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Last active June 6, 2020 02:01
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Coroutine implementation in OCaml, with Oleg's delimited continuation. see
(* Coroutine implementation in OCaml, with Oleg's delimited continuation *)
(* see *)
module D = Delimcc
(* Coroutine yielded a value of type 'a, and will resume with some value of type 'b *)
type ('a, 'b) suspend =
| Cont of 'a * ('b, ('a,'b) suspend) D.subcont
| Finish
let start_coroutine f =
let p = D.new_prompt () in
(* a function to switch back to main thread *)
let switch_to_main x = D.take_subcont p (fun k () -> Cont(x,k))
(* start the coroutine until it suspends *)
let Cont(x,k) (*FIXME*) = D.push_prompt p (fun () -> f switch_to_main; Finish) in
let next = ref k in
(* function *)
let continue_coroutine y =
let Cont(x,k) (*FIXME*) = D.push_delim_subcont !next (fun () -> y) in
next := k;
(x, continue_coroutine)
(* example *)
let _ =
let rec hello_server f =
print_endline ("Hello, " ^ f ());
hello_server f
(* start a hello-server coroutine *)
let _, f = t.start_coroutine hello_server in
f "OCaml";
f "Nagoya";
f "keigoi";
let inc_server x f =
let rec loop x =
ignore (f x);
loop (x+1)
in loop x
(* start another coroutine *)
let x, g = t.start_coroutine (inc_server 0) in
let print = Printf.printf "got %d\n"
print (g ()); (* 1 *)
print (g ()); (* 2 *)
print (g ()); (* 3 *)
(* result:
Hello, OCaml
Hello, Nagoya
Hello, keigoi
got 0
got 1
got 2
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