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Last active November 10, 2023 05:01
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Mouse chaser test in evy
// Mouse chaser
// --- Setup constants --------
speed := 20
friction := 5
// --- State ------------------
chaserX := 0
chaserY := 0
chaserVelX := 0
chaserVelY := 0
targetX := 0
targetY := 0
// evy passes an absolute time rather than time delta
// so we store the previous time in order to calculate delta
previousTime := 0
// --- events -----------------
on move x:num y:num
targetX = x
targetY = y
on animate t:num
// calculate deltaTime
deltaTime := (t - previousTime) / 1000
previousTime = t
// -- update (time bound)
update deltaTime
// -- draw (frame bound)
col := spinColor t
clear col
// --- movement updates ------
func update dT:num
scaledFriction := 1 / (1 + dT * friction)
chaserVelX = chaserVelX * scaledFriction
chaserVelY = chaserVelY * scaledFriction
chaserX = chaserX + chaserVelX * dT
chaserY = chaserY + chaserVelY * dT
func chase
dir := direction chaserX chaserY targetX targetY
moveX := cos dir
moveY := sin dir
chaserVelX = chaserVelX + moveX * speed
chaserVelY = chaserVelY + moveY * speed
// --- drawing ---------------
func drawWorld
drawEntity "red" "darkred" chaserX chaserY 5
func drawEntity col:string strokeCol:string x:num y:num size:num
fill col
stroke strokeCol
move x y
circle size
// --- utilities ------------
func spinColor:string deg:num
deg = deg % 360
col := sprintf "hsl(%f 0%% 100%% / 2%%)" deg
return col
func constrain:num in:num minimum:num maximum:num
if in < minimum
return minimum
else if in > maximum
return maximum
return in
func direction:num x:num y:num toX:num toY:num
deltaX := toX - x
deltaY := toY - y
return atan2 deltaY deltaX
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