galactic Longitude")
ax.set_ylabel("Galactic Latitude")
ax.set_title("Number of sources with K<7 per 20x20 arcminute region")
pl.savefig("galactic_klt7_density.png", bbox_inches='tight')
for kmax in range(3,7):
kltX = rslt['Kmag'] < kmax
gridy,gridx = np.mgrid[-5:5:0.333, -45:45:0.333]
his,xe,ye = np.histogram2d(crds[kltX].galactic.l.wrap_at(180*u.deg).deg,
bins=[gridx[0,:], gridy[:,0]])
ax = fig.gca()
pl.imshow(his.T, extent=[xe.min(),xe.max(),ye.min(),ye.max()])
ax.set_aspect('equal') #gridx.shape[1]/gridx.shape[0])
cax = fig.add_axes([0.93, 0.4, 0.02, 0.2])
ax.set_xlabel("Galactic Longitude")
ax.set_ylabel("Galactic Latitude")
ax.set_title(f"Number of sources with K<{kmax} per 20x20 arcminute region")
pl.savefig(f"galactic_klt{kmax}_density.png", bbox_inches='tight')
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