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Created November 30, 2012 05:45
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MVar without deadlock -- initial try
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeOperators #-}
-- MVar without deadlock
module CheckMVar (Z(Z),S(S),(:<),Nil,ListPos,Get,Set,Session,sreturn,sbind,runSession,inSession,inS,FullMVar,EmptyMVar,newMVar,newEmptyMVar,takeMVar,putMVar) where
import qualified Control.Concurrent as C
-- | type level zero
data Z = Z
-- | type level succ
data S n = S n
-- | heterogeneous lists
data hd :< tl = hd :< tl
data Nil = Nil
-- | accessor to the hlists
class ListPos n p where
type Get n p
type Set n p e
get :: n -> p -> Get n p
set :: n -> p -> e -> Set n p e
instance ListPos Z (e :< p) where
type Get Z (e :< p) = e
type Set Z (e :< p) e' = e' :< p
get _ (e :< _) = e
set _ (_ :< p) e' = e' :< p
instance ListPos n p => ListPos (S n) (e :< p) where
type Get (S n) (e :< p) = Get n p
type Set (S n) (e :< p) e' = e :< Set n p e'
get (S n) (_ :< p) = get n p
set (S n) (e :< p) e' = e :< set n p e'
-- | parameterized monad
data Session p q a = Session {unSession::p -> IO (q, a)}
runSession :: Session Nil p () -> IO ()
runSession m = unSession m Nil >> return ()
inSession,inS :: IO a -> Session s s a
inSession m = Session (\p -> m >>= \a -> return (p, a))
inS = inSession
sbind :: Session p q a -> (a -> Session q r b) -> Session p r b
sbind m f = Session (\p -> unSession m p >>= \(q, a) -> unSession (f a) q)
sreturn :: a -> Session p p a
sreturn a = Session (\p -> return (p, a))
-- | MVar
newtype FullMVar a = FullMVar {unFullMVar::C.MVar a}
newtype EmptyMVar a = EmptyMVar {unEmptyMVar::C.MVar a}
newEmptyMVar :: Session p (EmptyMVar a :< p) ()
newEmptyMVar = Session (\p -> C.newEmptyMVar >>= \mv -> return (EmptyMVar mv :< p, ()))
newMVar :: a -> Session p (FullMVar a :< p) ()
newMVar a = Session (\p -> C.newMVar a >>= \mv -> return (FullMVar mv :< p, ()))
takeMVar :: (ListPos n p, Get n p ~ FullMVar a) => n -> Session p (Set n p (EmptyMVar a)) a
takeMVar n =
Session (\p ->
let mv = unFullMVar (get n p)
in C.takeMVar mv >>= (\a -> return (set n p (EmptyMVar mv), a)))
putMVar :: (ListPos n p, Get n p ~ EmptyMVar a) => n -> a -> Session p (Set n p (FullMVar a)) ()
putMVar n v =
Session (\p ->
let mv = unEmptyMVar (get n p)
in C.putMVar mv v >> return (set n p (FullMVar mv), ()))
-- XXX how do we handle forkIO??? Session typing discipline may help, but it is not applicable directly
-- see
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
import CheckMVar
import Prelude hiding (Monad((>>=),(>>),return,fail))
import qualified Prelude as P (Monad((>>=),(>>),return,fail))
-- rebind the do-notation!
(>>=) = sbind
m >> n = sbind m (const n)
return = sreturn
fail = error
-- type level numbers
zero = Z
one = S Z
two = S (S Z)
test1 = do
-- create a new mvar
newMVar 10
-- take from it using de Bruijn index (i.e. innermost mvar is 'zero')
x <- takeMVar zero
inS $ print x -- 10
*Main> :t test1
test1 :: Session p (EmptyMVar Integer :< p) ()
-- check that it actually rejects deadlocks
test1' = do
takeMVar zero -- type error here since 0-th mvar is empty
Couldn't match type `EmptyMVar' with `FullMVar'
In a stmt of a 'do' block: takeMVar Z
In the expression:
do { newEmptyMVar;
takeMVar Z }
In an equation for test1':
= do { newEmptyMVar;
takeMVar Z }
-- use multiple mvars!
test2 = do
-- create two new mvar
newMVar 20
newMVar "abc"
x <- takeMVar zero
inS $ print x -- abc
y <- takeMVar one
inS $ print y -- 20
*Main> :t test2
:: Session p (EmptyMVar [Char] :< (EmptyMVar Integer :< p)) ()
main =
runSession test1 P.>>
runSession test2
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