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Created September 27, 2016 10:00
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I just wanted to check if in ccp4 monomer library there is no cif file where dist_esd of the first atom of plane is zero
import mmtbx.monomer_library.server
from mmtbx import monomer_library
import glob
import os
mon_lib_srv = monomer_library.server.server()
cif_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.environ["CLIBD_MON"], "*/*.cif"))
for cf in cif_files:
print "failed to parse", cf
print "parsed", cf
for k in mon_lib_srv.comp_comp_id_dict:
plane_atoms = mon_lib_srv.comp_comp_id_dict[k].plane_atom_list
if not plane_atoms: continue
tmp = {}
for pa in plane_atoms:
tmp.setdefault(pa.plane_id, []).append(pa)
for pid in tmp:
if tmp[pid][0].dist_esd < 0.01:
print "=>", k, tmp[pid][0].show()
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