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Looking for Freelance FE Work

Keila Hoover keilahoover

Looking for Freelance FE Work
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keilahoover /
Created April 9, 2018 20:33
Full Stack Express/Knex App

Full Stack Express/Knex App, simplified

In this guide substitute projectname, dbname, tablename, and colnameN for your own values.

Express Setup

  1. New repo on GitHub, choose .gitignore: Node, a license, and clone it to your machine
  2. sh: cd projectname && atom .

Strengths & Storytelling Reflections

Write 1-2 paragraphs about your StrengthsFinder themes: How have you seen yourself using these strengths at Turing? Has your understanding of these strengths changed since you first reflected on them? If so, how?

As each day rolls by, I reflect back on the expreiences, and I can safely say each of my strengths have been used in one way or another. For example, I am an Activator, which means I'm eager to get started on a task or activity so I'm ready take action in my SAB role and when pairing in a project. My understanding is about the same as before because I feel intuitively I already knew these strengths about myself sso I have been practicing them for awhile now.

Write a story about your Turing experience so far: When have you struggled? How have you dealt with struggle? When have you succeeded at Turing? How did you accomplish those successes?

Struggle. I felt the struggle the most this week. Week 4, when several tasks and to-dos are thrown at you

CSS Challenges

Challenge 1

First I created html tags for body, and 3 divs. (classes div1, div2, div3) Then in CSS, I created selectors for each tag, and added needed styles to mimic the comp. To do so, I utilized floats for the divs, and then in the body css selector, I set the margin and padding to 0 so there was no longer in space in between elements and the top of the page. I also added a small amount of margin in between the classes div2 and div3.

Challenge 1

Gear Up Questions and Answers

1. What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

First off, empathy has played the role of building confidence and love around opening up my story so others feel comfortable and understood in their own. Empathy is also innate human nature. However, with constant distraction and focus on self, much of society has forgotten what exactly empathy means. My parents and other family roots taught by action and reaction how to navigate empathy. Fast forward to my teenage years and I quickly learned empathy via trauma after my dad, what felt like suddenly, became an alcoholic and after a few years of my mom and I surviving through my dad's new self via alcohol, he passed away in a car accident. I learned more empathy than I could have ever imagined through my trauma, a blessing in disguise. Circling back to present, empathy is my passion when you come down to the root of myself. Every relationship, professional or personal, I make sure to focus

keilahoover /
Last active November 16, 2017 22:14
Professional Development

Career Development


  • Take responsibility for your mistakes
  • Dive into large open source projects to bring your features to life
  • Learn under pressure
  • Know when it’s time to give back

The above behaviors resonate with me the most for the following reasons. Taking responsibility for your mistakes may be a difficult habit to develop. However, once you break past the ego and realize owning your mistake is the best way to grow and become a better you. Also, as a developer trying to put the fault on other developers or coworkers only creates a stagnant environment for you and the team. I also enjoy (yes, enjoy) research and diving deeper in to a project or anything really. One of the most enjoyable aspects to creating, for me, is the brainstorming aspect. So I will most likely be that developer or goes in to large open source projects to bring websites and features to life. I also do best when learning and working under pressure. I focus in on the task/project and forget all disctraction

keilahoover /
Last active November 16, 2017 21:39
Turing Prework

Codepen Link

Ch. 1 & 2 HTML & CSS: design and build websites Question & Answers

  1. On a website, what is the purpose of HTML code? Describes the structure and information of each page on a website.

  2. What is the difference between an element and a tag?